Doe de beste investeringen van je leven
Italië Geldzendingen
De huidige waarde van de Geldzendingen in Italië is 110,657 mln. EUR. De Geldzendingen in Italië daalden naar 110,657 mln. EUR op 1-9-2024, nadat het 115,737 mln. EUR was op 1-6-2024. Van 1-3-1995 tot 1-9-2024 was het gemiddelde BBP in Italië 135,26 mln. EUR. Het hoogste punt werd bereikt op 1-12-2000 met 202,52 mln. EUR, terwijl de laagste waarde werd geregistreerd op 1-9-2018 met 77,46 mln. EUR.
Geldzendingen ·
Overschrijvingen | |
1-3-1995 | 132,88 mln. EUR |
1-6-1995 | 119,17 mln. EUR |
1-9-1995 | 121,74 mln. EUR |
1-12-1995 | 109,74 mln. EUR |
1-3-1996 | 107,87 mln. EUR |
1-6-1996 | 124,32 mln. EUR |
1-9-1996 | 126,15 mln. EUR |
1-12-1996 | 117,01 mln. EUR |
1-3-1997 | 128,23 mln. EUR |
1-6-1997 | 153,49 mln. EUR |
1-9-1997 | 178,72 mln. EUR |
1-12-1997 | 142,79 mln. EUR |
1-3-1998 | 132,28 mln. EUR |
1-6-1998 | 130,22 mln. EUR |
1-9-1998 | 142,62 mln. EUR |
1-12-1998 | 147,78 mln. EUR |
1-3-1999 | 140,02 mln. EUR |
1-6-1999 | 175,57 mln. EUR |
1-9-1999 | 169,50 mln. EUR |
1-12-1999 | 183,34 mln. EUR |
1-3-2000 | 182,09 mln. EUR |
1-6-2000 | 192,82 mln. EUR |
1-9-2000 | 185,75 mln. EUR |
1-12-2000 | 202,52 mln. EUR |
1-3-2001 | 166,53 mln. EUR |
1-6-2001 | 190,92 mln. EUR |
1-9-2001 | 188,93 mln. EUR |
1-12-2001 | 185,03 mln. EUR |
1-3-2002 | 174,05 mln. EUR |
1-6-2002 | 166,94 mln. EUR |
1-9-2002 | 151,11 mln. EUR |
1-12-2002 | 142,87 mln. EUR |
1-3-2003 | 130,22 mln. EUR |
1-6-2003 | 127,82 mln. EUR |
1-9-2003 | 140,10 mln. EUR |
1-12-2003 | 128,72 mln. EUR |
1-3-2004 | 113,60 mln. EUR |
1-6-2004 | 123,77 mln. EUR |
1-9-2004 | 123,53 mln. EUR |
1-12-2004 | 116,00 mln. EUR |
1-3-2005 | 111,56 mln. EUR |
1-6-2005 | 138,52 mln. EUR |
1-9-2005 | 117,47 mln. EUR |
1-12-2005 | 124,37 mln. EUR |
1-3-2006 | 118,50 mln. EUR |
1-6-2006 | 129,67 mln. EUR |
1-9-2006 | 139,09 mln. EUR |
1-12-2006 | 135,92 mln. EUR |
1-3-2007 | 134,37 mln. EUR |
1-6-2007 | 150,64 mln. EUR |
1-9-2007 | 139,10 mln. EUR |
1-12-2007 | 139,12 mln. EUR |
1-3-2008 | 108,62 mln. EUR |
1-6-2008 | 105,20 mln. EUR |
1-9-2008 | 98,85 mln. EUR |
1-12-2008 | 113,67 mln. EUR |
1-3-2009 | 97,37 mln. EUR |
1-6-2009 | 102,74 mln. EUR |
1-9-2009 | 106,23 mln. EUR |
1-12-2009 | 106,16 mln. EUR |
1-3-2010 | 96,92 mln. EUR |
1-6-2010 | 107,83 mln. EUR |
1-9-2010 | 117,67 mln. EUR |
1-12-2010 | 112,71 mln. EUR |
1-3-2011 | 113,91 mln. EUR |
1-6-2011 | 118,97 mln. EUR |
1-9-2011 | 112,64 mln. EUR |
1-12-2011 | 132,90 mln. EUR |
1-3-2012 | 107,59 mln. EUR |
1-6-2012 | 123,55 mln. EUR |
1-9-2012 | 135,13 mln. EUR |
1-12-2012 | 120,20 mln. EUR |
1-3-2013 | 134,22 mln. EUR |
1-6-2013 | 141,94 mln. EUR |
1-9-2013 | 152,45 mln. EUR |
1-12-2013 | 140,89 mln. EUR |
1-3-2014 | 144,20 mln. EUR |
1-6-2014 | 151,99 mln. EUR |
1-9-2014 | 164,79 mln. EUR |
1-12-2014 | 150,00 mln. EUR |
1-3-2015 | 161,58 mln. EUR |
1-6-2015 | 190,37 mln. EUR |
1-9-2015 | 184,12 mln. EUR |
