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Analisis Saham

Food & Life Companies Saham


Harga saham

Hari ini +/-
Hari ini %
+1,79 %

Food & Life Companies Saham Pendapatan, EBIT, Laba


Pendapatan, Laba & EBIT

Pemahaman Pendapatan, EBIT dan Penghasilan

Dapatkan wawasan mengenai Food & Life Companies, gambaran komprehensif mengenai kinerja keuangan bisa diperoleh melalui analisis diagram pendapatan, EBIT, dan penghasilan. Pendapatan mewakili total penghasilan yang Food & Life Companies peroleh dari bisnis utama dan menunjukkan kemampuan perusahaan untuk menarik dan mempertahankan pelanggan. EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) memberikan informasi mengenai keuntungan operasional perusahaan, bebas dari beban pajak dan bunga. Bagian penghasilan mencerminkan laba bersih dari Food & Life Companies, ukuran utama untuk kesehatan finansial dan rentabilitasnya.

Analisis Tahunan dan Perbandingan

Lihat grafik batang tahunan untuk memahami kinerja tahunan dan pertumbuhan dari Food & Life Companies. Bandingkan pendapatan, EBIT, dan penghasilan untuk menilai efisiensi dan rentabilitas perusahaan. EBIT yang lebih tinggi dibanding tahun sebelumnya menunjukkan peningkatan efisiensi operasional. Demikian juga, peningkatan penghasilan menunjukkan peningkatan rentabilitas keseluruhan. Analisis perbandingan dari tahun ke tahun membantu investor memahami lintasan pertumbuhan dan efisiensi operasional perusahaan.

Memanfaatkan Harapan Investasi

Nilai yang diharapkan untuk tahun-tahun mendatang memberikan wawasan kepada investor mengenai kinerja finansial yang diharapkan dari Food & Life Companies. Analisis proyeksi ini bersama dengan data historis membantu dalam membuat keputusan investasi yang berdasar. Investor dapat mengestimasi potensi risiko dan hasil dan menyusun strategi investasi mereka sesuai untuk mengoptimalkan rentabilitas dan meminimalisir risiko.

Wawasan Investasi

Perbandingan antara pendapatan dan EBIT membantu dalam menilai efisiensi operasional dari Food & Life Companies, sementara perbandingan antara pendapatan dan penghasilan mengungkapkan rentabilitas bersih setelah mempertimbangkan semua pengeluaran. Investor dapat memperoleh wawasan berharga dengan menganalisis parameter keuangan ini dengan cermat dan menetapkan dasar untuk keputusan investasi strategis untuk memanfaatkan potensi pertumbuhan dari Food & Life Companies.

Food & Life Companies Omzet, Laba, dan Histori EBIT

TanggalFood & Life Companies PendapatanFood & Life Companies EBITFood & Life Companies Laba

Food & Life Companies Saham Marjin

Analisis margin Food & Life Companies menunjukkan margin bruto, margin EBIT, serta margin laba dari Food & Life Companies. Margin EBIT (EBIT/Pendapatan) menunjukkan berapa persentase dari pendapatan yang tersisa sebagai laba operasional. Margin laba menunjukkan berapa persen dari pendapatan Food & Life Companies yang tersisa.

Margin Kotor
Margin EBIT
Margin Laba


Pemahaman Margin Kotor

Margin kotor, yang dinyatakan dalam persentase, menunjukkan laba kotor dari pendapatan Food & Life Companies. Persentase margin kotor yang lebih tinggi berarti bahwa Food & Life Companies mempertahankan lebih banyak pendapatan setelah memperhitungkan biaya barang yang terjual. Investor menggunakan ukuran ini untuk menilai kesehatan finansial dan efisiensi operasional serta membandingkannya dengan pesaing dan rata-rata industri.

Analisis Margin EBIT

Margin EBIT mewakili laba dari Food & Life Companies sebelum bunga dan pajak. Analisis margin EBIT selama berbagai tahun memberikan wawasan tentang profitabilitas operasional dan efisiensi, tanpa efek dari leverage keuangan dan struktur pajak. Margin EBIT yang tumbuh dari tahun ke tahun menandakan peningkatan kinerja operasional.

Wawasan Margin Penjualan

Margin penjualan menunjukkan total penjualan yang dihasilkan oleh Food & Life Companies. Dengan membandingkan margin penjualan dari tahun ke tahun, investor dapat menilai pertumbuhan dan ekspansi pasar dari Food & Life Companies. Penting untuk membandingkan margin penjualan dengan margin kotor dan EBIT untuk memahami lebih baik struktur biaya dan keuntungan.

