Is het Fair Isaac dividend veilig?
Fair Isaac verhoogt het dividend al 1 jaar.
Binnen de laatste 10 jaar heeft Fair Isaac deze met jaarlijks 0 % verlaagd verhoogd.
Op 5-jaarsbasis is de uitkering met daalde toegenomen met 0 %.
De analisten verwachten voor het lopende boekjaar een Dividendverlaging van 0%.
Fair Isaac Aktienanalyse
Wat doet Fair Isaac?
The Fair Isaac Corporation, also known as FICO, is a US company founded in 1956. The company initially specialized in data processing, but later evolved into a provider of analytical solutions and tools.
The main focus of FICO's business is the development of credit scores and decision-making software in various industries such as financial services, retail, and healthcare. FICO also has a rapidly growing division for artificial intelligence (AI).
FICO is headquartered in San Jose, California, and employs over 4,000 people worldwide. The company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and has a market value of approximately $8.5 billion.
FICO's business model is based on the use of data and analytical tools. The company collects data from various sources and uses algorithms to detect patterns and make predictions. This information is then provided to customers in various industries to support decision-making.
FICO is most well-known for its credit scores, which are used by many lenders and intermediaries around the world. Credit scores help lenders assess the credit risk of potential borrowers. FICO calculates credit scores based on data such as reliable loan repayment history, length of credit history, and amount of remaining debt.
In addition, FICO also offers various analytical solutions and tools to support decision-making in other industries. For example, the company provides solutions for fraud prevention, optimization of marketing and sales activities, compliance with regulations, and improvement of customer satisfaction processes.
FICO operates in three main divisions: FICO Scores, FICO Decisions Management, and FICO Advanced Analytics.
The FICO Scores division is the most well-known area of the company and includes credit scores used by lenders and intermediaries in over 25 countries worldwide. FICO Scores are also used by many other companies to assess the credit risk of customers in various industries.
The FICO Decisions Management division offers solutions for business process control and decision support in various industries, from financial services to healthcare. FICO's tools enable companies to effectively use data and make informed decisions.
The FICO Advanced Analytics division specializes in the development of AI, machine learning, and other advanced analytical tools. The company uses these technologies to find patterns in data and make predictions that help customers make decisions.
In summary, the Fair Isaac Corporation is a leading company in the field of data analysis. FICO Scores are widely recognized and used by many lenders to assess the credit risk of potential borrowers. Additionally, the company offers analytical solutions and tools for various industries and has a rapidly growing AI division. Fair Isaac is een van de populairste bedrijven op spaarplannen bieden een aantrekkelijke mogelijkheid voor beleggers om op de lange termijn vermogen op te bouwen. Een van de belangrijkste voordelen is het zogenaamde cost-average-effect: door regelmatig een vast bedrag in aandelen of aandelenfondsen te investeren, koopt men automatisch meer aandelen wanneer de prijzen laag zijn, en minder wanneer ze hoog zijn. Dit kan leiden tot een voordeligere gemiddelde prijs per aandeel over de tijd. Bovendien maken aandelen spaarplannen het ook voor kleine beleggers mogelijk om toegang te krijgen tot dure aandelen, aangezien ze al met kleine bedragen kunnen deelnemen. De regelmatige investering bevordert ook een gedisciplineerde beleggingsstrategie en helpt emotionele beslissingen, zoals impulsief kopen of verkopen, te voorkomen. Daarnaast profiteren beleggers van de potentiële waardestijging van de aandelen en van dividenduitkeringen die herinvesteerd kunnen worden, wat het effect van samengestelde interest versterkt en daarmee de groei van het geïnvesteerde kapitaal.
De Fair Isaac aandeel kan als een spaarplan gebruikt worden bij de volgende aanbieders: Trade Republic