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Alates 2 eurost kindlustatud Mehhiko Sisemajanduse koguprodukt (SKP) Agregaatnõudlus Kvartali võrreldes eelmise kvartaliga (QoQ)
Aktsia hind
Praegune Sisemajanduse koguprodukt (SKP) väärtus riigis Mehhiko on 1,2 %. Sisemajanduse koguprodukt (SKP) riigis Mehhiko tõusis 1,2 % 1.3.2024, pärast seda, kui see oli 0,3 % 1.12.2023. Perioodil 1.6.1993 kuni 1.6.2024 oli riigi Mehhiko keskmine SKP 0,74 %. Kõigi aegade kõrgeim tase saavutati 1.9.2020, mil see oli 15,70 %, samas kui madalaim väärtus registreeriti 1.6.2020, mil see oli −20,80 %.
Sisemajanduse koguprodukt (SKP) Agregaatnõudlus Kvartali võrreldes eelmise kvartaliga (QoQ) ·
3 aastat
5 aastat
10 aastat
25 aastat
SKP Kogunõudlus KvK | |
1.6.1993 | 0,80 % |
1.9.1993 | 1,00 % |
1.12.1993 | 1,80 % |
1.3.1994 | 2,00 % |
1.6.1994 | 2,10 % |
1.9.1994 | 1,10 % |
1.12.1994 | 1,30 % |
1.9.1995 | 2,20 % |
1.12.1995 | 1,60 % |
1.3.1996 | 3,60 % |
1.6.1996 | 1,30 % |
1.9.1996 | 1,90 % |
1.12.1996 | 3,90 % |
1.3.1997 | 0,50 % |
1.6.1997 | 2,90 % |
1.9.1997 | 3,30 % |
1.12.1997 | 2,60 % |
1.3.1998 | 1,40 % |
1.6.1998 | 0,90 % |
1.9.1998 | 0,20 % |
1.12.1998 | 0,50 % |
1.3.1999 | 1,30 % |
1.6.1999 | 1,50 % |
1.9.1999 | 1,50 % |
1.12.1999 | 1,60 % |
1.3.2000 | 2,80 % |
1.6.2000 | 1,80 % |
1.9.2000 | 1,90 % |
1.6.2002 | 1,20 % |
1.9.2002 | 0,60 % |
1.3.2003 | 2,70 % |
1.12.2003 | 0,70 % |
1.3.2004 | 1,80 % |
1.6.2004 | 2,10 % |
1.9.2004 | 0,50 % |
1.12.2004 | 1,60 % |
1.6.2005 | 0,10 % |
1.9.2005 | 1,40 % |
1.12.2005 | 2,50 % |
1.3.2006 | 1,90 % |
1.6.2006 | 1,10 % |
1.9.2006 | 0,40 % |
1.3.2007 | 1,00 % |
1.6.2007 | 1,30 % |
1.9.2007 | 1,00 % |
1.12.2007 | 0,40 % |
1.3.2008 | 0,10 % |
1.6.2008 | 0,60 % |
1.9.2008 | 1,40 % |
1.9.2009 | 5,70 % |
1.12.2009 | 2,40 % |
1.3.2010 | 1,70 % |
1.6.2010 | 1,70 % |
1.9.2010 | 1,10 % |
1.12.2010 | 0,80 % |
1.3.2011 | 0,90 % |
1.6.2011 | 0,60 % |
1.9.2011 | 2,10 % |
1.12.2011 | 0,30 % |
1.3.2012 | 1,20 % |
1.6.2012 | 0,90 % |
1.9.2012 | 0,40 % |
1.12.2012 | 1,40 % |
1.3.2013 | 0,10 % |
1.9.2013 | 0,80 % |
1.12.2013 | 0,30 % |
1.3.2014 | 1,10 % |
1.6.2014 | 1,70 % |
1.9.2014 | 0,50 % |
1.12.2014 | 1,60 % |
1.3.2015 | 0,40 % |
1.6.2015 | 1,50 % |
1.9.2015 | 1,30 % |
1.3.2016 | 0,30 % |
1.6.2016 | 0,50 % |
1.9.2016 | 1,40 % |
1.12.2016 | 1,00 % |
1.3.2017 | 1,10 % |
1.6.2017 | 0,60 % |
1.12.2017 | 1,50 % |
1.3.2018 | 1,90 % |
1.9.2018 | 0,40 % |
1.12.2018 | 0,60 % |
1.9.2020 | 15,70 % |
1.12.2020 | 7,00 % |
1.3.2021 | 1,20 % |
1.6.2021 | 0,70 % |
1.9.2021 | 0,30 % |
1.12.2021 | 1,70 % |
1.3.2022 | 0,90 % |
1.6.2022 | 1,60 % |
1.9.2022 | 1,70 % |
1.12.2022 | 0,60 % |
1.3.2023 | 1,20 % |
1.6.2023 | 1,00 % |
1.12.2023 | 0,30 % |
1.3.2024 | 1,20 % |
Sisemajanduse koguprodukt (SKP) Agregaatnõudlus Kvartali võrreldes eelmise kvartaliga (QoQ) Ajalugu
