Este dividendul Teradyne sigur?
Teradyne crește dividendul de 2 ani.
În ultimii 10 ani, Teradyne a crescut aceasta cu 10,305 % anual.
Pe o perioadă de 5 ani, distribuția a crescut cu 5,922 %.
Analiștii estimează pentru anul fiscal curent o creștere de Creșterea dividendelor% de 12,442%.
Teradyne Aktienanalyse
Ce face Teradyne?
The company Teradyne Inc. is a leading global provider of automated testing systems. The company was founded in 1960 by Alexander Teradyne and is headquartered in North Reading, Massachusetts, USA. Teradyne has been a key player in the semiconductor industry since its inception and has expanded its offerings in the last few decades to cover a wider range of industries and applications.
Teradyne's business model involves offering state-of-the-art automation solutions for the manufacturing and testing of semiconductors, electronic devices, and systems. The company leverages its extensive experience and expertise in automation to enable customers worldwide to achieve fast and accurate production and commissioning of their products.
Teradyne is divided into four business segments: Semiconductor, Automated Test Systems, Robotics, and Digital Transformation. Each segment focuses on specific technologies and applications and provides a variety of products and services.
In the semiconductor segment, Teradyne is a leading provider of testing and inspection equipment for the semiconductor industry. The company offers innovative solutions for testing and inspecting semiconductor chips, modules, and systems. Teradyne is a key supplier to semiconductor companies that produce advanced microprocessors, memory, and communication chips.
Automated test systems are one of Teradyne's core competencies. As a global leader in automated test systems, the company offers a wide range of products for electronic manufacturing and testing. These systems include testing and measurement equipment, software, and accessories to ensure a reliable and efficient testing environment.
Robotics is another important pillar of Teradyne's business. The company offers a variety of robotics solutions for a wide range of industries, including automotive, aerospace, and logistics. These systems are tailored to the specific needs of customers and leverage cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide advanced and reliable robotics solutions.
Lastly, Teradyne has recently created a new business segment dedicated to digital transformation. The company develops advanced software and IT solutions aimed at improving the efficiency, reliability, and performance of manufacturing and testing processes. These solutions include artificial intelligence and machine learning, IoT technologies, as well as cloud and mobility-enabled technologies.
Overall, Teradyne offers a comprehensive range of innovative solutions for the manufacturing and testing of electronics, robotics, and other industry-leading applications. With its wide range of products and services, Teradyne is well-positioned to provide customers around the world with fast, accurate, and efficient automation solutions. Teradyne este una dintre cele mai populare companii pe de economii în acțiuni oferă o oportunitate atractivă pentru investitori de a construi avere pe termen lung. Unul dintre principalele avantaje este așa-numitul efect de medie a costurilor: investind regulat o sumă fixă în acțiuni sau fonduri de acțiuni, se cumpără automat mai multe părți când prețurile sunt scăzute și mai puține când sunt ridicate. Acest lucru poate duce la un preț mediu pe acțiune mai avantajos pe parcursul timpului. În plus, planurile de economii în acțiuni permit și investitorilor cu bugete mici accesul la acțiuni scumpe, deoarece pot participa cu sume mici. Investiția regulată promovează, de asemenea, o strategie de investiții disciplinată și ajută la evitarea deciziilor emoționale, cum ar fi cumpărarea sau vânzarea impulsivă. În plus, investitorii beneficiază de potențiala creștere în valoare a acțiunilor, precum și de distribuirile de dividende care pot fi reinvestite, amplificând efectul de dobândă compusă și astfel creșterea capitalului investit.
Acțiunea Teradyne este disponibilă pentru planuri de economii la următorii furnizori: Trade Republic