Tee oma elu parimad investeeringud
Alates 2 eurost kindlustatud Mehhiko Impordihinnad
Aktsia hind
Praegune Impordihinnad väärtus Mehhiko on 292,192 punktid. Impordihinnad Mehhiko tõusis 292,192 punktid 1.3.2024, pärast seda kui see oli 291,238 punktid 1.2.2024. Vahemikus 1.1.1970 kuni 1.4.2024 oli keskmine SKT Mehhiko 154,48 punktid. Kõigi aegade kõrgeim tase saavutati 1.6.2022 296,84 punktid, samas kui madalaim väärtus registreeriti 1.1.1970 42,20 punktid.
Impordihinnad ·
3 aastat
5 aastat
10 aastat
25 aastat
Impordihinnad | |
1.1.1970 | 42,20 points |
1.2.1970 | 42,32 points |
1.3.1970 | 42,49 points |
1.4.1970 | 42,57 points |
1.5.1970 | 42,65 points |
1.6.1970 | 42,69 points |
1.7.1970 | 42,86 points |
1.8.1970 | 42,93 points |
1.9.1970 | 43,13 points |
1.10.1970 | 43,62 points |
1.11.1970 | 43,77 points |
1.12.1970 | 43,83 points |
1.1.1971 | 43,99 points |
1.2.1971 | 44,11 points |
1.3.1971 | 44,21 points |
1.4.1971 | 44,24 points |
1.5.1971 | 44,33 points |
1.6.1971 | 44,42 points |
1.7.1971 | 44,61 points |
1.8.1971 | 44,73 points |
1.9.1971 | 44,52 points |
1.10.1971 | 44,59 points |
1.11.1971 | 44,58 points |
1.12.1971 | 44,81 points |
1.1.1972 | 44,97 points |
1.2.1972 | 45,18 points |
1.3.1972 | 45,34 points |
1.4.1972 | 45,50 points |
1.5.1972 | 45,59 points |
1.6.1972 | 45,65 points |
1.7.1972 | 45,71 points |
1.8.1972 | 45,82 points |
1.9.1972 | 45,94 points |
1.10.1972 | 45,87 points |
1.11.1972 | 46,14 points |
1.12.1972 | 46,54 points |
1.1.1973 | 46,86 points |
1.2.1973 | 47,27 points |
1.3.1973 | 47,86 points |
1.4.1973 | 48,30 points |
1.5.1973 | 49,38 points |
1.6.1973 | 50,60 points |
1.7.1973 | 49,35 points |
1.8.1973 | 52,21 points |
1.9.1973 | 51,64 points |
1.10.1973 | 51,50 points |
1.11.1973 | 51,39 points |
1.12.1973 | 52,54 points |
1.1.1974 | 53,02 points |
1.2.1974 | 53,83 points |
1.3.1974 | 54,82 points |
1.4.1974 | 55,25 points |
1.5.1974 | 56,33 points |
1.6.1974 | 57,38 points |
1.7.1974 | 59,49 points |
1.8.1974 | 62,35 points |
1.9.1974 | 62,39 points |
1.10.1974 | 64,64 points |
1.11.1974 | 65,09 points |
1.12.1974 | 65,25 points |
1.1.1975 | 65,61 points |
1.2.1975 | 65,31 points |
1.3.1975 | 65,37 points |
1.4.1975 | 65,87 points |
1.5.1975 | 65,73 points |
1.6.1975 | 65,55 points |
1.7.1975 | 66,52 points |
1.8.1975 | 66,86 points |
1.9.1975 | 66,97 points |
1.10.1975 | 67,55 points |
1.11.1975 | 67,35 points |
1.12.1975 | 67,12 points |
1.1.1976 | 67,42 points |
1.2.1976 | 67,70 points |
1.3.1976 | 67,89 points |
1.4.1976 | 68,47 points |
1.5.1976 | 68,78 points |
1.6.1976 | 69,57 points |
1.7.1976 | 70,32 points |
1.8.1976 | 70,23 points |
1.9.1976 | 70,74 points |
1.10.1976 | 71,05 points |
1.11.1976 | 71,25 points |
1.12.1976 | 71,41 points |
1.1.1977 | 76,08 points |
1.2.1977 | 73,46 points |
1.3.1977 | 73,05 points |
1.4.1977 | 74,28 points |
1.5.1977 | 74,07 points |
1.6.1977 | 73,71 points |
1.7.1977 | 73,41 points |
1.8.1977 | 73,43 points |
1.9.1977 | 73,52 points |
1.10.1977 | 74,33 points |
1.11.1977 | 74,69 points |
