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Pendal Group Aktie



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Pendal Group Aktiens omsætning, EBIT, indtjening


Omsætning, Overskud & EBIT

Forståelse af Omsætning, EBIT og Indkomst

Få indblik i Pendal Group, en omfattende gennemgang af den finansielle performance kan opnås ved analyse af omsætnings-, EBIT- og indkomstdiagrammer. Omsætningen repræsenterer den samlede indkomst, som Pendal Group opnår fra sine kerneforretninger og viser virksomhedens evne til at tiltrække og fastholde kunder. EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) giver indsigt i virksomhedens operationelle rentabilitet, fri for skatte- og renteudgifter. Indkomstafsnittet afspejler Pendal Groups nettooverskud, et ultimativt mål for dets økonomiske sundhed og rentabilitet.

Årlig Analyse og Sammenligninger

Se på de årlige søjler for at forstå den årlige performance og vækst af Pendal Group. Sammenlign omsætning, EBIT og indkomst for at vurdere effektiviteten og rentabiliteten af virksomheden. En højere EBIT i forhold til foregående år indikerer en forbedring af den operationelle effektivitet. Ligeledes indikerer en stigning i indkomst en øget samlet rentabilitet. Analysen af år-til-år sammenligninger hjælper investorer med at forstå vækstbanen og operationel effektivitet af virksomheden.

Udnytte Forventninger til Investeringen

De forventede værdier for de kommende år giver investorerne et indblik i den forventede finansielle præstation af Pendal Group. Analysen af disse prognoser sammen med historiske data bidrager til at træffe informerede investeringsbeslutninger. Investorer kan vurdere de potentielle risici og afkast og justere deres investeringsstrategier i overensstemmelse hermed for at optimere rentabiliteten og minimere risiciene.


Sammenligningen mellem omsætning og EBIT hjælper med vurderingen af operationel effektivitet af Pendal Group, mens sammenligning af omsætning og indkomst afslører nettorentabiliteten efter alle omkostninger er taget i betragtning. Investorer kan opnå værdifulde indsigter ved nøje at analysere disse finansielle parametre, og dermed lægge grunden for strategiske investeringsbeslutninger for at udnytte vækstpotentialet i Pendal Group.

Pendal Group Omsætning, overskud og EBIT-historik

DatoPendal Group OmsætningPendal Group EBITPendal Group Indtjening

Pendal Group Aktie Margener

Pendal Group Margenanalysen viser bruttoavancen, EBIT-marginen samt profitmarginen for Pendal Group. EBIT-marginen (EBIT/omsætning) angiver hvor stor en procentdel af omsætningen, der forbliver som operationelt overskud. Profitmarginen viser, hvor stor en procentdel af omsætningen fra Pendal Group der forbliver.



Forståelse af bruttomargin

Bruttomarginen, udtrykt i procent, angiver bruttoindtjeningen fra Pendal Group's salg. En højere procentdel af bruttomarginen betyder, at Pendal Group beholder mere indtægt efter at omkostninger til solgte varer er blevet taget i betragtning. Investorer bruger denne nøgletal til at vurdere den finansielle sundhed og operationelle effektivitet og sammenligne den med konkurrenter og branchegennemsnit.

Analyse af EBIT-margin

EBIT-marginen repræsenterer Pendal Group's indtjening før renter og skatter. Analyse af EBIT-marginen over forskellige år giver indsigt i den operationelle rentabilitet og effektivitet uden effekterne af finansiel gearing og skattestruktur. En stigende EBIT-margin over år signalerer en forbedret operationel præstation.

Indsigt i omsætningsmargin

Omsætningsmarginen viser den samlede omsætning, Pendal Group har genereret. Ved at sammenligne omsætningsmargin fra år til år kan investorer vurdere vækst og markedsudvidelse for Pendal Group. Det er vigtigt at sammenligne omsætningsmarginen med brutto- og EBIT-marginerne for at forstå omkostnings- og indtjeningstrukturerne bedre.

Fortolkning af forventninger

De forventede værdier for brutto-, EBIT- og omsætningsmarginerne giver et fremtidigt finansielt udsyn for Pendal Group. Investorer bør sammenligne disse forventninger med historiske data for at forstå det potentielle vækst og risikofaktorer. Det er afgørende at overveje de underliggende antagelser og metoder, der anvendes til at prognosticere disse forventede værdier for at træffe informerede investeringsbeslutninger.