Kuupäev | Väärtus |
1.3.2024 | 1,2 % |
1.12.2023 | 0,3 % |
1.6.2023 | 1 % |
1.3.2023 | 1,2 % |
1.12.2022 | 0,6 % |
1.9.2022 | 1,7 % |
1.6.2022 | 1,6 % |
1.3.2022 | 0,9 % |
1.12.2021 | 1,7 % |
1.9.2021 | 0,3 % |
Sarnased makromajanduslikud näitajad Sisemajanduse koguprodukt (SKP) Agregaatnõudlus Kvartali võrreldes eelmise kvartaliga (QoQ)
Nimi | Praegu | Eelmine | Sagedus |
🇲🇽 Aastane SKP kasvumäär | 1,6 % | 2,5 % | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 Avaliku sektori SKP | 812,211 mld. MXN | 873,646 mld. MXN | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 Brutoinvesteeringud põhivarasse | 6,453 Bio. MXN | 6,402 Bio. MXN | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 Ehitusest tulenev SKP | 1,641 Bio. MXN | 1,489 Bio. MXN | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 Kaevandamise SKP | 941,927 mld. MXN | 952,446 mld. MXN | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 Kuu sisemajanduse kogutoodang (BIP) kuu kuult | −0,6 % | 0,3 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 Kuu sisemajanduse kogutoodangu (SKT) aastane kasv | 0,4 % | 3,8 % | Kuus |
🇲🇽 SKP elaniku kohta ostujõu pariteedis | 22 366,66 USD | 21 828,77 USD | Aastane |
🇲🇽 SKP kasv terve aasta lõikes | 3,2 % | 3,9 % | Aastane |
🇲🇽 SKP kasvumäär | 0,3 % | 0,1 % | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 SKP põllumajandusest | 764,828 mld. MXN | 957,477 mld. MXN | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 SKP püsivhindades | 25,267 Bio. MXN | 25,227 Bio. MXN | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 SKT | 1,789 Bio. USD | 1,463 Bio. USD | Aastane |
🇲🇽 SKT inimese kohta | 10 241,89 USD | 10 011,25 USD | Aastane |
🇲🇽 SKT kogunõudlus YoY | 2,6 % | 2,2 % | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 SKT kommunaalteenustest | 346,955 mld. MXN | 346,955 mld. MXN | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 Teenuste sektori SKP | 15,212 Bio. MXN | 14,665 Bio. MXN | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 Töötleva tööstuse SKP | 5,118 Bio. MXN | 5,121 Bio. MXN | Kvartal |
🇲🇽 Transpordisektori SKP | 1,949 Bio. MXN | 1,841 Bio. MXN | Kvartal |
Makrolehed teistele riikidele Ameerika
- 🇦🇷Argentina
- 🇦🇼Aruba
- 🇧🇸Bahama
- 🇧🇧Barbados
- 🇧🇿Belize
- 🇧🇲Bermuda
- 🇧🇴Boliivia
- 🇧🇷Brasiilia
- 🇨🇦Kanada
- 🇰🇾Kaimanisaared
- 🇨🇱Tšiili
- 🇨🇴Kolumbia
- 🇨🇷Costa Rica
- 🇨🇺Kuuba
- 🇩🇴Dominikaani Vabariik
- 🇪🇨Ecuador
- 🇸🇻El Salvador
- 🇬🇹Guatemala
- 🇬🇾Guyana
- 🇭🇹Haiti
- 🇭🇳Honduras
- 🇯🇲Jamaika
- 🇳🇮Nicaragua
- 🇵🇦Panama
- 🇵🇾Paraguay
- 🇵🇪Peruu
- 🇵🇷Puerto Rico
- 🇸🇷Suriname
- 🇹🇹Trinidad ja Tobago
- 🇺🇸Ameerika Ühendriigid
- 🇺🇾Uruguay
- 🇻🇪Venezuela
- 🇦🇬Antigua ja Barbuda
- 🇩🇲Dominica
- 🇬🇩Grenada
Mis on Sisemajanduse koguprodukt (SKP) Agregaatnõudlus Kvartali võrreldes eelmise kvartaliga (QoQ)?