1.12.1977 | 74,75 points |
1.1.1978 | 76,64 points |
1.2.1978 | 75,84 points |
1.3.1978 | 76,02 points |
1.4.1978 | 77,20 points |
1.5.1978 | 77,52 points |
1.6.1978 | 77,88 points |
1.7.1978 | 78,42 points |
1.8.1978 | 78,61 points |
1.9.1978 | 79,09 points |
1.10.1978 | 80,39 points |
1.11.1978 | 80,89 points |
1.12.1978 | 81,18 points |
1.1.1979 | 82,44 points |
1.2.1979 | 83,37 points |
1.3.1979 | 84,15 points |
1.4.1979 | 85,73 points |
1.5.1979 | 86,46 points |
1.6.1979 | 87,23 points |
1.7.1979 | 88,95 points |
1.8.1979 | 89,24 points |
1.9.1979 | 89,71 points |
1.10.1979 | 91,27 points |
1.11.1979 | 91,63 points |
1.12.1979 | 92,25 points |
1.1.1980 | 94,77 points |
1.2.1980 | 96,38 points |
1.3.1980 | 96,92 points |
1.4.1980 | 98,40 points |
1.5.1980 | 98,82 points |
1.6.1980 | 99,38 points |
1.7.1980 | 101,47 points |
1.8.1980 | 101,93 points |
1.9.1980 | 101,90 points |
1.10.1980 | 102,89 points |
1.11.1980 | 103,25 points |
1.12.1980 | 103,87 points |
1.1.1981 | 105,18 points |
1.2.1981 | 106,00 points |
1.3.1981 | 106,71 points |
1.4.1981 | 107,82 points |
1.5.1981 | 108,10 points |
1.6.1981 | 108,16 points |
1.7.1981 | 108,94 points |
1.8.1981 | 109,36 points |
1.9.1981 | 109,09 points |
1.10.1981 | 110,10 points |
1.11.1981 | 110,17 points |
1.12.1981 | 110,25 points |
1.1.1982 | 111,25 points |
1.2.1982 | 111,46 points |
1.3.1982 | 111,71 points |
1.4.1982 | 111,96 points |
1.5.1982 | 112,09 points |
1.6.1982 | 111,93 points |
1.7.1982 | 111,86 points |
1.8.1982 | 111,81 points |
1.9.1982 | 111,22 points |
1.10.1982 | 111,85 points |
1.11.1982 | 111,70 points |
1.12.1982 | 111,53 points |
1.1.1983 | 111,76 points |
1.2.1983 | 112,34 points |
1.3.1983 | 112,53 points |
1.4.1983 | 112,90 points |
1.5.1983 | 113,12 points |
1.6.1983 | 113,30 points |
1.7.1983 | 114,22 points |
1.8.1983 | 115,41 points |
1.9.1983 | 116,12 points |
1.10.1983 | 116,92 points |
1.11.1983 | 116,70 points |
1.12.1983 | 116,86 points |
1.1.1984 | 117,25 points |
1.2.1984 | 117,04 points |
1.3.1984 | 117,72 points |
1.4.1984 | 118,70 points |
1.5.1984 | 119,48 points |
1.6.1984 | 119,69 points |
1.7.1984 | 118,75 points |
1.8.1984 | 118,78 points |
1.9.1984 | 118,21 points |
1.10.1984 | 118,54 points |
1.11.1984 | 118,38 points |
1.12.1984 | 117,72 points |
1.1.1985 | 118,37 points |
1.2.1985 | 118,11 points |
1.3.1985 | 118,13 points |
1.4.1985 | 118,72 points |
1.5.1985 | 119,05 points |
1.6.1985 | 119,08 points |
1.7.1985 | 119,10 points |
1.8.1985 | 118,97 points |
1.9.1985 | 118,14 points |
1.10.1985 | 118,90 points |
1.11.1985 | 118,55 points |
1.12.1985 | 117,55 points |
1.1.1986 | 117,46 points |
1.2.1986 | 117,10 points |
1.3.1986 | 116,57 points |
1.4.1986 | 116,52 points |
1.5.1986 | 116,48 points |
1.6.1986 | 116,43 points |
1.7.1986 | 116,30 points |
1.8.1986 | 115,95 points |
1.9.1986 | 115,99 points |
1.10.1986 | 116,37 points |
1.11.1986 | 116,75 points |
1.12.1986 | 116,61 points |
1.1.1987 | 117,39 points |
1.2.1987 | 117,68 points |
1.3.1987 | 118,14 points |
1.4.1987 | 119,06 points |