Sammenlignende analyse

At sammenligne brutto-, EBIT- og omsætningsmarginerne, både årligt og over flere år, giver investorer mulighed for at udføre en omfattende analyse af Pendal Group's finansielle sundhed og vækstudsigter. Vurderingen af tendenser og mønstre i disse marginer hjælper med at identificere styrker, svagheder og potentielle investeringsmuligheder.

Pendal Group Margenhistorie

Pendal Group BruttomarginPendal Group OverskudsmargenPendal Group EBIT-marginPendal Group Overskudsmargen

Pendal Group Aktie Omsætning, EBIT, Indtjening per aktie

Pendal Group-omsætningen per aktie angiver således, hvor meget omsætning Pendal Group i en periode er pr. aktie. EBIT per aktie viser, hvor meget af det operative overskud der tilfalder hver enkelt aktie. Fortjenesten per aktie angiver, hvor meget af overskuddet der tilfalder hver enkelt aktie.

Omsætning per aktie
EBIT per aktie
Indtjening per aktie

Omsætning, EBIT og indtjening per aktie

Omsætning per aktie

Omsætningen per aktie repræsenterer den samlede omsætning, som Pendal Group genererer, divideret med antallet af udestående aktier. Det er en afgørende metrik, da den afspejler virksomhedens evne til at generere omsætning og indikerer potentialet for vækst og ekspansion. Den årlige sammenligning af omsætningen per aktie tillader investorer at analysere et firmas indtægtskonsistens og forudsige fremtidige tendenser.

EBIT per aktie

EBIT per aktie viser Pendal Groups indtjening før interesser og skatter og giver indsigt i driftsrentabilitet, uden at tage hensyn til effekterne af kapitalstrukturen og skattesatserne. Den kan sammenlignes med omsætningen per aktie for at vurdere effektiviteten af at omdanne salg til overskud. En konstant stigning i EBIT per aktie over årene understreger operationel effektivitet og rentabilitet.

Indkomst per aktie

Indkomsten per aktie eller indtjening per aktie (EPS) viser andelen af Pendal Groups overskud der er tildelt hver aktie af grundkapitalen. Det er afgørende for vurdering af rentabilitet og finansiel sundhed. Ved at sammenligne det med omsætningen og EBIT per aktie kan investorer se, hvor effektivt et firma omdanner omsætninger og driftsindtjening til nettoindkomst.

Forventede værdier

De forventede værdier er prognoser for omsætning, EBIT og indtjening per aktie for de kommende år. Disse forventninger, som er baseret på historiske data og markedsanalyser, hjælper investorer med at strategisere deres investeringer, vurdere den fremtidige præstation af Pendal Group og estimere fremtidige aktiekurser. Det er dog kritisk at tage hensyn til markedsvolatilitet og usikkerheder, som kan påvirke disse prognoser.

Pendal Group Omsætning, overskud og EBIT pr. aktie historik

DatoPendal Group Omsætning per aktiePendal Group EBIT per aktiePendal Group Indtjening per aktie

Pendal Group Aktie og aktieanalyse

The Pendal Group Ltd is an Australian investment management company based in Sydney. The company, previously known as BT Investment Management Ltd, was founded in 1998 and has since become an international provider of asset management services. The business model of Pendal Group is based on managing assets on behalf of clients who want to diversify their investments in various ways. The company offers a variety of investment instruments and strategies tailored to the individual needs and risk profiles of its clients. The offered investment strategies include global equity and bond strategies, multi-asset portfolios, and alternative investments such as hedge funds and private equity. Pendal Group has various subsidiaries specialized in different investment strategies and customer needs. For example, the subsidiary JOHCM, acquired in 2014, specializes in active security stock picking and offers a wide range of global equity strategies. On the other hand, the subsidiary Regnan specializes in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investments and offers customers the opportunity to invest in companies that meet high ESG standards. Another important aspect of Pendal's business model is close collaboration with clients and other stakeholders to ensure that the company's investment strategies align with their needs and goals. Pendal is also actively involved in the development of responsible investment standards and the promotion of ESG practices in the global financial industry. Pendal Group offers a variety of investment products tailored to the needs of institutional and private clients. These include UCITS-compliant funds, shipping funds, infrastructure funds, and ETFs. The company also offers customized investment products specifically tailored to the individual requirements of its clients. The history of Pendal Group is characterized by significant growth and expansion. In recent years, the company has made a number of strategic acquisitions to strengthen its presence in key financial centers around the world and expand its product range. In 2016, Pendal acquired the former private equity division of Barclays Bank, now known as Quay Partners. The acquisition gave Pendal access to a wider range of alternative investment strategies. Overall, Pendal Group has established itself as a leading investment management company offering high-quality investment products and services to its clients. With a strong global presence and a wide range of investment strategies, Pendal Group remains well-positioned for further growth and long-term success. The answer to this translation is: The Pendal Group Ltd is an Australian investment management company based in Sydney. The company was formerly known as BT Investment Management Ltd and was founded in 1998. It has since become an international provider of asset management services. Pendal Group's business model focuses on managing assets for clients who want to diversify their investments. The company offers a variety of investment instruments and strategies tailored to individual client needs and risk profiles. These include global equity and bond strategies, multi-asset portfolios, and alternative investments such as hedge funds and private equity. Pendal Group has subsidiary companies specializing in different investment strategies and client needs. For example, JOHCM, acquired in 2014, specializes in active stock picking and offers a range of global equity strategies. Regnan, on the other hand, specializes in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investments, allowing clients to invest in companies that meet high standards in these areas. Collaboration with clients and stakeholders is a key aspect of Pendal's business model, ensuring that investment strategies align with client needs and goals. Pendal is also involved in developing responsible investment standards and promoting ESG practices in the global financial industry. The company offers a range of investment products tailored to institutional and private clients, including UCITS-compliant funds, shipping funds, infrastructure funds, and ETFs. Pendal also offers customized investment products to meet specific client requirements. Pendal Group has experienced significant growth and expansion, making strategic acquisitions to strengthen its presence in key financial centers and expand its product range. In 2016, the company acquired the former private equity division of Barclays Bank, which is now known as Quay Partners. This acquisition provided access to a wider range of alternative investment strategies. Overall, Pendal Group is a leading investment management company that offers high-quality products and services to clients. With a strong global presence and a wide range of investment strategies, the company is well-positioned for further growth and long-term success. Pendal Group er et af de mest populære selskaber på Eulerpool.com.

