Kiek dividendų moka Farcent Enterprise Co 2024?
Pagal paskutinę informaciją nuo lapkritis 2024, Farcent Enterprise Co per paskutinius 12 mėnesių mokėjo bendrą dividendą, kuris sudarė 3,00 TWD už akciją. Esant dabartiniam Farcent Enterprise Co kursui 52,90 TWD, tai atitinka 5,67 % dividendų grąžą.
Dividendai mokami kartus per metus.
5,67 % Dividendo grąža | = | 3,00 TWD Dividendas | 52,90 TWD akcijų kaina |
Ar Farcent Enterprise Co dividendai yra saugūs?
Farcent Enterprise Co kasmet didina dividendus jau 1 metus.
Per pastaruosius 10 metus Farcent Enterprise Co kasmet 10,655 % padidėjo.
Per 5 metų laikotarpį augo išmokos padidėjo 5,750 %.
Analitikai prognozuoja, kad einamaisiais verslo metais Dividendų mažinimas bus −100,000%.
Farcent Enterprise Co Aktienanalyse
Ką daro Farcent Enterprise Co?
Farcent Enterprise Co Ltd is a global company that is engaged in the manufacturing and distribution of household and cleaning products. The company was founded in Taiwan in 1983 and has since gained extensive experience in the industry. Farcent now has branches in China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Japan, and the USA.
Farcent's business model focuses on offering high-quality products at an affordable price. The company has managed to find the perfect mix of quality and value for money. The products are sold directly to retail and wholesale. Farcent has become the market leader for air fresheners and cleaning products in Asia in recent years and has made efforts to be successful in other global markets as well.
Farcent specializes in three different sectors: air fresheners, cleaning agents, and insect repellents. In these categories, Farcent offers a variety of products suitable for use at home, in the office, in cars, and other spaces.
Air Fresheners
Farcent has a wide selection of air fresheners, including sprays, gels, and electric air fresheners. For example, there is a special product range for cars, which provides freshness and eliminates unwanted odors in the vehicle. Various products are also available for use in apartments and offices, creating a pleasant atmosphere. The Rabbico brand, which belongs to the Farcent group and is known for its sweet scent pillows, is now globally recognized and has fans across Europe and the USA.
Cleaning Agents
Farcent offers a variety of cleaning agents suitable for various surfaces and materials. For example, there are cleaning sprays for stainless steel, glass, and bathroom surfaces, as well as cleaners for kitchen exhaust systems. Farcent has also developed special products for cleaning clothes, which remove stains and treat clothing gently.
Insect Repellents
With mosquito stickers, mosquito sprays, and insect traps, Farcent protects users in insect-infested regions. The products are highly effective and safe to use, but they also help to avoid environmental damage.
Farcent Enterprise has received numerous awards and certificates over the years, such as the SPOT Award in Taiwan or the medical certificate from Johnson and Johnson subsidiary. Furthermore, the company continually invests in research and development of new products and technologies to constantly improve the quality of its products and services and meet customer needs.
Overall, Farcent has a very solid business model based on the principles of high product quality, fair price, continuous innovation, and excellent customer care. People and the environment are at the center of Farcent's successful company. The company also offers OEM services to similar businesses, giving other companies looking for a reliable manufacturer the opportunity to take advantage of them. Farcent Enterprise Co yra viena populiariausių įmonių svetainėje.Akcijų taupymo planai siūlo patrauklią galimybę investuotojams ilgalaikėje perspektyvoje kurti turtą. Vienas pagrindinių privalumų yra vadinamasis vidutinės išlaidos efektas: reguliariai investuojant fiksuotą sumą į akcijas arba akcijų fondus, automatiškai perkama daugiau dalinių vertybių popierių, kai kainos yra žemos, ir mažiau – kai jos aukštos. Tai gali lemti palankesnę vidutinę dalies kainą per laiką. Be to, akcijų taupymo planai suteikia galimybę ir smulkiesiems investuotojams patekti į brangias akcijas, nes jie gali dalyvauti jau su mažomis sumomis. Reguliarus investavimas taip pat skatina disciplinuotą investavimo strategiją ir padeda išvengti emociškai pagrįstų sprendimų, pavyzdžiui, impulsyvaus pirkimo ar pardavimo. Be to, investuotojai gauna naudos iš potencialaus akcijų vertės augimo bei iš dividendų, kurie gali būti reinvestuoti, kas sustiprina sudėtinio palūkanų efektą ir taip skatina investuoto kapitalo augimą.