1.5.1987 | 120,16 points |
1.6.1987 | 120,78 points |
1.7.1987 | 121,11 points |
1.8.1987 | 121,01 points |
1.9.1987 | 121,09 points |
1.10.1987 | 121,93 points |
1.11.1987 | 122,32 points |
1.12.1987 | 122,79 points |
1.1.1988 | 123,67 points |
1.2.1988 | 124,15 points |
1.3.1988 | 124,50 points |
1.4.1988 | 125,62 points |
1.5.1988 | 126,32 points |
1.6.1988 | 127,29 points |
1.7.1988 | 128,60 points |
1.8.1988 | 128,86 points |
1.9.1988 | 129,18 points |
1.10.1988 | 129,65 points |
1.11.1988 | 129,92 points |
1.12.1988 | 130,32 points |
1.1.1989 | 131,83 points |
1.2.1989 | 132,06 points |
1.3.1989 | 132,80 points |
1.4.1989 | 133,22 points |
1.5.1989 | 133,81 points |
1.6.1989 | 133,43 points |
1.7.1989 | 133,30 points |
1.8.1989 | 132,71 points |
1.9.1989 | 132,89 points |
1.10.1989 | 133,15 points |
1.11.1989 | 133,27 points |
1.12.1989 | 133,30 points |
1.1.1990 | 134,32 points |
1.2.1990 | 134,11 points |
1.3.1990 | 134,29 points |
1.4.1990 | 134,58 points |
1.5.1990 | 134,88 points |
1.6.1990 | 134,89 points |
1.7.1990 | 135,00 points |
1.8.1990 | 135,25 points |
1.9.1990 | 136,13 points |
1.10.1990 | 137,23 points |
1.11.1990 | 137,28 points |
1.12.1990 | 137,00 points |
1.1.1991 | 137,06 points |
1.2.1991 | 136,72 points |
1.3.1991 | 136,36 points |
1.4.1991 | 136,04 points |
1.5.1991 | 135,96 points |
1.6.1991 | 135,71 points |
1.7.1991 | 135,11 points |
1.8.1991 | 135,37 points |
1.9.1991 | 135,34 points |
1.10.1991 | 135,62 points |
1.11.1991 | 135,78 points |
1.12.1991 | 135,82 points |
1.1.1992 | 135,82 points |
1.2.1992 | 136,26 points |
1.3.1992 | 136,46 points |
1.4.1992 | 136,53 points |
1.5.1992 | 137,25 points |
1.6.1992 | 137,68 points |
1.7.1992 | 137,51 points |
1.8.1992 | 137,32 points |
1.9.1992 | 137,53 points |
1.10.1992 | 137,77 points |
1.11.1992 | 137,90 points |
1.12.1992 | 137,71 points |
1.1.1993 | 138,27 points |
1.2.1993 | 138,45 points |
1.3.1993 | 138,49 points |
1.4.1993 | 139,00 points |
1.5.1993 | 139,10 points |
1.6.1993 | 138,89 points |
1.7.1993 | 139,26 points |
1.8.1993 | 139,16 points |
1.9.1993 | 139,13 points |
1.10.1993 | 139,24 points |
1.11.1993 | 139,61 points |
1.12.1993 | 139,83 points |
1.1.1994 | 140,46 points |
1.2.1994 | 140,67 points |
1.3.1994 | 140,94 points |
1.4.1994 | 141,26 points |
1.5.1994 | 141,62 points |
1.6.1994 | 142,18 points |
1.7.1994 | 142,29 points |
1.8.1994 | 142,84 points |
1.9.1994 | 143,58 points |
1.10.1994 | 143,99 points |
1.11.1994 | 144,88 points |
1.12.1994 | 145,48 points |
1.1.1995 | 147,15 points |
1.2.1995 | 148,36 points |
1.3.1995 | 150,04 points |
1.4.1995 | 150,31 points |
1.5.1995 | 150,99 points |
1.6.1995 | 151,37 points |
1.7.1995 | 151,70 points |
1.8.1995 | 151,18 points |
1.9.1995 | 151,05 points |
1.10.1995 | 150,80 points |
1.11.1995 | 150,80 points |
1.12.1995 | 150,46 points |
1.1.1996 | 151,08 points |
1.2.1996 | 150,83 points |
1.3.1996 | 150,27 points |
1.4.1996 | 150,28 points |
1.5.1996 | 150,74 points |
1.6.1996 | 150,99 points |
1.7.1996 | 151,30 points |