1-12-2015 | 192,92 mln. EUR |
1-3-2016 | 164,68 mln. EUR |
1-6-2016 | 136,33 mln. EUR |
1-9-2016 | 147,37 mln. EUR |
1-12-2016 | 178,98 mln. EUR |
1-3-2017 | 153,51 mln. EUR |
1-6-2017 | 170,36 mln. EUR |
1-9-2017 | 159,99 mln. EUR |
1-12-2017 | 165,00 mln. EUR |
1-3-2018 | 114,33 mln. EUR |
1-6-2018 | 124,39 mln. EUR |
1-9-2018 | 77,46 mln. EUR |
1-12-2018 | 130,23 mln. EUR |
1-3-2019 | 117,08 mln. EUR |
1-6-2019 | 125,62 mln. EUR |
1-9-2019 | 120,66 mln. EUR |
1-12-2019 | 129,63 mln. EUR |
1-3-2020 | 103,78 mln. EUR |
1-6-2020 | 104,27 mln. EUR |
1-9-2020 | 140,00 mln. EUR |
1-12-2020 | 128,89 mln. EUR |
1-3-2021 | 109,68 mln. EUR |
1-6-2021 | 116,33 mln. EUR |
1-9-2021 | 113,43 mln. EUR |
1-12-2021 | 122,02 mln. EUR |
1-3-2022 | 111,49 mln. EUR |
1-6-2022 | 118,77 mln. EUR |
1-9-2022 | 118,45 mln. EUR |
1-12-2022 | 128,67 mln. EUR |
1-3-2023 | 116,70 mln. EUR |
1-6-2023 | 121,64 mln. EUR |
1-9-2023 | 117,21 mln. EUR |
1-12-2023 | 125,36 mln. EUR |
1-3-2024 | 113,60 mln. EUR |
1-6-2024 | 115,74 mln. EUR |
1-9-2024 | 110,66 mln. EUR |
Geldzendingen Historie
Datum | Waarde |
1-9-2024 | 110,657 mln. EUR |
1-6-2024 | 115,737 mln. EUR |
1-3-2024 | 113,597 mln. EUR |
1-12-2023 | 125,36 mln. EUR |
1-9-2023 | 117,207 mln. EUR |
1-6-2023 | 121,639 mln. EUR |
1-3-2023 | 116,696 mln. EUR |
1-12-2022 | 128,673 mln. EUR |
1-9-2022 | 118,452 mln. EUR |
1-6-2022 | 118,767 mln. EUR |
Vergelijkbare macro-economische indicatoren voor Geldzendingen
Naam | Momenteel | Vorig | Frequentie |
🇮🇹 aardgasimporten | 183.624,36 Terajoule | 206.534,968 Terajoule | Maandelijks |
🇮🇹 Buitenlandse directe investeringen | 4,582 mld. EUR | -5,279 mld. EUR | Maandelijks |
🇮🇹 Buitenlandse schuld | 2,626 Biografie. EUR | 2,585 Biografie. EUR | Kwartaal |
🇮🇹 Buitenlandse schuld ten opzichte van het BBP | 121 % of GDP | 120 % of GDP | Kwartaal |
🇮🇹 Exporten | 49,334 mld. EUR | 53,807 mld. EUR | Maandelijks |
🇮🇹 Goudreserves | 2.451,84 Tonnes | 2.451,84 Tonnes | Kwartaal |
🇮🇹 Handelsbalans | 5,98 mld. EUR | 3,995 mld. EUR | Maandelijks |
🇮🇹 Handelsvoorwaarden | 104,9 points | 104,4 points | Maandelijks |
🇮🇹 Importen | 43,353 mld. EUR | 49,812 mld. EUR | Maandelijks |
🇮🇹 Kapitaalstromen | 12,754 mld. EUR | 4,468 mld. EUR | Maandelijks |
🇮🇹 Lopende rekening | 4,228 mld. EUR | -493,241 mln. EUR | Maandelijks |
🇮🇹 Lopende rekening ten opzichte van BBP. | 1,1 % of GDP | 0 % of GDP | Jaarlijks |
🇮🇹 Ruwe olieproductie | 87 BBL/D/1K | 84 BBL/D/1K | Maandelijks |
🇮🇹 Terrorisme-index | 1,447 Points | 3,29 Points | Jaarlijks |
🇮🇹 Toerisme-inkomsten | 2,939 mld. EUR | 2,668 mld. EUR | Maandelijks |
🇮🇹 Toeristenaankomsten | 2,598 mln. Persons | 2,666 mln. Persons | Maandelijks |
🇮🇹 Wapenverkopen | 1,437 mld. SIPRI TIV | 1,716 mld. SIPRI TIV | Jaarlijks |
In Italië verwijst de term "overmakingen" naar de inkomende overdrachten van inkomsten van migranten en kortetermijnwerknemers (persoonlijke overmakingen).
