Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units Analysis
P/E ratio
Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units stock price, forecast, news, chart, split, dividend and analysis
Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units Price
Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units Steckbrief
Der Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) ist ein börsengehandelter Indexfonds, der speziell auf den chinesischen Anleihenmarkt ausgerichtet ist. Der ETF ist von Fullgoal Asset Management Co., einem führenden Vermögensverwalter Chinas, aufgelegt worden.
Die Entstehung des Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year ETF ergab sich damals aus der steigenden Nachfrage nach Investitionsmöglichkeiten in den chinesischen Anleihemarkt. Mit Eintritt in die Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) im Jahr 2001 begann China, die Wirtschaft zu öffnen und sich für ausländische Investoren zu öffnen. Seitdem haben Investoren Interesse an Anlagemöglichkeiten in China und insbesondere im Anleihebereich bekundet. Der Fullgoal ChinaBond ETF soll die Anlegerbedürfnisse nach Anlage in den chinesischen Anleihemarkt erfüllen.
Das Portfolio des Fullgoal ChinaBond ETF konzentriert sich auf chinesische Staatsanleihen sowie Industrieanleihen von ausgewählten staatlichen und staatlich kontrollierten Finanzinstituten, darunter auch Handelsbanken. Insbesondere stehen Anleihen mit einer Laufzeit zwischen sieben und zehn Jahren im Fokus des ETFs. Die Fundamentaldaten des Fonds werden von einem spezialisierten Team von Fullgoal Asset Management in Shanghai verwaltet und überwacht.
Der Fullgoal ChinaBond ETF gehört zur Anlageklasse Festverzinsliche Wertpapiere und bietet eine breite Diversifikation über den chinesischen Anleihemarkt hinweg. Anleger, die in den ETF investieren, erhalten die Möglichkeit, an der Wertentwicklung des chinesischen Anleihenmarkts zu partizipieren, ohne eine direkte Anlage in Einzeltitel tätigen zu müssen. Die Anlage in den Fullgoal ChinaBond ETF eröffnet somit sowohl Privatanlegern als auch institutionellen Investoren eine Zugangsmöglichkeit zu diesem interessanten Markt.
In der Vergangenheit hat der Fullgoal ChinaBond ETF eine positive Wertentwicklung gezeigt. Die Performance des ETFs wurde von der allgemein positiven Entwicklung auf den chinesischen Anleihemärkten unterstützt. Allerdings sollten Anleger sich auch bewusst sein, dass der chinesische Anleihemarkt im Vergleich zu anderen Anleihemärkten Risiken aufweist, wie z.B. politische Risiken oder eine mangelnde Transparenz bei der Regulierung.
Insgesamt bietet der Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond ETF Anlegern die Möglichkeit, sich an einer lukrativen und diversifizierten Anlage in den chinesischen Anleihemarkt zu beteiligen. Der ETF ist eine flexible und kosteneffektive Möglichkeit für Anleger, ihr Portfolio zu diversifizieren und in einem sehr interessanten Anlagemarkt zu investieren.
ETF profile
Total Expense Ratio (TER)
0.2 %
NAV (Net Asset Value)
111.68 Mio. CNY
Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units List of Holdings
Most common questions regarding Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units
Who is the provider of Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units?
Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units is offered by Fullgoal, a leading player in the field of passive investments.
What is the ISIN of Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units?
The ISIN of Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units is CNE100005TS6.
What is the Total Expense Ratio (TER) of Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units?
The total expense ratio of Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units is 0.2%, which means that investors pay 20 CNY per 10,000 CNY in investment capital annually.
What currency is Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units listed in?
The ETF is listed in CNY.
What additional costs can European investors incur?
European investors may incur additional costs for currency exchange and transaction fees.
Is Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units UCITS-compliant?
No, Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units does not comply with the EU UCITS investor protection directives.
What index is replicated by Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units?
Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units tracks the performance of the ChinaBond 7-10 Year Policy Financial Bond Index - CNY - Benchmark TR Gross.
Where is Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units domiciled?
Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units is domiciled in CN.
When was Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units launched?
The fund was launched on 8/19/2022.
In welches Segment investiert Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units hauptsächlich?
The Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units mainly invests in Wide credit companies.
What is the Net Asset Value (NAV) of Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units?
The NAV of Fullgoal ChinaBond 7-10 Year Treasury and Policy Bank Bond Exchange Traded Fund Units amounts to 111.68 M CNY.
How can I invest in this ETF?
Investments can be made through brokers or financial institutions that provide access to trading ETFs.
How is the ETF traded?
The ETF is traded on the stock exchange, similar to stocks.
Can I hold the ETF in my portfolio?
Yes, the ETF can be held in a regular securities account.
Is the ETF suitable for short-term or long-term investments?
The ETF is suitable for both short-term and long-term investment strategies, depending on the investor's goals.
How often is the ETF valued?
The ETF is valued on a daily stock exchange basis.
Are there dividends for this ETF?
Information on dividends should be requested from the provider's website or your broker.
What are the risks associated with this ETF?
The risks include market fluctuations, currency risks, and the risk associated with smaller companies.
How transparent is the ETF regarding its investments?
The ETF is obligated to report regularly and transparently on its investments.
How can I track the current performance of the ETF?
The performance can be viewed on Eulerpool or directly on the provider's website.
Where can I find more information about the ETF?
Further information can be found on the official website of the provider.