1.8.1996 | 151,63 points |
1.9.1996 | 152,02 points |
1.10.1996 | 151,25 points |
1.11.1996 | 150,19 points |
1.12.1996 | 150,31 points |
1.1.1997 | 151,10 points |
1.2.1997 | 151,15 points |
1.3.1997 | 151,78 points |
1.4.1997 | 151,85 points |
1.5.1997 | 151,98 points |
1.6.1997 | 151,97 points |
1.7.1997 | 151,62 points |
1.8.1997 | 151,90 points |
1.9.1997 | 152,01 points |
1.10.1997 | 151,70 points |
1.11.1997 | 152,31 points |
1.12.1997 | 152,16 points |
1.1.1998 | 151,33 points |
1.2.1998 | 151,56 points |
1.3.1998 | 151,13 points |
1.4.1998 | 150,81 points |
1.5.1998 | 150,92 points |
1.6.1998 | 150,94 points |
1.7.1998 | 151,24 points |
1.8.1998 | 150,65 points |
1.9.1998 | 151,00 points |
1.10.1998 | 150,38 points |
1.11.1998 | 150,19 points |
1.12.1998 | 149,11 points |
1.1.1999 | 148,99 points |
1.2.1999 | 148,50 points |
1.3.1999 | 148,44 points |
1.4.1999 | 148,22 points |
1.5.1999 | 148,70 points |
1.6.1999 | 149,31 points |
1.7.1999 | 149,27 points |
1.8.1999 | 149,84 points |
1.9.1999 | 150,19 points |
1.10.1999 | 150,40 points |
1.11.1999 | 150,76 points |
1.12.1999 | 150,64 points |
1.1.2000 | 151,49 points |
1.2.2000 | 152,10 points |
1.3.2000 | 153,14 points |
1.4.2000 | 153,57 points |
1.5.2000 | 153,88 points |
1.6.2000 | 154,22 points |
1.7.2000 | 154,31 points |
1.8.2000 | 153,77 points |
1.9.2000 | 154,08 points |
1.10.2000 | 154,57 points |
1.11.2000 | 155,18 points |
1.12.2000 | 155,25 points |
1.1.2001 | 155,13 points |
1.2.2001 | 155,24 points |
1.3.2001 | 155,43 points |
1.4.2001 | 155,41 points |
1.5.2001 | 155,72 points |
1.6.2001 | 155,77 points |
1.7.2001 | 155,01 points |
1.8.2001 | 154,95 points |
1.9.2001 | 154,85 points |
1.10.2001 | 153,45 points |
1.11.2001 | 152,87 points |
1.12.2001 | 152,31 points |
1.1.2002 | 152,55 points |
1.2.2002 | 152,25 points |
1.3.2002 | 152,89 points |
1.4.2002 | 153,07 points |
1.5.2002 | 153,17 points |
1.6.2002 | 153,66 points |
1.7.2002 | 154,43 points |
1.8.2002 | 154,97 points |
1.9.2002 | 155,48 points |
1.10.2002 | 155,59 points |
1.11.2002 | 155,38 points |
1.12.2002 | 155,54 points |
1.1.2003 | 156,21 points |
1.2.2003 | 157,26 points |
1.3.2003 | 157,43 points |
1.4.2003 | 157,32 points |
1.5.2003 | 157,42 points |
1.6.2003 | 157,60 points |
1.7.2003 | 157,37 points |
1.8.2003 | 157,32 points |
1.9.2003 | 157,58 points |
1.10.2003 | 158,68 points |
1.11.2003 | 159,35 points |
1.12.2003 | 159,82 points |
1.1.2004 | 161,50 points |
1.2.2004 | 162,08 points |
1.3.2004 | 163,88 points |
1.4.2004 | 165,96 points |
1.5.2004 | 167,12 points |
1.6.2004 | 166,84 points |
1.7.2004 | 168,00 points |
1.8.2004 | 167,49 points |
1.9.2004 | 168,41 points |
1.10.2004 | 169,10 points |
1.11.2004 | 169,68 points |
1.12.2004 | 169,67 points |
1.1.2005 | 171,35 points |
1.2.2005 | 171,89 points |
1.3.2005 | 173,75 points |
1.4.2005 | 174,01 points |
1.5.2005 | 174,00 points |
1.6.2005 | 174,31 points |
1.7.2005 | 174,87 points |
1.8.2005 | 175,59 points |
1.9.2005 | 176,85 points |
1.10.2005 | 177,92 points |
