Macy's AAQS 2025
Macy's AAQS
Macy's omab hetkel AAQS väärtuseks 3. Kõrget AAQS-i võib pidada positiivseks märgiks, et ettevõte areneb edukalt. Investorid võivad eeldada, et ettevõte on heas seisus kasumi teenimiseks. Teisest küljest on oluline vaadelda Macy's aktsia AAQS-i võrdluses saadud kasumite ja sama sektori teiste ettevõtetega. Kõrge AAQS ei ole absoluutne garantii positiivseks tulevikuks. Ainult nii on võimalik saada täielik ülevaade ettevõtte sooritusest. Ettevõtte arengu paremaks hindamiseks on oluline võrrelda AAQS-i sama sektori teiste ettevõtetega. Üldiselt peaksid investorid alati vaatlema ettevõtte AAQS-i seoses teiste näitajatega nagu kasum, EBIT, rahavoog ja muud, et teha põhjendatud investeerimisotsus.
Macy's Aktienanalyse
Mis teeb Macy's?
Macy's Inc is one of the oldest and most well-known retail chains in the United States. It was founded in 1858 in New York City as a small dry goods store by R.H. Macy and has continuously evolved over the past 160 years. In 2007, the company was renamed Macy's Inc and its headquarters are still located in New York City. Today, Macy's Inc operates over 800 stores in the US, making it the largest department store operator in the United States. The company's business model is simple: it is a department store that offers a wide variety of products. These include clothing, shoes, bags, jewelry, beauty products, household items, furniture, and much more. Another important aspect of Macy's Inc's business model is its specialization in customer needs. Macy's Inc offers a broad range of products at different price points to appeal to a wide target audience. Through this strategy, the company has built a large fan base in the US and around the globe. Macy's Inc operates various divisions, including Macy's, Bloomingdale's, and Bluemercury. Macy's is the company's main brand, operating department stores in all major cities in the US. Under a well-known and popular brand, Macy's Inc offers a wide range of clothing styles and accessories for every occasion and age group. Bloomingdale's is a more upscale brand of Macy's Inc, offering designer clothing, shoes, accessories, as well as luxury beauty and grooming brands. Bluemercury is a company specializing in beauty products, offering a wide range of products from skincare to makeup and fragrances. Macy's Inc is known for many products, including its own fashion collections, as well as collaborations with renowned designers. An example of this is the collaboration with designer Tom Ford, who has designed an exclusive luxury collection for the company. Macy's Inc also has a wide range of jewelry and watches. The jewelry collections include everything from classic diamond rings to modern statement jewelry. The Macy's watch range covers both trendy smartwatches and classic analog designs. In the household category, Macy's Inc also offers a wide range of products. These include items such as bedding, towels, tablecloths, and kitchen utensils. Macy's Inc also offers a wide selection of furniture - from bedroom furniture to living room furnishings. In addition to selling products, Macy's Inc also offers various services. These include beauty salons and spas, as well as personalized consulting services for clothing and accessories. Customers can even order gift wrapping and personalized gifts. Overall, Macy's Inc is one of the most well-known retail chains in the US and has earned a solid place in the retail sector. The wide range of products and focus on customer satisfaction have made the company a favorite for millions. However, in recent years, Macy's Inc has faced increasing competition from online retailers and other brick-and-mortar department stores such as JCPenney, which are taking away its customers. Nevertheless, Macy's Inc has proven that it can adapt and keep up with trends, and is likely to remain an important player in the retail industry. Macy's ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf küsimused Macy's aktsia kohta
Aktsiasäästuplaanid pakuvad investoritele atraktiivset võimalust pikema aja jooksul vara koguda. Üheks peamiseks eeliseks on nn keskmise maksumuse efekt: investeerides regulaarselt kindla summa aktsiatesse või aktsiafondidesse, ostetakse automaatselt rohkem osakuid siis, kui hinnad on madalad, ja vähem, kui need on kõrged. See võib aja jooksul viia soodsama keskmise hinna per osakuni. Lisaks võimaldavad aktsiasäästuplaanid ka väikeinvestoritel pääseda ligi kallimatele aktsiatele, kuna nendega saab liituda juba väikeste summadega. Regulaarne investeerimine soodustab ka distsiplineeritud investeerimisstrateegiat ja aitab vältida emotsionaalsete otsuste, nagu impulsiivne ostmine või müümine. Peale selle saavad investorid osa aktsiate võimalikust väärtuse kasvust ning dividendide väljamaksetest, mida saab reinvesteerida, mis tugevdab intressiintressi efekti ning seeläbi investeeritud kapitali kasvu.
Macy's aktsia on järgmiste pakkujate juures säästuplaaniga seotav: Trade Republic
Andere Kennzahlen von Macy's
Meie Macy's Käive-aktsia analüüs sisaldab olulisi finantsnäitajaid, nagu käive, kasum, P/E suhe, P/S suhe, EBIT, samuti teavet dividendi kohta. Lisaks käsitleme aspekte nagu aktsiad, turukapitalisatsioon, võlad, omakapital ja kohustused ettevõttes Macy's Käive. Kui otsite nende teemade kohta põhjalikumat teavet, pakume teile meie alamlehtedel üksikasjalikke analüüse: