Terror attack on Russian cargo ship Ursa Major in the Mediterranean
- Two crew members missing; Oboronlogistika suspects targeted attack.
- Russian cargo ship Ursa Major victim of a suspected terrorist attack in the Mediterranean.
Eulerpool News·
In a concerning report from the Mediterranean region, Russian authorities report a terrorist attack on the cargo ship Ursa Major. According to the state news agency RIA, citing information from the ship's owner, the vessel built in 2009 fell victim to a suspected explosion in the engine room, which ultimately led to its sinking. Tragically, two of the sixteen crew members are missing, as reported by the Russian Foreign Ministry. Oboronlogistika, a major player in the military construction projects of the Russian Ministry of Defense and also the owner of the Ursa Major, expressed suspicion of a targeted terrorist attack. Originally, the ship was en route to the Russian Baltic port of Vladivostok, loaded with two gigantic harbor cranes. On one hand, this incident highlights the ongoing danger of terrorist threats on global trade routes. On the other hand, it underscores the challenges that international transporters face in balancing security and logistics. The Russian side will likely now focus intensively on investigating the incident to identify potential security gaps and prevent further attacks. Modern Financial Markets Data
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