1.11.2005 | 177,76 points |
1.12.2005 | 178,55 points |
1.1.2006 | 179,59 points |
1.2.2006 | 179,49 points |
1.3.2006 | 179,71 points |
1.4.2006 | 180,69 points |
1.5.2006 | 181,78 points |
1.6.2006 | 182,84 points |
1.7.2006 | 183,86 points |
1.8.2006 | 185,02 points |
1.9.2006 | 184,98 points |
1.10.2006 | 185,82 points |
1.11.2006 | 186,14 points |
1.12.2006 | 186,46 points |
1.1.2007 | 186,73 points |
1.2.2007 | 188,89 points |
1.3.2007 | 189,93 points |
1.4.2007 | 191,59 points |
1.5.2007 | 192,67 points |
1.6.2007 | 193,11 points |
1.7.2007 | 193,79 points |
1.8.2007 | 193,20 points |
1.9.2007 | 194,17 points |
1.10.2007 | 195,53 points |
1.11.2007 | 197,61 points |
1.12.2007 | 198,25 points |
1.1.2008 | 200,82 points |
1.2.2008 | 202,33 points |
1.3.2008 | 205,55 points |
1.4.2008 | 207,66 points |
1.5.2008 | 210,77 points |
1.6.2008 | 213,40 points |
1.7.2008 | 218,10 points |
1.8.2008 | 216,55 points |
1.9.2008 | 215,88 points |
1.10.2008 | 210,64 points |
1.11.2008 | 206,26 points |
1.12.2008 | 202,35 points |
1.1.2009 | 202,64 points |
1.2.2009 | 202,00 points |
1.3.2009 | 200,87 points |
1.4.2009 | 199,71 points |
1.5.2009 | 200,05 points |
1.6.2009 | 201,09 points |
1.7.2009 | 200,26 points |
1.8.2009 | 200,62 points |
1.9.2009 | 200,78 points |
1.10.2009 | 201,17 points |
1.11.2009 | 202,29 points |
1.12.2009 | 203,43 points |
1.1.2010 | 204,49 points |
1.2.2010 | 205,18 points |
1.3.2010 | 206,27 points |
1.4.2010 | 207,84 points |
1.5.2010 | 208,96 points |
1.6.2010 | 209,21 points |
1.7.2010 | 209,78 points |
1.8.2010 | 210,78 points |
1.9.2010 | 211,93 points |
1.10.2010 | 213,47 points |
1.11.2010 | 215,02 points |
1.12.2010 | 215,70 points |
1.1.2011 | 218,44 points |
1.2.2011 | 221,44 points |
1.3.2011 | 222,43 points |
1.4.2011 | 224,91 points |
1.5.2011 | 226,35 points |
1.6.2011 | 227,29 points |
1.7.2011 | 227,58 points |
1.8.2011 | 227,55 points |
1.9.2011 | 227,93 points |
1.10.2011 | 226,29 points |
1.11.2011 | 226,11 points |
1.12.2011 | 225,30 points |
1.1.2012 | 226,35 points |
1.2.2012 | 226,15 points |
1.3.2012 | 228,29 points |
1.4.2012 | 228,56 points |
1.5.2012 | 227,42 points |
1.6.2012 | 226,49 points |
1.7.2012 | 227,31 points |
1.8.2012 | 227,99 points |
1.9.2012 | 228,65 points |
1.10.2012 | 228,20 points |
1.11.2012 | 227,13 points |
1.12.2012 | 227,50 points |
1.1.2013 | 227,24 points |
1.2.2013 | 227,20 points |
1.3.2013 | 227,46 points |
1.4.2013 | 226,62 points |
1.5.2013 | 227,22 points |
1.6.2013 | 226,71 points |
1.7.2013 | 227,89 points |
1.8.2013 | 226,09 points |
1.9.2013 | 227,48 points |
1.10.2013 | 226,55 points |
1.11.2013 | 226,68 points |
1.12.2013 | 227,13 points |
1.1.2014 | 228,69 points |
1.2.2014 | 229,20 points |
1.3.2014 | 229,02 points |
1.4.2014 | 229,52 points |
1.5.2014 | 229,95 points |
1.6.2014 | 230,11 points |
1.7.2014 | 229,08 points |
1.8.2014 | 229,10 points |
1.9.2014 | 229,72 points |
1.10.2014 | 227,32 points |
1.11.2014 | 226,72 points |
1.12.2014 | 225,24 points |
1.1.2015 | 222,95 points |
1.2.2015 | 222,95 points |
