China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units Analysis
P/E ratio
China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units stock price, forecast, news, chart, split, dividend and analysis
China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units Price
China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units Steckbrief
Der China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units ist ein Exchange Traded Fund, der in China aufgelegt wurde. Er investiert vorwiegend in Unternehmen, die im Science and Technology Innovation Board (STAR) der Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) notiert sind.
Der ETF wurde im Oktober 2019 von der China Southern Asset Management Company aufgelegt, um privaten und institutionellen Anlegern Zugang zum chinesischen Aktienmarkt zu ermöglichen und deren Wachstumspotenzial zu nutzen. Das Ziel des ETFs ist es, die Performance des SSE Science and Technology Board 50 Index möglichst genau abzubilden.
Der Index besteht aus den 50 größten und liquidesten Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Branchen, die im STAR notiert sind. Diese Unternehmen zeichnen sich durch ein hohes Wachstumspotenzial und Innovationskraft aus. Der ETF ist aktiv gemanagt, das bedeutet dass Manager Entscheidungen treffen, um das höchst mögliche Renditepotential auszunutzen.
Da Technologie- und Innovationsunternehmen in China eine wichtige Rolle im Wirtschaftswachstum spielt, bietet der ETF Anlegern einen direkten Zugang zu diesem Sektor und ermöglicht eine hohe Diversifikation des Portfolios. China Southern Asset Management Company integriert auf jedes Unternehmen eine Risikobewertungsstrategie und sucht den effektivsten Diversifikationswert.
Der China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units ist eine Anlageklasse, die für Investoren geeignet ist, die eine langfristige, diversifizierte, und risikobewertete Anlagestrategie verfolgen möchten. Der ETF hat eine geringe TER (Total Expense Ratio), was bedeutet dass er kosteneffektiv ist und den Anlegern bessere Renditen bietet, als es bei den meisten aktiv gemanagten Fonds der Fall ist.
Zusammenfassend ist der China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units eine Möglichkeit für Investoren, in chinesische Technologie- und Innovationsunternehmen zu investieren, die ein hohes Wachstumspotenzial aufweisen. Der ETF ist gut diversifiziert und ermöglicht es Anlegern, ihre Portfolios zu streuen und Risken zu minimieren. Er bietet eine kosteneffektive Anlagestrategie für Investoren, die davon ausgehen, dass sich die chinesische Wirtschaft in den nächsten Jahren positiv entwickeln wird.
ETF profile
Total Expense Ratio (TER)
0.6 %
NAV (Net Asset Value)
0.94 Mio. CNY
China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units List of Holdings
Most common questions regarding China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units
Who is the provider of China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units?
China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units is offered by China Southern, a leading player in the field of passive investments.
What is the ISIN of China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units?
The ISIN of China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units is CNE100005T60.
What is the Total Expense Ratio (TER) of China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units?
The total expense ratio of China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units is 0.6%, which means that investors pay 60 CNY per 10,000 CNY in investment capital annually.
What currency is China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units listed in?
The ETF is listed in CNY.
What additional costs can European investors incur?
European investors may incur additional costs for currency exchange and transaction fees.
Is China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units UCITS-compliant?
No, China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units does not comply with the EU UCITS investor protection directives.
What index is replicated by China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units?
China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units tracks the performance of the SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Index - Benchmark TR Gross.
Where is China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units domiciled?
China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units is domiciled in CN.
When was China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units launched?
The fund was launched on 12/1/2022.
In welches Segment investiert China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units hauptsächlich?
The China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units mainly invests in Total Market companies.
What is the Net Asset Value (NAV) of China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units?
The NAV of China Southern SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Strategy ETF Units amounts to 944,900 CNY.
How can I invest in this ETF?
Investments can be made through brokers or financial institutions that provide access to trading ETFs.
How is the ETF traded?
The ETF is traded on the stock exchange, similar to stocks.
Can I hold the ETF in my portfolio?
Yes, the ETF can be held in a regular securities account.
Is the ETF suitable for short-term or long-term investments?
The ETF is suitable for both short-term and long-term investment strategies, depending on the investor's goals.
How often is the ETF valued?
The ETF is valued on a daily stock exchange basis.
Are there dividends for this ETF?
Information on dividends should be requested from the provider's website or your broker.
What are the risks associated with this ETF?
The risks include market fluctuations, currency risks, and the risk associated with smaller companies.
How transparent is the ETF regarding its investments?
The ETF is obligated to report regularly and transparently on its investments.
How can I track the current performance of the ETF?
The performance can be viewed on Eulerpool or directly on the provider's website.
Where can I find more information about the ETF?
Further information can be found on the official website of the provider.