Onko KULR Technology Group osinko turvallinen?
KULR Technology Group on kasvattanut osinkoaan jo 0 vuotta.
Viimeisten 8 vuoden aikana KULR Technology Group on laskenut niitä vuosittain 0 %.
Viiden vuoden aikana laski osingonjako on kasvanut 0 %.
Analyytikot odottavat kuluvan tilivuoden aikana Osingonleikkaus olevan −100,000%.
KULR Technology Group Aktienanalyse
Mitä KULR Technology Group tekee?
KULR Technology Group Inc is a leading company in the field of thermal management technology. The company was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in San Diego, California.
The history of KULR began with the discovery of a new material called Carbon Fiber Thermal Management (CFTM), which is capable of efficiently conducting heat while being lightweight and thin enough to fit into a variety of applications. The founders, Michael Mo and Timothy Knowles, recognized the potential of this technology and founded KULR to commercially utilize it.
KULR's business model is based on providing thermal solutions for a variety of industries, including aerospace, electronics, and the automotive industry. By collaborating with leading companies in these industries, KULR has been able to further develop its technology and tailor it more precisely to the needs of each industry.
KULR is divided into various divisions that are tailored to the needs of its customers. The divisions include:
Electronics: KULR's CFTM technology is used for cooling electronic devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Additionally, the company offers lithium-ion batteries based on CFTM technology, which provide improved performance and safety.
Aerospace: KULR works with leading aerospace companies, including NASA, to provide thermal solutions for satellites and spacecraft. KULR has developed a patented heat-conducting silicone mat that is capable of withstanding extreme temperatures while ensuring efficient heat dissipation.
Automotive industry: KULR offers thermal solutions for electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles to improve the performance and safety of battery systems. The company has developed a special silicone mat that is crucial between the battery pack and the body of the vehicle.
In addition to its divisions, KULR also offers a range of in-house developed products. These include the Thermal Runway Shield™, a fire-resistant thermal shield for lithium-ion batteries, and the Internal Short Circuit (ISC) Trigger, a sensor that can detect and prevent short-circuited lithium-ion batteries from exploding.
KULR has a strong focus on research and development and has already received several patents for its technology. The company is constantly working to improve its technologies and introduce them into new applications.
Overall, KULR has a promising future. As a leading company in the field of thermal management technology, the company is well-positioned to benefit from the needs of a variety of industries. With a strong focus on innovation and technology, KULR remains an important player in the world of thermal energy transfer.
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