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FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF

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FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF Price

FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF Steckbrief

Der FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF Accum- USD ist ein börsengehandelter Fonds, welcher sich auf private Unternehmen fokussiert. Ursprünglich entstanden aus der Venture Capital Branche in den 60er Jahren, richtet sich private Equity heute an Unternehmen mit einem etablierten Track Record. Der ETF ermöglicht Investoren, sich an dieser aufstrebenden Asset Klasse zu beteiligen, als Teil eines gut diversifizierten Fonds. Das Ziel des FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF Accum- USD besteht darin, Investoren eine im Vergleich zu anderen Anlageklassen attraktive Rendite in Verbindung mit moderaten bis geringen Risiken zu bieten. Dieser ETF ist ein Spiegelbild des Listed Private Equity Global Index, der von LPX Group berechnet wird. Der Index umfasst die größten börsennotierten private Equity Unternehmen weltweit. Die Zusammensetzung des Fonds beinhaltet Anteile an Unternehmen, welche in eine breite Palette von Sektoren und Regionen investieren. Dadurch kann der Fonds eine hohe Diversifikation erreichen. Der FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF Accum- USD ist ein sogenanntes "Accumulating" Fonds, das bedeutet, dass seine Gewinne automatisch reinvestiert werden, um langfristiges Wachstum zu fördern. Zudem ist der ETF steuereffizient und kann dadurch auch für Investoren interessant sein, die steuerliche Überlegungen anstellen. Im Vergleich zu anderen Anlageklassen bietet private Equity eine attraktive und stabile Rendite. Laut einer Studie von Preqin, erzielten private Equity Investitionen in den letzten 10 Jahren eine jährliche Rendite von 13,1 %. Der langfristige Charakter von Private Equity kann dazu beitragen, einer Anlageportfolie Stabilität und Diversifikation zu verleihen. Fazit: Der FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF Accum- USD bietet den Vorteil, in private Unternehmen zu investieren, welche am oberen Ende des Wachstumskurven stehen. Mit einer breiten Diversifikation und einer lockeren, aber dennoch professionellen Handhabung kann dieser ETF eine hervorragende Ergänzung zu einem bestehenden Portfolio sein.

FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF List of Holdings

Most common questions regarding FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF

Who is the provider of FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF?

FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF is offered by FlexShares, a leading player in the field of passive investments.

What is the ISIN of FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF?

The ISIN of FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF is IE0008ZGI5C1.

What is the Total Expense Ratio (TER) of FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF?

The total expense ratio of FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF is 0.45%, which means that investors pay 45 USD per 10,000 USD in investment capital annually.

What currency is FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF listed in?

The ETF is listed in USD.

What additional costs can European investors incur?

European investors may incur additional costs for currency exchange and transaction fees.

Is FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF UCITS-compliant?

Yes, FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF complies with the EU UCITS investor protection directives.

What is the price-earnings ratio (P/E) of FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF?

The P/E ratio of FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF is 15.44.

What index is replicated by FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF?

FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF tracks the performance of the Foxberry Listed Private Equity SDG Screened Index.

Where is FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF domiciled?

FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF is domiciled in IE.

When was FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF launched?

The fund was launched on 12/9/2021.

In welches Segment investiert FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF hauptsächlich?

The FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF mainly invests in Total Market companies.

What is the Net Asset Value (NAV) of FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF?

The NAV of FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF amounts to 33.92 M USD.

What is the Price-to-Book Ratio of FlexShares Listed Private Equity UCITS ETF?

The price-to-book ratio is 2.039.

How can I invest in this ETF?

Investments can be made through brokers or financial institutions that provide access to trading ETFs.

How is the ETF traded?

The ETF is traded on the stock exchange, similar to stocks.

Can I hold the ETF in my portfolio?

Yes, the ETF can be held in a regular securities account.

Is the ETF suitable for short-term or long-term investments?

The ETF is suitable for both short-term and long-term investment strategies, depending on the investor's goals.

How often is the ETF valued?

The ETF is valued on a daily stock exchange basis.

Are there dividends for this ETF?

Information on dividends should be requested from the provider's website or your broker.

What are the risks associated with this ETF?

The risks include market fluctuations, currency risks, and the risk associated with smaller companies.

How transparent is the ETF regarding its investments?

The ETF is obligated to report regularly and transparently on its investments.

How can I track the current performance of the ETF?

The performance can be viewed on Eulerpool or directly on the provider's website.

Where can I find more information about the ETF?

Further information can be found on the official website of the provider.