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Pendal Group Vurdering ud fra historisk P/E, EBIT og P/S


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Gør de bedste investeringer i dit liv

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For Pendal Group er der desværre ingen aktuelle kursmål og prognoser tilgængelige.

Pendal Group Bestyrelse og tilsynsråd

Mr. Nicholas Good

Pendal Group Group Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director
Vederlag: 3,17 mio.

Ms. Alexandra Altinger

Pendal Group Chief Executive Officer - JOHCM UK, Europe & Asia
Vederlag: 1,95 mio.

Mr. Richard Brandweiner

Pendal Group Chief Executive Officer - Pendal Australia
Vederlag: 1,58 mio.

Mr. Bindesh Savjani

Pendal Group Group Chief Risk Officer
Vederlag: 1,52 mio.

Mr. Cameron Williamson

Pendal Group Group Chief Financial Officer
Vederlag: 1,08 mio.

Pendal Group Forsyningskæde

NavnForholdTo-ugers korrelationEnmånedskorrelationTrekvartalskorrelationSeksmånederskorrelationÉtårig korrelationTo-års korrelation
LeverandørKunde 0,160,120,680,730,48
LeverandørKunde -0,820,280,430,34

Hyppige spørgsmål om Pendal Group-aktien

What values and corporate philosophy does Pendal Group represent?

Pendal Group Ltd represents a strong set of values and a clear corporate philosophy. With a focus on integrity, professionalism, and client-centricity, Pendal Group aims to deliver exceptional investment solutions to their clients. The company values collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to delivering excellent investment outcomes. Pendal Group believes in responsible investing and places emphasis on sustainability, diversity, and inclusion. By combining their expertise, insights, and global perspective, Pendal Group strives to provide long-term value to their clients and stakeholders. Through their values and corporate philosophy, Pendal Group Ltd remains dedicated to delivering superior investment services and consistently meeting client expectations.

In which countries and regions is Pendal Group primarily present?

Pendal Group Ltd is primarily present in Australia, the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States.

What significant milestones has the company Pendal Group achieved?

Pendal Group Ltd has achieved several significant milestones in its journey. Over the years, the company has expanded its global reach and established a strong presence in the financial industry. With a focus on delivering high-quality investment solutions, Pendal has consistently delivered superior returns for its clients. The company has also received recognition for its outstanding performance and industry leadership. In addition, Pendal Group has successfully diversified its product offerings to cater to the evolving needs of investors worldwide. These milestones highlight Pendal Group's commitment to excellence, innovation, and delivering value to its stakeholders.

What is the history and background of the company Pendal Group?

Pendal Group Ltd, formerly known as BT Investment Management, is an Australian-based investment management company. Established in 1969, the company has a rich history and extensive experience in the financial industry. With a strong focus on providing investment solutions, Pendal Group offers a wide range of services to individual and institutional investors alike. Its portfolio includes various asset classes such as equities, fixed income, and multi-asset solutions. Over the years, Pendal Group has built a strong reputation for delivering consistent investment performance and maintaining a client-centric approach. Today, it continues to be a leading player in the investment management industry globally, offering innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of investors.

