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Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution

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Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution Price

Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution Steckbrief

Der Lyxor US Treasury3-7Y (DR) UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution ist ein Exchange Traded Fund, der in den USA ansässig ist und von Lyxor Asset Management herausgegeben wird. Bei diesem ETF handelt es sich um ein passiv gemanagtes Produkt, das sich an dem Bloomberg Barclays US Treasury 3-7yr Index orientiert. Der Index, auf den sich der ETF bezieht, spiegelt die Wertentwicklung von US-amerikanischen Staatsanleihen wider, die eine Restlaufzeit von 3 bis 7 Jahren aufweisen. Die Anlageklasse des ETFs ist somit festverzinsliche Wertpapiere. Die Idee hinter der Erstellung des ETFs ist es, Anlegern die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihr Portfolio mit US-amerikanischen Staatsanleihen zu diversifizieren, ohne in Einzelwerte investieren zu müssen. Dies erhöht die Liquidität des Portfolios und minimiert das Risiko einzelner Wertpapierausfälle. Der ETF wurde im Jahr 2010 aufgelegt und hat seitdem eine konstante Wertentwicklung gezeigt. Wie bei allen ETFs können Anleger den Lyxor US Treasury3-7Y (DR) UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution während der Handelszeiten an der Börse kaufen und verkaufen. Der Anlageprozess des Lyxor US Treasury3-7Y (DR) UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution ist einfach. Das Fondsmanagementteam folgt automatisch dem Referenzindex und passt das Portfolio entsprechend an. Der ETF ist dabei bestrebt, die Entwicklung des Index so genau wie möglich abzubilden, zuzüglich der angefallenen Verwaltungskosten. Die Verwaltungskosten des ETFs sind vergleichsweise gering und betragen nur 0,09% pro Jahr. Der ETF verteilt seine Erträge monatlich, so dass Anleger von regelmäßigen Ausschüttungen profitieren können. Die Absicherung des ETFs auf GBP wird durch den Einsatz von Devisentermingeschäften erreicht. Dies verringert das Währungsrisiko im Portfolio und bietet Anlegern eine weitere Möglichkeit, ihr Portfolio gegen Währungsschwankungen abzusichern. Zusammenfassend bietet der Lyxor US Treasury3-7Y (DR) UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution Anlegern eine einfachere Möglichkeit, in US-amerikanische Staatsanleihen zu investieren. Der ETF ist preiswert, einfach zu handhaben und bietet eine konstante Wertentwicklung.

Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution List of Holdings

Most common questions regarding Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution

Who is the provider of Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution?

Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution is offered by Amundi, a leading player in the field of passive investments.

What is the ISIN of Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution?

The ISIN of Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution is LU1407889457.

What is the Total Expense Ratio (TER) of Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution?

The total expense ratio of Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution is 0.05%, which means that investors pay 5 GBP per 10,000 GBP in investment capital annually.

What currency is Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution listed in?

The ETF is listed in GBP.

What additional costs can European investors incur?

European investors may incur additional costs for currency exchange and transaction fees.

Is Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution UCITS-compliant?

Yes, Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution complies with the EU UCITS investor protection directives.

What index is replicated by Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution?

Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution tracks the performance of the Bloomberg U.S. 3-7 Year Treasury Bond Index - GBP - Benchmark TR Gross Hedged.

Where is Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution domiciled?

Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution is domiciled in LU.

When was Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution launched?

The fund was launched on 11/2/2022.

In welches Segment investiert Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution hauptsächlich?

The Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution mainly invests in Investment Grade companies.

What is the Net Asset Value (NAV) of Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution?

The NAV of Amundi US Treasury Bond 3-7Y UCITS ETF -Monthly Hedged to GBP - Dist- Distribution amounts to 10.65 M GBP.

How can I invest in this ETF?

Investments can be made through brokers or financial institutions that provide access to trading ETFs.

How is the ETF traded?

The ETF is traded on the stock exchange, similar to stocks.

Can I hold the ETF in my portfolio?

Yes, the ETF can be held in a regular securities account.

Is the ETF suitable for short-term or long-term investments?

The ETF is suitable for both short-term and long-term investment strategies, depending on the investor's goals.

How often is the ETF valued?

The ETF is valued on a daily stock exchange basis.

Are there dividends for this ETF?

Information on dividends should be requested from the provider's website or your broker.

What are the risks associated with this ETF?

The risks include market fluctuations, currency risks, and the risk associated with smaller companies.

How transparent is the ETF regarding its investments?

The ETF is obligated to report regularly and transparently on its investments.

How can I track the current performance of the ETF?

The performance can be viewed on Eulerpool or directly on the provider's website.

Where can I find more information about the ETF?

Further information can be found on the official website of the provider.