Menginterpretasikan Harapan

Nilai yang diharapkan untuk margin kotor, EBIT, dan penjualan memberikan pandangan finansial ke depan dari Food & Life Companies. Investor harus membandingkan harapan ini dengan data historis untuk memahami potensi pertumbuhan dan faktor risiko. Sangat penting untuk mempertimbangkan asumsi dan metode yang digunakan dalam meramalkan nilai-nilai yang diharapkan ini untuk membuat keputusan investasi yang terinformasi.

Analisis Komparatif

Membandingkan margin kotor, EBIT, dan penjualan, baik secara tahunan maupun selama beberapa tahun, memungkinkan investor untuk melakukan analisis komprehensif terhadap kesehatan finansial dan prospek pertumbuhan dari Food & Life Companies. Menilai tren dan pola dalam margin-marginal ini membantu mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, dan potensi peluang investasi.

Food & Life Companies Sejarah Margin

Food & Life Companies Margin KotorFood & Life Companies Margin LabaFood & Life Companies Margin EBITFood & Life Companies Margin Laba

Food & Life Companies Saham Pendapatan, EBIT, Laba per Saham

Food & Life Companies-Umsatz per saham mengindikasikan berapa banyak pendapatan yang Food & Life Companies peroleh dalam satu periode untuk setiap saham. EBIT per saham menunjukkan berapa banyak dari laba operasional yang didistribusikan untuk setiap saham. Laba per saham menunjukkan berapa banyak dari keuntungan yang diperoleh untuk setiap saham.

Pendapatan per Saham
EBIT per Saham
Laba per Saham

Pendapatan, EBIT dan Laba per Saham

Pendapatan per Saham

Pendapatan per saham mewakili total pendapatan yang dihasilkan oleh Food & Life Companies, dibagi dengan jumlah saham yang beredar. Ini adalah metrik yang penting karena mencerminkan kemampuan perusahaan untuk menghasilkan pendapatan dan menunjukkan potensi untuk pertumbuhan dan ekspansi. Perbandingan tahunan pendapatan per saham memungkinkan investor untuk menganalisis konsistensi pendapatan suatu perusahaan dan memprediksi tren masa depan.

EBIT per Saham

EBIT per saham menunjukkan laba Food & Life Companies sebelum bunga dan pajak, dan memberikan wawasan tentang rentabilitas operasional, tanpa mempertimbangkan efek dari struktur modal dan tingkat pajak. Ini dapat dibandingkan dengan pendapatan per saham untuk mengevaluasi efisiensi dalam mengubah penjualan menjadi laba. Peningkatan konstan EBIT per saham dari tahun ke tahun menekankan efisiensi operasional dan rentabilitas.

Pendapatan per Saham

Pendapatan per saham atau laba per saham (EPS) menunjukkan bagian laba dari Food & Life Companies yang dialokasikan untuk setiap saham ekuitas. Ini sangat penting untuk mengevaluasi profitabilitas dan kesehatan keuangan. Dengan membandingkannya dengan pendapatan dan EBIT per saham, investor dapat melihat seberapa efektif sebuah perusahaan mengubah pendapatan dan laba operasi menjadi pendapatan bersih.

Nilai yang Diharapkan

Nilai-nilai yang diharapkan adalah proyeksi untuk pendapatan, EBIT, dan pendapatan per saham untuk tahun-tahun mendatang. Harapan-harapan ini, yang didasarkan pada data historis dan analisis pasar, membantu investor dalam merencanakan strategi investasi mereka, mengevaluasi kinerja masa depan dari Food & Life Companies, dan memperkirakan harga saham masa depan. Namun, sangat penting untuk mempertimbangkan volatilitas pasar dan ketidakpastian yang dapat mempengaruhi proyeksi ini.

Food & Life Companies Pendapatan, Laba, dan EBIT per Saham Sejarah

TanggalFood & Life Companies Pendapatan per SahamFood & Life Companies EBIT per SahamFood & Life Companies Laba per Saham

Food & Life Companies Saham dan Analisis Saham

Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd is a Japanese company specialized in sushi restaurants. The company was founded in Nagoya in 1984 and has become one of the leading sushi restaurant operators in Japan over the past decades. The company's main vision is to offer its customers high-quality sushi menus at an affordable price. The goal is to create the best sushi experience for all customers. The company focuses on operational efficiency, which results in a fast and smooth service. The combination of sushi quality and affordable pricing allows the company to attract a wider customer base, including families, students, and tourists. Sushiro's business model is based on the idea that sushi quality comes first. The company operates a variety of sushi stores throughout Japan, with more than 530 branches across the country and new ones opening every year. The brand is well-known and popular. The different divisions of the company include food ingredient production, equipment and material supply, and the operation of sushi restaurants across Japan. Sushiro also has a presence in global markets, such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, and the United States. The company offers various products on the market, with most products focusing on sushi production. The product range includes various types of raw fish, rice, seaweed sheets, soy sauce, wasabi, and other ingredients. Even pre-made sushi can be purchased. A special feature is the sushi ordering system, where customers can place their orders via a touchscreen and have the sushi served directly at their table. The sushi is freshly prepared every 15 minutes and offered to customers. In recent years, the company has also focused on the production of artificial shrimp to reduce the demand for shrimp and minimize the ecological footprint. The company has also introduced a new concept called "Sushiro Express," which allows customers to order and pick up their sushi at a vending machine. In 2017, Sushiro was listed as the most valuable restaurant company in Japan and has since maintained its position as the leading sushi restaurant operator in the country. The company continues to expand its business operations by expanding its branches and exploring new markets in many countries. In summary, Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd is a Japanese company specialized in the production and distribution of high-quality sushi products. The company focuses on sushi quality and offers its customers a fast and smooth service around the clock. With more than 530 branches throughout Japan and activities in global markets, Sushiro is a popular and well-known restaurant company in Japan. Food & Life Companies adalah salah satu perusahaan yang paling populer di

