nicht abtrennbare Kosten Definition
Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff nicht abtrennbare Kosten für Deutschland.

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Vanaf 2 € veiliggesteld "Nicht abtrennbare Kosten" is a term commonly used in the field of capital markets, specifically in the context of cost allocation and financial analysis.
In English, it translates to "indivisible costs" or "non-separable costs." These costs refer to the expenses that cannot be attributed or allocated to a specific product, service, or segment within a company or investment portfolio. In capital markets, understanding the concept of non-separable costs is crucial for accurate financial analysis, cost management, and decision-making. Such costs are often incurred in the production or provision of multiple products or services, making it difficult to allocate them accurately. Indivisible costs can include shared administrative expenses, research and development costs, legal fees, collective marketing efforts, and infrastructure expenses that benefit the entire organization or investment portfolio. These costs are typically incurred at the corporate level and are not directly tied to a specific revenue-generating activity. As a result, they cannot be easily allocated to individual products, services, or business units. For example, in the case of a diversified investment fund that holds various stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments, the fund incurs administrative expenses. These costs, such as staff salaries, legal fees, and office rent, are non-separable costs since they cannot be exclusively attributed to any specific investment within the portfolio. Instead, such costs are incurred to support the overall management and operation of the fund. From a financial analysis perspective, it is important to recognize and understand non-separable costs to ensure accurate evaluation of profitability and performance. By correctly identifying these costs and their nature, investors and analysts can make informed decisions regarding cost control, pricing strategies, resource allocation, and overall portfolio management. In conclusion, "nicht abtrennbare Kosten" or indivisible costs are the expenses that cannot be specifically allocated to a particular product, service, or segment within an organization or investment portfolio. Recognizing and analyzing these costs is crucial for accurate financial analysis and decision-making in capital markets. On, a leading platform for equity research and finance news, you can find a comprehensive glossary that covers important terms like "nicht abtrennbare Kosten." Our aim is to provide investors in capital markets with the world's best and most extensive lexicon. Whether you are interested in stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, or cryptocurrencies, our glossary will serve as your go-to resource for understanding industry-specific terms. With our focus on providing professional, accurate, and well-optimized content, is your trusted source for all your investment and financial needs.Fiskalismus
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