1.3.2015 | 222,51 points |
1.4.2015 | 221,49 points |
1.5.2015 | 221,33 points |
1.6.2015 | 221,28 points |
1.7.2015 | 221,43 points |
1.8.2015 | 220,08 points |
1.9.2015 | 219,79 points |
1.10.2015 | 219,22 points |
1.11.2015 | 218,57 points |
1.12.2015 | 217,42 points |
1.1.2016 | 216,56 points |
1.2.2016 | 216,93 points |
1.3.2016 | 217,13 points |
1.4.2016 | 217,53 points |
1.5.2016 | 219,16 points |
1.6.2016 | 220,25 points |
1.7.2016 | 220,11 points |
1.8.2016 | 219,79 points |
1.9.2016 | 219,23 points |
1.10.2016 | 219,07 points |
1.11.2016 | 219,35 points |
1.12.2016 | 221,09 points |
1.1.2017 | 222,24 points |
1.2.2017 | 223,26 points |
1.3.2017 | 223,53 points |
1.4.2017 | 223,62 points |
1.5.2017 | 223,33 points |
1.6.2017 | 224,12 points |
1.7.2017 | 225,06 points |
1.8.2017 | 225,40 points |
1.9.2017 | 225,78 points |
1.10.2017 | 225,80 points |
1.11.2017 | 225,82 points |
1.12.2017 | 226,29 points |
1.1.2018 | 227,83 points |
1.2.2018 | 228,77 points |
1.3.2018 | 230,12 points |
1.4.2018 | 231,27 points |
1.5.2018 | 232,33 points |
1.6.2018 | 233,13 points |
1.7.2018 | 233,29 points |
1.8.2018 | 234,38 points |
1.9.2018 | 235,06 points |
1.10.2018 | 235,27 points |
1.11.2018 | 234,41 points |
1.12.2018 | 233,80 points |
1.1.2019 | 234,37 points |
1.2.2019 | 234,79 points |
1.3.2019 | 234,50 points |
1.4.2019 | 233,86 points |
1.5.2019 | 233,22 points |
1.6.2019 | 231,53 points |
1.7.2019 | 231,63 points |
1.8.2019 | 231,15 points |
1.9.2019 | 230,85 points |
1.10.2019 | 230,98 points |
1.11.2019 | 230,51 points |
1.12.2019 | 230,11 points |
1.1.2020 | 230,71 points |
1.2.2020 | 230,39 points |
1.3.2020 | 229,32 points |
1.4.2020 | 227,71 points |
1.5.2020 | 228,08 points |
1.6.2020 | 229,18 points |
1.7.2020 | 229,77 points |
1.8.2020 | 229,86 points |
1.9.2020 | 230,82 points |
1.10.2020 | 232,04 points |
1.11.2020 | 233,46 points |
1.12.2020 | 235,68 points |
1.1.2021 | 239,10 points |
1.2.2021 | 241,44 points |
1.3.2021 | 245,02 points |
1.4.2021 | 248,50 points |
1.5.2021 | 253,19 points |
1.6.2021 | 256,43 points |
1.7.2021 | 260,25 points |
1.8.2021 | 262,62 points |
1.9.2021 | 265,68 points |
1.10.2021 | 268,34 points |
1.11.2021 | 271,42 points |
1.12.2021 | 272,76 points |
1.1.2022 | 278,34 points |
1.2.2022 | 283,24 points |
1.3.2022 | 287,03 points |
1.4.2022 | 291,43 points |
1.5.2022 | 293,26 points |
1.6.2022 | 296,84 points |
1.7.2022 | 295,20 points |
1.8.2022 | 296,06 points |
1.9.2022 | 294,89 points |
1.10.2022 | 294,43 points |
1.11.2022 | 294,00 points |
1.12.2022 | 292,39 points |
1.1.2023 | 294,49 points |
1.2.2023 | 294,80 points |
1.3.2023 | 294,81 points |
1.4.2023 | 293,72 points |
1.5.2023 | 292,28 points |
1.6.2023 | 290,01 points |
1.7.2023 | 289,91 points |
1.8.2023 | 289,46 points |
1.9.2023 | 289,85 points |
1.10.2023 | 290,40 points |
1.11.2023 | 289,78 points |
1.12.2023 | 289,57 points |
1.1.2024 | 290,38 points |
1.2.2024 | 291,24 points |
1.3.2024 | 292,19 points |
Impordihinnad Ajalugu
Kuupäev | Väärtus |
1.3.2024 | 292,192 punktid |