Lakukan investasi terbaik dalam hidupmu

Mulai dari 2 €

Food & Life Companies Penilaian berdasarkan KGV, EBIT, dan KUV historis


Lakukan investasi terbaik dalam hidupmu

Mulai dari 2 €

Food & Life Companies Pemecahan Saham

Dalam sejarah Food & Life Companies belum pernah terjadi pemecahan saham.

Lakukan investasi terbaik dalam hidupmu

Mulai dari 2 €
Untuk Food & Life Companies saat ini sayangnya tidak ada target harga dan proyeksi yang tersedia.

Food & Life Companies Kejutan Laba

TanggalEstimasi EPSEPS-ActualKuartal Laporan
30/9/202431,18 37,57  (20,50 %)2024 Q4
30/6/202428,23 26,98  (-4,42 %)2024 Q3
31/3/202426,29 34,75  (32,18 %)2024 Q2
31/12/202329,15 28,15  (-3,42 %)2024 Q1
30/9/20232,86 19,25  (574,20 %)2023 Q4

Food & Life Companies Rantai pasokan

NamaHubunganKorelasi Dua MingguKorelasi Satu BulanKorelasi Tiga BulanKorelasi Enam BulanKorelasi Satu TahunKorelasi Dua Tahun

Pertanyaan Umum tentang Saham Food & Life Companies

What values and corporate philosophy does Food & Life Companies represent?

Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd represents the values of quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. They are committed to providing high-quality and fresh seafood products to their customers. Sushiro's corporate philosophy emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement in their operations and the pursuit of excellence in every aspect of their business. With a focus on delivering authentic and delicious sushi experiences, Sushiro aims to uphold the highest standards of food safety and hygiene. They prioritize customer feedback and strive to consistently exceed customer expectations. Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd's commitment to these values and corporate philosophy has made them a trusted and popular brand in the global sushi industry.

In which countries and regions is Food & Life Companies primarily present?

Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd is primarily present in Japan with its headquarters located in Tokyo. As a leading sushi restaurant operator, Sushiro has established a strong presence throughout the country. With over 500 locations across Japan, the company offers a wide range of sushi and other Japanese cuisine to its customers. Sushiro has gained popularity and success within its domestic market, catering to the Japanese population's love for sushi.

What significant milestones has the company Food & Life Companies achieved?

Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd has achieved several significant milestones. Since its establishment, the company has grown to become one of the leading chain conveyor belt sushi restaurants in Japan. It successfully listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2015, attracting a large pool of investors. Furthermore, Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd expanded its international presence by opening its first overseas branch in Taiwan in 2018, followed by subsequent expansion into other Asian countries. The company's commitment to offering high-quality sushi at affordable prices has helped it gain a strong reputation and a loyal customer base both in Japan and abroad.

What is the history and background of the company Food & Life Companies?

Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd is a renowned company in the food and beverage industry. Established in 1984, Sushiro has grown to become a leading sushi chain in Japan. With a strong emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction, the company has consistently provided delicious and authentic sushi dishes to its customers. Sushiro prides itself on its commitment to freshness, sourcing the finest ingredients for their menu offerings. Since its inception, Sushiro has expanded its reach and currently operates numerous restaurants across Japan, catering to both locals and tourists. With a rich history and a dedication to culinary excellence, Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd continues to be a well-established and respected brand in the sushi industry.

Who are the main competitors of Food & Life Companies in the market?

The main competitors of Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd in the market include other major players in the food and beverage industry, particularly in the Japanese sushi market. Some notable competitors include Genki Sushi Co., Ltd., Akindo Sushiro Co., Ltd., and Kura Sushi, Inc. These companies compete with Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd in terms of offering high-quality and affordable sushi products, expanding store networks, and attracting customer loyalty. Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd, as a leading sushi chain, strives to maintain its market position and stay ahead of competition by focusing on product innovation, ensuring customer satisfaction, and enhancing brand recognition.

