einfacher Diebstahl Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff einfacher Diebstahl für Deutschland.

einfacher Diebstahl Definition

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einfacher Diebstahl

Definition: Einfacher Diebstahl Einfacher Diebstahl, translated as "simple theft" in English, is a legal term that refers to the typical act of stealing without any additional elements that would escalate the crime's severity.

In Germany, einfacher Diebstahl is classified as a specific offense under Section 242 of the German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch), which addresses theft as a general criminal act. According to German law, einfacher Diebstahl occurs when an individual intentionally appropriates movable property belonging to another person without their consent and with the intent to permanently deprive the rightful owner of their possession. This offense encompasses various forms of theft, such as shoplifting, pickpocketing, or stealing personal belongings. To be considered einfacher Diebstahl, the act must meet specific criteria. Firstly, there must be a dishonest intent, indicating that the offender consciously aims to obtain someone else's property unlawfully. Additionally, the stolen object should be tangible and movable, such as a physical item or currency, excluding land or real estate. Einfacher Diebstahl is distinct from other theft-related offenses with aggravated circumstances, such as robbery (Raub) or burglary (Einbruchsdiebstahl). While these offenses involve accompanying elements, such as violence, threat, or breaking into premises, einfacher Diebstahl refers solely to the act of taking property without substantial aggravations. The consequences of einfacher Diebstahl vary based on the specific circumstances, including the value of the stolen property and the criminal background of the offender. As a minor offense, it is generally punishable by fines or imprisonment for up to five years, depending on the severity of the act. In certain cases, mitigating factors can lead to decreased penalties. Einfacher Diebstahl plays a significant role within the financial sector as well. Investors in capital markets should remain aware of the potential risks associated with theft, particularly when it comes to safeguarding their physical assets, financial instruments, and confidential information. Implementing robust security measures, such as encrypted data transmissions, secure storage facilities, and reputable custody providers, can help mitigate the risk of einfacher Diebstahl and protect investors' interests. With the abundance of investment opportunities in stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and crypto, understanding legal terminology is crucial for investors navigating the complex world of capital markets. Eulerpool.com, as a leading platform for equity research and finance news, offers a comprehensive glossary where professionals and newcomers alike can access accurate definitions and explanations of key terms. Our glossary strives to provide investors with authoritative and easily comprehensible information, allowing them to make informed decisions and effectively manage their investment portfolios. Explore Eulerpool.com today for a wide range of financial resources, including our extensive glossary designed to enhance investors' knowledge and understanding of capital markets. With its user-friendly interface and commitment to delivering up-to-date, SEO-optimized content, Eulerpool.com continues to empower investors in their quest for financial success.
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