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and aggregate demand are fundamental indicators used to assess the overall health and performance of an economy. The term "GDP Aggregate Demand QoQ" (quarter-on-quarter growth) is a crucial metric that measures the change in the value of all goods and services produced by an economy over a specific quarter compared to the previous one. At eulerpool, we understand the importance of this macroeconomic data in providing insights into economic trends and forecasts for businesses, policymakers, and investors. This comprehensive analysis aims to elucidate the significance of the GDP Aggregate Demand QoQ in the context of the Estonian economy and its implications for various economic agents. In Estonia, like in other advanced economies, GDP serves as a vital measure of economic activity. It encapsulates the total value of goods and services produced within national borders over a specified period, typically measured on a quarterly basis for more granular insights. When analyzing GDP on a quarter-on-quarter basis, economists and analysts can identify short-term economic trends, detect emerging patterns, and make timely adjustments to economic policies. At eulerpool, our mission is to provide accurate and up-to-date macroeconomic data that aids stakeholders in making informed decisions. Aggregate demand in the context of GDP represents the total demand for goods and services within an economy. It is comprised of household consumption, business investments, government spending, and net exports (exports minus imports). Changes in aggregate demand directly influence GDP, as an increase in demand typically leads to higher production levels and, consequently, higher GDP. Conversely, a decline in aggregate demand can signal economic downturns. The QoQ growth in GDP, therefore, reflects the variations in these demand components over consecutive quarters and offers crucial insights into the underlying economic dynamics. A detailed analysis of Estonia’s GDP Aggregate Demand QoQ can reveal valuable trends and inform economic strategy. For instance, if there is consistent QoQ growth driven by heightened consumer spending, it may indicate rising consumer confidence and a robust economy. Conversely, if QoQ growth is driven primarily by increased government expenditure, it could signal a more interventionist approach to stimulating economic activity. Therefore, understanding the sources of aggregate demand and their contributions to GDP growth is essential for a nuanced economic analysis. Household consumption is one of the largest components of aggregate demand in Estonia. It encompasses expenditures on goods and services by Estonian residents and can be influenced by factors such as disposable income, consumer confidence, and employment levels. For instance, an increase in disposable income typically boosts household consumption, contributing positively to GDP growth. Monitoring trends in household consumption on a quarter-on-quarter basis can provide early signals about shifts in consumer behavior and overall economic sentiment. Business investments, also known as gross fixed capital formation, represent another key component of aggregate demand. Investments in infrastructure, machinery, technology, and overall business expansion are critical for long-term economic growth. In Estonia, fluctuations in business investments can be indicative of prevailing business confidence and expectations of future economic conditions. A rise in business investments usually reflects optimism about future demand, bolstering GDP growth. Conversely, a slowdown in investments can be a worrying sign of economic uncertainty or pessimism. Government spending acts as a stabilizing force in the economy, especially during periods of economic volatility. In Estonia, government expenditure on public services, infrastructure projects, and social programs contributes significantly to aggregate demand. During economic downturns, increased government spending can cushion the economy by compensating for reduced private sector demand. Analyzing quarter-on-quarter changes in government expenditure offers insights into fiscal policies and their effectiveness in supporting economic growth. Net exports, which is the balance of exports and imports, also play a pivotal role in shaping Estonia’s GDP. An increase in exports relative to imports contributes positively to GDP growth, while a trade deficit can drag it down. Estonia’s small and open economy is highly dependent on international trade, making it susceptible to global economic fluctuations. Therefore, monitoring quarterly changes in net exports is essential for understanding the external economic influences on Estonia’s economy. Additionally, it is crucial to consider external economic factors that may affect aggregate demand and GDP growth in Estonia. International trade policies, geopolitical stability, and global market trends can all have a significant impact. For instance, trade agreements or disputes can alter export and import levels, while global economic cycles can affect demand for Estonian products. At eulerpool, we provide a comprehensive analysis of these external factors to offer a holistic understanding of GDP Aggregate Demand QoQ. Understanding the nuances of GDP Aggregate Demand QoQ in Estonia necessitates a deeper dive into the data and trends. Our platform, eulerpool, offers robust tools and detailed data sets that enable users to analyze these metrics effectively. By providing precise and timely macroeconomic data, we empower users to make well-informed decisions, whether they are policymakers designing economic strategies, investors evaluating market conditions, or businesses planning their next moves. In conclusion, the GDP Aggregate Demand QoQ is a vital metric that provides insights into the health and trajectory of the Estonian economy. By examining the components of aggregate demand and their changes over each quarter, one can decipher the underlying economic trends and make strategic decisions. At eulerpool, we are dedicated to offering comprehensive and precise macroeconomic data that supports your economic analysis and decision-making processes. Understanding these dynamics will not only shed light on current economic performances but also pave the way for future economic planning and stability.