In which industries is Food & Life Companies primarily active?

Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd is primarily active in the food and beverage industry, specifically in the sushi restaurant business.

What is the business model of Food & Life Companies?

The business model of Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd is centered around operating and managing sushi restaurants. Sushiro is a renowned Japanese sushi chain that focuses on providing high-quality and affordable sushi to its customers. With a commitment to freshness, taste, and customer satisfaction, Sushiro sources premium ingredients and utilizes efficient production methods to deliver a wide variety of sushi options. Through an extensive network of restaurants, Sushiro aims to offer a pleasant dining experience with its diverse menu, convenient locations, and friendly service. As a leading player in the sushi industry, Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd strives to continuously innovate and expand its presence in the market.

Berapa KGV dari Food & Life Companies 2024?

KGV untuk Food & Life Companies saat ini tidak dapat dihitung.

KUV apa yang dimiliki oleh Food & Life Companies 2024?

KUV untuk Food & Life Companies saat ini tidak dapat dihitung.

Skor Kualitas AlleAktien apa yang dimiliki oleh Food & Life Companies?

Skor Kualitas AlleAktien tidak bisa dihitung untuk Food & Life Companies saat ini.

Berapa jumlah pendapatan dari Food & Life Companies 2024?

Pendapatan untuk Food & Life Companies saat ini tidak dapat dihitung.

Berapa besar keuntungan dari Food & Life Companies 2024?

Laba saat ini tidak bisa dihitung untuk Food & Life Companies.

Apa yang dilakukan Food & Life Companies?

The company Sushiro Global Holdings Ltd is a leading company in the sushi industry. With over 500 branches in Japan and abroad, Sushiro is the largest sushi chain operator in the world. Sushiro's business model is based on the production and sale of sushi for retail and restaurants. The company also operates a range of stores offering Shochu, a Japanese spirit, as well as other alcoholic beverages. Sushiro relies on a system where products are sold quickly and at an affordable price. The company aims to reduce the costs of preparing and delivering sushi without compromising on quality. Sushiro is known for its automated sushi production system, which ensures consistent quality while lowering labor costs. The main product of Sushiro is, of course, sushi. The chain offers a variety of sushi dishes, including Nigiri (a piece of fish on rice), Maki (rolled sushi), Temaki (hand-rolled sushi), and other specialties. Sushiro also offers seasonal specialties to keep customers interested. In addition to sushi, Sushiro also offers a selection of alcoholic beverages, including Shochu, Sake, beer, and wine. The company also operates a number of stores that exclusively sell alcoholic beverages. Sushiro relies on the franchise system to expand its presence in Japan and abroad. The company offers potential franchisees the opportunity to open a Sushiro branch that is set for success from the start. The company provides training for staff, support in choosing locations, and other services. Furthermore, Sushiro also operates an online platform where customers can place orders and customize their preferred sushi dishes, which are then available for delivery or pickup. In addition to selling sushi and alcoholic beverages, Sushiro also offers a variety of ancillary products, ranging from t-shirts and soft serve ice cream to bread rolls and chips. These products are intended to generate additional revenue and strengthen Sushiro's brand image. Sushiro's business model is based on a combination of automated production facilities, fast and efficient supply chains, and a franchise system to expand its presence in Japan and abroad. Customers appreciate the fast service and affordable prices while maintaining high product quality. Overall, Sushiro has established itself as a successful company in the sushi industry, relying on an effective strategy of cost-efficient product sales and expanding its presence through franchisees.

Berapa besar dividen Food & Life Companies?

Food & Life Companies membayarkan dividen sebesar 0 JPY yang dibagi melalui pembayaran dalam setahun.

Berapa kali Food & Life Companies membayar dividen?

Dividen untuk Food & Life Companies saat ini tidak dapat dihitung atau perusahaan tidak membagikan dividen.

Apa itu ISIN Food & Life Companies?

ISIN dari Food & Life Companies adalah JP3397150008.

Apa itu Food & Life Companies WKN?

WKN dari Food & Life Companies adalah A2DMGY.

Apa itu Ticker Food & Life Companies?

Ticker dari Food & Life Companies adalah 3563.T.

Lainnya metrik dan analisis dari Food & Life Companies dalam Analisis Mendalam

Analisis saham kami untuk saham Food & Life Companies Pendapatan mencakup kalkulasi keuangan penting seperti pendapatan, keuntungan, P/E ratio (KGV), P/S ratio (KUV), EBIT, serta informasi tentang dividen. Selain itu, kami juga mengamati aspek-aspek seperti saham, kapitalisasi pasar, utang, ekuitas, dan kewajiban dari Food & Life Companies Pendapatan. Jika Anda mencari informasi lebih rinci tentang topik-topik ini, kami menawarkan analisis terperinci di subhalaman kami.