Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- Analysis
P/E ratio
Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- stock price, forecast, news, chart, split, dividend and analysis
Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- Price
Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- Steckbrief
Der Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF ist ein Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), der auf nachhaltige Investitionen in Anleihen ausgerichtet ist. Dieser ETF wurde im Jahr 2017 von der australischen Investmentgesellschaft Betashares auf den Markt gebracht.
Die Entstehung dieses ETFs geht auf das wachsende Interesse der Anleger an nachhaltigen Investitionen in Anleihen zurück. Der Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF folgt dem Barclays MSCI Sustainability Leaders Index, der festlegt, welche Anleihen in den ETF aufgenommen werden. Dieser Index basiert auf einer Analyse von Unternehmen und Staaten durch MSCI, einem führenden Anbieter von Nachhaltigkeitsanalysen.
Inhaltlich konzentriert sich dieser ETF auf diejenigen Anleihen, die nachhaltige Unternehmen oder Staaten ausstellen. Dabei werden vier Kriterien berücksichtigt: Umwelt, Gesellschaft, Regierungsführung und Unternehmenethik. Jede Anleihe im ETF muss mindestens in einem dieser Kriterien positiv abschneiden, um aufgenommen zu werden. Über 300 Anleihen verschiedener Währungen und Laufzeiten sind in diesem ETF enthalten.
Ein wichtiger Aspekt dieses ETFs ist das Währungsmanagement. Der Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF -Hedged- ist hedged in australischen Dollar, was bedeutet, dass das Währungsrisiko minimiert wird. Dies ist ein wichtiger Faktor für australische Anleger, die ihr Portfolio gegen Wechselkursschwankungen absichern möchten.
Als Teil der Anlageklasse "Anleihen" ist dieser ETF besonders für konservative Anleger geeignet. Anleihen sind grundsätzlich weniger volatil als Aktien und bieten stabilere Erträge, sind aber oft auch weniger renditeträchtig. Der Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF bietet eine nachhaltige Möglichkeit, in Anleihen zu investieren und dabei die Vorteile eines ETFs zu nutzen.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass der Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF ein innovativer und nachhaltiger ETF ist, der speziell für konservative Anleger geeignet ist. Durch den Fokus auf nachhaltige Anleihen und das hedging gegen Währungsrisiken bietet dieser ETF eine ideale Möglichkeit, das Portfolio zu diversifizieren und gleichzeitig nachhaltige Investitionen zu tätigen.
ETF profile
Total Expense Ratio (TER)
0.49 %
NAV (Net Asset Value)
20.62 Mio. AUD
Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- List of Holdings
Most common questions regarding Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged-
Who is the provider of Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged-?
Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- is offered by BetaShares, a leading player in the field of passive investments.
What is the ISIN of Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged-?
The ISIN of Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- is AU0000063901.
What is the Total Expense Ratio (TER) of Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged-?
The total expense ratio of Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- is 0.49%, which means that investors pay 49 AUD per 10,000 AUD in investment capital annually.
What currency is Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- listed in?
The ETF is listed in AUD.
What additional costs can European investors incur?
European investors may incur additional costs for currency exchange and transaction fees.
Is Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- UCITS-compliant?
No, Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- does not comply with the EU UCITS investor protection directives.
What index is replicated by Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged-?
Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- tracks the performance of the Solactive Australian and Global Select Sustainability Leaders Bond Hedged to AUD Index - AUD.
Where is Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- domiciled?
Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- is domiciled in AU.
When was Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- launched?
The fund was launched on 11/26/2019.
In welches Segment investiert Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- hauptsächlich?
The Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- mainly invests in Investment Grade companies.
What is the Net Asset Value (NAV) of Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged-?
The NAV of Betashares Sustainability Leaders Diversified Bond ETF Exchange Traded Fund -Hedged- amounts to 20.62 M AUD.
How can I invest in this ETF?
Investments can be made through brokers or financial institutions that provide access to trading ETFs.
How is the ETF traded?
The ETF is traded on the stock exchange, similar to stocks.
Can I hold the ETF in my portfolio?
Yes, the ETF can be held in a regular securities account.
Is the ETF suitable for short-term or long-term investments?
The ETF is suitable for both short-term and long-term investment strategies, depending on the investor's goals.
How often is the ETF valued?
The ETF is valued on a daily stock exchange basis.
Are there dividends for this ETF?
Information on dividends should be requested from the provider's website or your broker.
What are the risks associated with this ETF?
The risks include market fluctuations, currency risks, and the risk associated with smaller companies.
How transparent is the ETF regarding its investments?
The ETF is obligated to report regularly and transparently on its investments.
How can I track the current performance of the ETF?
The performance can be viewed on Eulerpool or directly on the provider's website.
Where can I find more information about the ETF?
Further information can be found on the official website of the provider.