Merck KGaA AAQS 2024
Merck KGaA are un AAQS curent de 7. Un AAQS ridicat poate fi considerat ca un indiciu pozitiv că întreprinderea se dezvoltă cu succes. Investitorii pot presupune că întreprinderea este pe drumul cel bun pentru a realiza profituri. Pe de altă parte, este important să se evalueze AAQS-ul acțiunii Merck KGaA în comparație cu profiturile generate și cu alte companii din aceeași industrie. Un AAQS ridicat nu este o garanție absolută pentru un viitor pozitiv. Numai așa se poate obține o imagine completă a performanței întreprinderii. Pentru a putea evalua mai bine evoluția întreprinderii, este esențial să se compare AAQS-ul cu cel al altor companii din aceeași industrie. În general, investitorii ar trebui să analizeze AAQS-ul unei întreprinderi în contextul altor indicatori financiari precum profitul, EBIT, fluxul de numerar și alții, pentru a lua o decizie de investiții bine fundamentată.
Merck KGaA Aktienanalyse
Ce face Merck KGaA?
Merck is one of the oldest and most well-known companies in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry. It was founded as a pharmacy in Darmstadt in 1668 and has since developed into a global company that is successful worldwide. Merck's business model is based on various business areas, all of which are based on scientific research and innovation. The three main business areas are the Life Science, Healthcare, and Performance Materials divisions, all of which focus on providing products and services for a wide range of industries. Life Science is Merck's largest business area, focusing on providing materials, products, instruments, and services for scientific research and biopharmaceutical production. The company offers a wide range of products that focus on the work of researchers and scientists in molecular biology, cell technology, and genomics. Healthcare is another important business area for Merck, focusing on the manufacture and marketing of innovative drugs and treatments for patients. The company offers products for the treatment of diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, and schizophrenia. Performance Materials is Merck's third business area, specializing in the production of materials and technologies for various industries such as the automotive industry, electronics, and packaging. The company focuses on the development of innovative materials such as liquid crystals and organic photovoltaic materials. Merck is also known for its research and development, and the company invests significant resources in developing new products and technologies. This is also evident in the extensive portfolio of products offered by Merck. The company offers a wide range of products ranging from laboratory and analysis equipment to pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals to specialty chemicals. An example of an important product from Merck is the rheumatoid arthritis drug Remicade, which was developed in collaboration with Johnson & Johnson. Merck is also one of the leading manufacturers of liquid crystals for use in displays and electronic devices. Merck is a company committed to social responsibility and sustainability. The company is involved in many areas, including environmental, social, and governance issues. Merck is committed to developing sustainable products and technologies and is dedicated to promoting education, health, and social justice in the communities where it operates. Overall, Merck is a leading company in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, known for its innovation, research and development, as well as its social responsibility and sustainability. With currently approximately 58,000 employees and annual sales of 17.4 billion euros, the global company network is represented in 67 countries and demonstrates the quality and capabilities of the company worldwide. Merck KGaA ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf KGaA Cifra de afaceri pe segment
În raportul anual al acțiunii Merck KGaA (DE0006599905, 659990, MRK.DE), își împarte veniturile în 3 segmente: 1. Life Science, 2. Healthcare, 3. Performance Materials. Acțiunea Merck KGaA (WKN: 659990, ISIN: DE0006599905, simbol Ticker: MRK.DE) este un investiție de frunte pentru investitorii interesați de participarea în sectorul Health Care.
42 % Life Science
42 % Healthcare
16 % Performance Materials
Întrebări frecvente despre acțiunea Merck KGaA
Acțiunea Merck KGaA este disponibilă pentru planuri de economii la următorii furnizori: Trade Republic, ING, Scalable Capital și Consorsbank
Andere Kennzahlen von Merck KGaA
Analiza noastră a acțiunilor pentru acțiunea Merck KGaA Vânzări include indicatori financiari importanți precum cifra de afaceri, profitul, raportul preț/profit (P/E), raportul preț/venit (P/S), EBIT, precum și informații referitoare la dividend. De asemenea, examinăm aspecte precum acțiunile, capitalizarea de piață, datoriile, capitalul propriu și obligațiile companiei Merck KGaA Vânzări. Dacă căutați informații mai detaliate legate de aceste subiecte, vă oferim pe paginile noastre secundare analize amănunțite.
- Merck KGaA Vânzări
- Merck KGaA Profit
- Merck KGaA P/E
- Merck KGaA Cifra de afaceri pe acțiune (KUV)
- Merck KGaA EBIT
- Merck KGaA Dividend
- Merck KGaA Acțiuni
- Merck KGaA Capitalizare de piață
- Merck KGaA Datorie
- Merck KGaA Datorii
- Merck KGaA Capital propriu
- Merck KGaA AAQS
- Merck KGaA Angajați
- Merck KGaA ROE
- Merck KGaA ROA
- Merck KGaA ROCE