Germany intensifies military support for Ukraine

Eulerpool News·

Alongside diplomatic efforts, Germany is resolutely continuing its commitment to the military training of Ukrainian forces. This year, the Federal Government plans to train an additional 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers under the flag of the European Training Mission EUMAM. State Secretary for Defence Siemtje Möller reaffirmed Berlin's endeavor to support the Eastern European country in resisting the Russian aggressors. Since the launch of EUMAM in November 2022, which was originally designed to train up to 15,000 soldiers, the European Union has steadily increased the target, with around 40,000 members of the Ukrainian army now having been trained in various EU countries. Approximately one quarter of this number is attributed to initiatives by the Bundeswehr. With a qualification offer ranging from the operation of the Patriot air defense system and the work with the PzH 2000 howitzer to the deployment of Leopard 1 and Leopard 2 battle tanks, Germany aims to strengthen the Ukrainian forces’ defense capabilities against Russian units. This is complemented by training in military leadership and first aid. On average, around 1,500 Bundeswehr personnel are involved in the realization of EUMAM, both as qualified trainers and in supportive roles, such as supplying the Ukrainian forces or acting as interpreters. This commitment is carried out without a mandate from the Bundestag as it does not entail armed military operations under German law. This strategy is intended to significantly contribute to improving the resilience of Ukraine in the conflict and is considered a historic step, as it is the first time a training mission for foreign forces takes place on European soil – an adjustment to the conditions in Ukraine, which are deemed too risky.
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