1.2.2024 | 291,238 punktid |
1.1.2024 | 290,382 punktid |
1.12.2023 | 289,573 punktid |
1.11.2023 | 289,783 punktid |
1.10.2023 | 290,404 punktid |
1.9.2023 | 289,849 punktid |
1.8.2023 | 289,455 punktid |
1.7.2023 | 289,908 punktid |
1.6.2023 | 290,008 punktid |
Sarnased makromajanduslikud näitajad Impordihinnad
Nimi | Praegu | Eelmine | Sagedus |
🇲🇽 CPI Transport | 128,534 points | 128,085 points | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Ekspordihinnad | 149,843 points | 149,597 points | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Inflatsioonimäär | 4,69 % | 4,65 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Inflatsioonimäär KuuK | −0,19 % | 0,2 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Inflatsiooniootused | 3,85 % | 3,68 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Kuu keskpaiga inflatsioonimäär KuK | 0,43 % | 0,09 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Kuu keskpaiga inflatsioonimäär YoY | 4,69 % | 4,66 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Kuu keskpaiga põhiinflatsiooni määr aastases võrdluses | 3,87 % | 3,95 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Kuupõhine tuuminflatsiooni määr kuu keskpaigas | 0,28 % | 0,5 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 SKP-deflaator | 131,82 points | 129,87 points | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 Tarbijahinnaindeks (CPI) | 136,1 points | 136 points | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Tarbijahinnaindeks eluaseme ja kõrvalkulude jaoks | 119,14 points | 118,84 points | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Toiduainete inflatsioon | 6 % | 5,78 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Tootjahinnad | 124,861 points | 124,214 points | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Tootjahinnainflatsioon KuKu (kuult kuule) | 0,6 % | −0,03 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Tootjahinnamuutus | 5,3 % | 4,8 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Tuumainflatsiooni määr KuK | 0,28 % | 0,22 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Tuumainflatsioonimäär | 3,91 % | 4 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Tuumtarbijahinnad | 134,035 points | 133,803 points | Kuus |
Mehhikos vastavad impordihinnad hinnamuutuste määrale, mis kajastab kaupade ja teenuste maksumuse muutumist, mida selle riigi elanikud ostavad välismaistelt müüjatelt. Impordihinnad on tugevalt mõjutatud vahetuskurssidest.
Makrolehed teistele riikidele Ameerika
- 🇦🇷Argentina
- 🇦🇼Aruba
- 🇧🇸Bahama
- 🇧🇧Barbados
- 🇧🇿Belize
- 🇧🇲Bermuda
- 🇧🇴Boliivia
- 🇧🇷Brasiilia
- 🇨🇦Kanada
- 🇰🇾Kaimanisaared
- 🇨🇱Tšiili
- 🇨🇴Kolumbia
- 🇨🇷Costa Rica
- 🇨🇺Kuuba
- 🇩🇴Dominikaani Vabariik
- 🇪🇨Ecuador
- 🇸🇻El Salvador
- 🇬🇹Guatemala
- 🇬🇾Guyana
- 🇭🇹Haiti
- 🇭🇳Honduras
- 🇯🇲Jamaika
- 🇳🇮Nicaragua
- 🇵🇦Panama
- 🇵🇾Paraguay
- 🇵🇪Peruu
- 🇵🇷Puerto Rico
- 🇸🇷Suriname
- 🇹🇹Trinidad ja Tobago
- 🇺🇸Ameerika Ühendriigid
- 🇺🇾Uruguay
- 🇻🇪Venezuela
- 🇦🇬Antigua ja Barbuda
- 🇩🇲Dominica
- 🇬🇩Grenada
Mis on Impordihinnad?
