Kiek dividendų moka Eckert & Ziegler 2024?
Pagal paskutinę informaciją nuo gruodis 2024, Eckert & Ziegler per paskutinius 12 mėnesių mokėjo bendrą dividendą, kuris sudarė 0,50 EUR už akciją. Esant dabartiniam Eckert & Ziegler kursui 45,28 EUR, tai atitinka 1,10 % dividendų grąžą.
Dividendai mokami 1 kartus per metus.
1,10 % Dividendo grąža | = | 0,50 EUR Dividendas | 45,28 EUR akcijų kaina |
Ar Eckert & Ziegler dividendai yra saugūs?
Eckert & Ziegler kasmet didina dividendus jau 6 metus.
Per pastaruosius 10 metus Eckert & Ziegler kasmet 12,794 % padidėjo.
Per 5 metų laikotarpį augo išmokos padidėjo 20,112 %.
Analitikai prognozuoja, kad einamaisiais verslo metais Dividendų didinimas bus 4,558%.
Eckert & Ziegler Aktienanalyse
Ką daro Eckert & Ziegler?
The Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen und Medizintechnik AG is an international company that offers both medical and industrial products and services in the field of radiation application. The company was founded in 1997 and has its headquarters in Berlin.
The history of the company began in the 1960s when the two founders, Dr. Andreas Eckert and Dr. Edgar Ziegler, started producing medical isotopes for the diagnosis and therapy of cancer patients. After initially working in a laboratory in Berlin, they founded Eckert & Ziegler Isotope Products GmbH in 1983. In the following years, the company expanded and added radiation sources for industrial applications to its portfolio.
In 1997, Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen und Medizintechnik AG was founded to consolidate the two business areas and expand the international business. Today, the company operates worldwide and employs over 800 people.
The company's business model focuses on the application of radiation in various industries. The company relies on different business areas that can be divided into medical and industrial applications.
In the medical field, Eckert & Ziegler develops and produces radiation sources for the diagnosis and therapy of cancer and other diseases. The products include radioactive isotopes used for the production of medications, the equipment of clinics, and research. Particularly important are radioactive substances for the treatment of prostate cancer, which are highly sought after due to their high effectiveness in patients.
In the field of industrial applications, the company offers radiation sources for various industries, such as medical imaging, sterilization of medical devices, or non-destructive testing of materials in the automotive and aviation industries. The company also develops customized solutions for specific customer needs.
Another important business area is the disposal of radioactive waste. Here, the company offers solutions for hospitals, research institutions, and companies that work with radioactive substances and must comply with legal requirements for disposal.
Eckert & Ziegler is a company that focuses on innovation and research. The company continuously invests in research and development to keep its products and services up to date. For this purpose, the company maintains close relationships with research institutions and universities to develop new technologies and products.
The company also strives to make its products and services environmentally friendly and sustainable. It relies on the use of renewable energies, energy efficiency, and recyclability of products.
Overall, Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen und Medizintechnik AG is a leading company in the application of radiation in medical and industrial applications. The company relies on innovative products and solutions to meet the needs of its customers. Eckert & Ziegler yra viena populiariausių įmonių svetainėje.Akcijų taupymo planai siūlo patrauklią galimybę investuotojams ilgalaikėje perspektyvoje kurti turtą. Vienas pagrindinių privalumų yra vadinamasis vidutinės išlaidos efektas: reguliariai investuojant fiksuotą sumą į akcijas arba akcijų fondus, automatiškai perkama daugiau dalinių vertybių popierių, kai kainos yra žemos, ir mažiau – kai jos aukštos. Tai gali lemti palankesnę vidutinę dalies kainą per laiką. Be to, akcijų taupymo planai suteikia galimybę ir smulkiesiems investuotojams patekti į brangias akcijas, nes jie gali dalyvauti jau su mažomis sumomis. Reguliarus investavimas taip pat skatina disciplinuotą investavimo strategiją ir padeda išvengti emociškai pagrįstų sprendimų, pavyzdžiui, impulsyvaus pirkimo ar pardavimo. Be to, investuotojai gauna naudos iš potencialaus akcijų vertės augimo bei iš dividendų, kurie gali būti reinvestuoti, kas sustiprina sudėtinio palūkanų efektą ir taip skatina investuoto kapitalo augimą.
Eckert & Ziegler akcija yra taupoma šiuose teikėjuose: Trade Republic, Scalable Capital ir Consorsbank