Hvem er udbyderen af JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP?
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP tilbydes af JPMorgan, en førende aktør inden for passive investeringer.
The JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP is a fund that seeks to provide investors with exposure to the UK equity market through a diversified portfolio of securities. The fund was created by JPMorgan Asset Management, one of the world's leading investment management firms, and is offered through the Ireland-domiciled JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV. The fund's development started in response to investors' increasing demand for efficient and cost-effective exposure to the UK equity market. Through this ETF, investors can access a broad range of UK companies without the need to individually purchase and manage multiple stocks. The fund's underlying holdings are selected using a rules-based approach that focuses on stocks with strong fundamentals, attractive valuations, and positive market momentum. The fund's portfolio typically consists of large and mid-cap UK companies from various sectors, including consumer goods, healthcare, financials, industrials, and more. The fund includes a diversified mix of growth and value stocks to provide additional diversification to investors. As an accumulating ETF, the fund reinvests any dividends it earns back into the fund rather than distributing them to investors. This can offer the potential for greater long-term growth, as dividends are reinvested and compounded over time. The fund is classified as a UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) ETF, which means it adheres to strict European Union regulations designed to protect investors and promote transparency. The fund is traded on multiple stock exchanges, and investors can buy and sell shares at any time during the trading day, allowing for added liquidity and flexibility. Overall, the JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP can be an attractive choice for investors looking for efficient and diversified exposure to the UK equity market. Its low costs, broad diversification, and adherence to strict UCITS regulations make it a sound investment option for those seeking to position themselves for long-term growth in the UK market.
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP tilbydes af JPMorgan, en førende aktør inden for passive investeringer.
ISIN'en for JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP er IE0009YQE5W1
Den samlede omkostningsprocent for JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP er 0,25 %, hvilket betyder, at investorer betaler 25,00 GBP pr. 10.000 GBP i investeret kapital om året.
ETF'en er noteret i GBP.
Europæiske investorer kan have ekstra omkostninger forbundet med valutaveksling og transaktionsgebyrer.
Ja, JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP overholder EU's UCITS-investorbeskyttelsesdirektiver.
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP afspejler kursudviklingen af FTSE All Share Index - GBP.
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP er hjemmehørende i IE.
Fondens start var den 14.6.2022
JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP investerer hovedsageligt i Samlet marked-virksomheder.
NAV'en for JPMorgan ETFs (Ireland) ICAV - UK Equity Core UCITS ETF AccumGBP er 31,34 mio. GBP.
Investeringer kan foretages gennem mæglere eller finansielle institutioner, som tilbyder adgang til handel med ETF'er.
ETF'en handles på børsen, ligesom aktier.
Ja, ETF'en kan holdes i en almindelig værdipapirdepot.
ETF'en egner sig både til kort- og langsigtede investeringsstrategier, afhængigt af investorernes målsætninger.
ETF'en vurderes dagligt på børsen.
Informationer om udbytter bør forespørges på udbyderens hjemmeside eller hos din mægler.
Til risiciene hører markedsfluktuationer, valutarisiko og risikoen ved mindre virksomheder.
ETF'en er forpligtet til at rapportere regelmæssigt og gennemsigtigt om sine investeringer.
Performance kan ses på Eulerpool eller direkte på udbyderens hjemmeside.
Yderligere informationer kan findes på udbyderens officielle hjemmeside.