Import Prices in Estonian: A Detailed Examination Welcome to Eulerpool, your premier source for comprehensive macroeconomic data. In this article, we will delve deep into the concept of "Import Prices," exploring its multifaceted influence on the Estonian economy. Import prices serve as a pivotal macroeconomic indicator, interlinking various elements within national and global economic frameworks. Import prices refer to the costs associated with goods and services purchased from foreign countries. These costs can fluctuate based on a myriad of factors, which include changes in global commodity prices, exchange rates, trade policies, and transportation costs. In the context of Estonia, a small and open economy, import prices have a pronounced impact on both inflation and competitiveness. One crucial aspect of import prices is their interplay with exchange rates. The value of the domestic currency against other major currencies directly influences the cost of imported goods. When the euro appreciates, the prices of imports tend to decrease, making foreign goods cheaper for Estonian consumers and businesses. Conversely, a depreciation of the euro can make imports more expensive, thereby exerting upward pressure on domestic inflation. Trade policies also play a significant role in shaping import prices. Tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers can alter the cost structure of imported goods. For Estonia, which is a member of the European Union, the common EU trade policy determines the tariffs applied to imports from non-EU countries. These policies aim to protect local industries but can also lead to higher prices for imported goods. Another important factor affecting import prices is global commodity prices. Raw materials such as oil, metals, and agricultural products are subject to international market conditions. For instance, a spike in oil prices can increase transportation and production costs for a wide range of goods, including those imported into Estonia. Conversely, a drop in global commodity prices can lower import costs, providing some relieve to consumers. Transport costs represent another critical component of import prices. Given its geographical location, Estonia relies heavily on maritime and road transport for importing goods. Fuel prices, logistical efficiencies, and infrastructure quality can all influence transportation costs. Efficient supply chains and advanced logistical networks can help contain these costs, thereby stabilizing import prices. Inflation and consumer prices in Estonia are greatly affected by import prices. A rise in import prices can lead to higher overall price levels in the economy, contributing to inflationary pressures. For example, if the cost of imported consumer goods such as electronics or clothing rises, this increase will likely be passed on to consumers, resulting in higher consumer price inflation (CPI). On the other hand, lower import prices can act as a deflationary force, helping to keep inflation in check. The competitiveness of Estonian businesses is also tied to import prices. Many industries rely on imported raw materials or intermediate goods for production. Changes in import prices therefore affect production costs and ultimately the final prices of domestically produced goods. An increase in import prices can erode competitiveness by increasing production costs, while a decrease can enhance it by lowering these costs. The interconnectedness of global supply chains further underscores the importance of monitoring import prices. In a globalized economy, disruptions in one part of the world can have far-reaching effects. For instance, a natural disaster in a major exporting country can lead to supply shortages and spike prices of imported goods. Keeping a close eye on these prices allows businesses and policymakers to anticipate and mitigate potential economic disruptions. Even household purchasing power cannot escape the influence of import prices. Higher import prices can reduce disposable income as households have to allocate more of their budget to cover essential imported goods such as fuel, food, and manufactured products. This reduction in purchasing power can dampen consumer spending, a key driver of economic growth. In conclusion, import prices are a crucial macroeconomic variable with far-reaching implications for the Estonian economy. They influence inflation, competitiveness, production costs, and household purchasing power. Keeping track of import prices is therefore vital for businesses, policymakers, and consumers alike. At Eulerpool, we provide detailed and real-time macroeconomic data, including import prices, to help you stay informed and make data-driven decisions. We invite you to explore our comprehensive dataset and tools to gain deeper insights into the economic factors shaping our world. By understanding the dynamics of import prices, you can better navigate the complex landscape of the global economy and leverage this knowledge to your advantage. Thank you for visiting Eulerpool, your trusted source for professional macroeconomic data.