Hvem er leverandøren av Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF?
Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF tilbys av Overlay Shares, en ledende aktør innen passive investeringer.
The ETF Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF is a type of exchange-traded fund (ETF) that seeks to provide investors with exposure to a diversified portfolio of short-term bonds. This ETF aims to provide investors with a way to invest in a low-risk, fixed-income asset class that can help diversify their overall investment portfolio. The ETF Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF was initially created in 2007 as the First Trust Short Duration ETF. In 2018, it was acquired by Overlay Shares, a provider of ETFs that use an overlay strategy to provide investors with exposure to a diversified portfolio of assets. The ETF Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF functions as a sub-advised fund, with the investment management team using a proprietary overlay strategy to manage the underlying portfolio. The ETF Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF invests primarily in investment-grade debt securities with a maturity of five years or less. The underlying portfolio is diversified across various sectors, including government bonds, corporate bonds, and mortgage-backed securities. The ETF Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF also employs an overlay strategy that aims to enhance returns and minimize risk by using derivatives such as futures contracts, options, and swaps. The ETF Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF provides investors with several benefits. Firstly, it offers exposure to a diversified portfolio of short-term bonds, which can provide a stable source of income with relatively low risk. Secondly, the use of an overlay strategy can potentially enhance returns and minimize risk, which can be particularly useful in periods of market volatility. Thirdly, the ETF provides investors with the convenience of being able to buy and sell shares on an exchange, making it an accessible investment vehicle for both retail and institutional investors. In terms of performance, the ETF Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF has generally performed well relative to its peers. As of August 31, 2021, the ETF had returned 0.39% over the past year, compared to the category average of 0.28%. The ETF also has a low expense ratio of 0.20%, which makes it a cost-effective investment option. Overall, the ETF Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF is a well-diversified, low-risk investment vehicle that provides investors with exposure to a stable source of income. The ETF's use of an overlay strategy can potentially enhance returns and minimize risk, making it an attractive option for investors who are looking to diversify their investment portfolio.
Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF tilbys av Overlay Shares, en ledende aktør innen passive investeringer.
ISIN-en til Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF er US53656F5733
Totalforvaltningskostnaden til Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF er 0,85 %, noe som betyr at investorer betaler 85,00 USD per 10 000 USD investert kapital årlig.
ETF-en er notert på USD.
Europeiske investorer kan ha ekstra kostnader knyttet til valutaveksling og transaksjonskostnader.
Nei, Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF samsvarer ikke med EUs UCITS-investorbeskyttelsesdirektiver.
Det gjennomsnittlige handelsvolumet til Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF er for øyeblikket 41 908,20
Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF er domisiliert i US.
Fondet ble startet den
Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF investerer hovedsakelig i Investment Grade-selskaper.
NAV-en til Overlay Shares Short Term Bond ETF er 22,27 mill. USD.
Investeringer kan gjøres gjennom meglere eller finansinstitusjoner som gir tilgang til handel med ETF-er.
ETFen handles på børsen, på samme måte som aksjer.
Ja, ETFen kan holdes i en vanlig verdipapirkonto.
ETFen egner seg for både kortsiktige og langsiktige investeringsstrategier, avhengig av investorens mål.
ETF-en blir vurdert på børsen hver dag.
Informasjon om utbytte bør forespørres på leverandørens nettsted eller hos megleren din.
Risikoene inkluderer markedsfluktuasjoner, valutarisiko og risikoen for mindre selskaper.
ETF-en er forpliktet til å rapportere regelmessig og transparent om sine investeringer.
Ytelsen kan sees på Eulerpool eller direkte på leverandørens nettside.
Flere opplysninger finner du på den offisielle nettsiden til leverandøren.