Makropagina's voor andere landen in Europa
- 🇦🇱Albanië
- 🇦🇹Oostenrijk
- 🇧🇾Wit-Rusland
- 🇧🇪België
- 🇧🇦Bosnië en Herzegovina
- 🇧🇬Bulgarije
- 🇭🇷Kroatië
- 🇨🇾Cyprus
- 🇨🇿Tsjechische Republiek
- 🇩🇰Denemarken
- 🇪🇪Estland
- 🇫🇴Faeröer
- 🇫🇮Finland
- 🇫🇷Frankrijk
- 🇩🇪Nederland
- 🇬🇷Griekenland
- 🇭🇺Hongarije
- 🇮🇸Eiland
- 🇮🇪Ierland
- 🇽🇰Kosovo
- 🇱🇻Letland
- 🇱🇮Liechtenstein
- 🇱🇹Litouwen
- 🇱🇺Luxemburg
- 🇲🇰Noord-Macedonië
- 🇲🇹Malta
- 🇲🇩Moldavië
- 🇲🇨Monaco
- 🇲🇪Montenegro
- 🇳🇱Nederland
- 🇳🇴Noorwegen
- 🇵🇱Polen
- 🇵🇹Portugal
- 🇷🇴Roemenië
- 🇷🇺Rusland
- 🇷🇸Servië
- 🇸🇰Slowakije
- 🇸🇮Slovenië
- 🇪🇸Spanje
- 🇸🇪Zweden
- 🇨🇭Zwitserland
- 🇺🇦Oekraïne
- 🇬🇧Verenigd Koninkrijk
- 🇦🇩Andorra
Wat is Geldzendingen
Remittances, in Dutch commonly referred to as "overmaking van geld," are a crucial component of the global macroeconomic landscape. At Eulerpool, we aim to provide a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of this significant economic category, which is vital for professionals, policymakers, and academics alike. Remittances refer to the funds that individuals working abroad send back to their home countries. These monetary transfers often serve as a lifeline for families and communities, contributing to household incomes and stimulating local economies. On a macroeconomic level, remittances can significantly impact national economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (BBP), foreign exchange reserves, and economic stability. In the context of the Dutch economy, remittances have both direct and indirect implications. For countries that receive a substantial amount of remittances, these inflows can reduce poverty, improve living conditions, and enhance access to essential services such as education and healthcare. From a macroeconomic perspective, remittances can lead to increased consumption, savings, and investment, thereby fostering economic growth. Moreover, remittances can help balance the trade deficits of recipient countries. When nations face a shortfall in their balance of payments due to high import levels exceeding export revenues, remittances can provide the necessary foreign capital to mitigate these imbalances. This influx of foreign currency helps stabilize the national economy and can often be more reliable than foreign direct investment (FDI) or development aid, which are subject to geopolitical considerations and market fluctuations. In the context of global migration patterns, remittances often reflect the broader socio-economic conditions. For instance, economic downturns in host countries can lead to a decrease in remittance flows, thereby affecting the economic stability of countries dependent on these funds. Conversely, economic growth and rising incomes in host countries generally lead to an increase in remittance transfers. The impact of remittances can also be observed through social and infrastructure development. Remittances contribute to higher living standards by allowing households to afford better housing, access to quality education, and improved healthcare services. This improved quality of life can lead to a more productive workforce, which further fuels economic development. A notable aspect of remittances is their counter-cyclical nature. In times of economic crisis, remittances tend to increase as expatriates send more money to support their families back home. This behavior makes remittances a relatively stable and predictable source of income for many developing nations. Unlike other forms of financial inflows, such as foreign direct investment or portfolio investments, which can be highly volatile, remittances tend to be more resilient during economic downturns. However, it is essential to recognize the challenges and limitations associated with remittances. The cost of sending remittances can be prohibitively high due to transaction fees, foreign exchange costs, and regulatory hurdles. Efforts to reduce these costs by leveraging technological advancements in fintech, such as mobile money transfers and blockchain solutions, are crucial for maximizing the benefits of remittances. Additionally, while remittances contribute to economic stability and growth, they are not a panacea for structural economic issues. Overreliance on remittances can create a dependency syndrome, where recipient countries may neglect critical economic reforms necessary for sustainable development. Therefore, it is essential for policymakers to view remittances as a complement rather than a substitute for sound economic policies. From a macroeconomic policy perspective, efforts to enhance financial literacy among migrant workers and their families can improve the efficient use of remittances. By promoting savings and productive investments, remittances can contribute to long-term economic development rather than merely addressing immediate consumption needs. At Eulerpool, we provide detailed data and analytical tools to track remittance flows, their macroeconomic impacts, and trends over time. Our platform allows users to examine remittance data in conjunction with other economic indicators, offering a holistic view of the economic landscape. By utilizing our resources, stakeholders can make informed decisions and develop strategies that harness the potential of remittances for sustainable economic development. In summary, remittances are a vital element of the global economy, with far-reaching implications for macroeconomic stability, poverty alleviation, and socio-economic development. At Eulerpool, we are committed to providing reliable and comprehensive data on remittance flows, enabling a deeper understanding of their macroeconomic significance. As the world continues to experience dynamic shifts in migration and economic conditions, the role of remittances in shaping economic outcomes remains ever more pertinent. By leveraging our analytical insights, stakeholders can better navigate the complexities of remittances and align their strategies with broader economic objectives.