Who are the main competitors of Pendal Group in the market?

The main competitors of Pendal Group Ltd in the market are other global investment management firms offering similar services and solutions. Some notable competitors include BlackRock Inc., Vanguard Group Inc., State Street Global Advisors, and Wellington Management Company LLP. These companies operate in the same market space, serving clients with investment management strategies, asset allocation, and financial planning services. Each competitor brings its own unique approach and strengths to the industry, however, Pendal Group Ltd distinguishes itself through its extensive experience, strong client relationships, and innovative investment strategies.

In which industries is Pendal Group primarily active?

Pendal Group Ltd, formerly known as BT Investment Management, is primarily active in the asset management industry. As a leading global investment manager, Pendal Group operates across various sectors including equities, fixed income, cash, and multi-asset strategies. With a focus on delivering strong investment outcomes for its clients, Pendal Group manages and provides investment solutions for institutional, wholesale, and retail investors. As a prominent player in the financial industry, Pendal Group Ltd plays an essential role in shaping the investment landscape and offers a diverse range of investment opportunities in different sectors.

What is the business model of Pendal Group?

Pendal Group Ltd's business model focuses on asset management and investment services. As a leading global investment manager, Pendal Group offers a wide range of investment solutions to institutional and individual investors. The company delivers active investment strategies across various asset classes, including equities, fixed income, and multi-asset portfolios. With a strong emphasis on research-driven decision-making and a collaborative approach, Pendal Group aims to provide superior investment outcomes for its clients. Through its expertise and global presence, Pendal Group strives to generate long-term value and sustainable growth for both its clients and shareholders.

Hvilken P/E har Pendal Group 2024?

KGV kan i øjeblikket ikke beregnes for Pendal Group.

Hvad er KUV for Pendal Group 2024?

KUV kan i øjeblikket ikke beregnes for Pendal Group.

Hvilken AlleAktien kvalitetsscore har Pendal Group?

AlleAktien Qualitätsscore kan i øjeblikket ikke beregnes for Pendal Group.

Hvor høj er omsætningen for Pendal Group 2024?

Omsætningen kan i øjeblikket ikke beregnes for Pendal Group.

Hvor høj er overskuddet for Pendal Group 2024?

Overskuddet kan i øjeblikket ikke beregnes for Pendal Group.

Hvad laver Pendal Group?

Pendal Group Ltd is an Australian investment company that offers a wide range of investment products and services to its clients. The company's business model is focused on creating long-term value for investors by providing a combination of actively managed investment strategies and passive investment products. The company is divided into three main business segments: Australasia, Europe, and North America. Each region offers its own specific services and has its own local investment expertise. The Australasia region offers services such as Pendal Wholesale, Pendal Infrastructure, and Pendal Real Estate. The European activities include analysts and investment specialists in London and Dublin, where they offer investment strategies for European clients. The US business has been a joint venture with Westpac Banking since 2018, also offering investment strategies for the global audience. In the equity segment, Pendal Group offers active and passive investment strategies for clients. The company has equity funds that invest in various markets and are accessible to both retail investors and institutional investors. In addition, Pendal also offers structured products that allow clients to invest in specific sectors or themes. In the fixed income segment, the company offers a wide range of investment instruments, including government and corporate bonds, inflation-protected bonds, and emerging market bonds. These products are accessible to all investors. Pendal is also involved in real estate investments. The company invests in residential and commercial properties in Australia and New Zealand, managing a portfolio of real estate and infrastructure investments. Another important product of Pendal Group is the provision of asset management services to asset managers and local markets in Australia, Europe, and the US. These services include customized investment strategies and portfolio management services tailored to the needs of clients. Pendal Group's business model is based on the idea that the combination of active and passive management brings the greatest benefit to clients. The company is focused on creating long-term growth for its clients by offering active investment strategies tailored to specific markets. At the same time, it offers passive investment products that allow clients to easily invest in various asset classes. Since its establishment in 1807, Pendal Group has had a long history in the investment industry. The company takes pride in offering a wide range of investment products and services to meet the needs of its clients. The combination of extensive industry knowledge and years of experience has made Pendal Group the leading provider of investment products and services in Australia.

Hvor høj er Pendal Group udbyttet?

Pendal Group udbetaler et udbytte på 0 AUD fordelt over udbetalinger om året.

Hvor ofte betaler Pendal Group udbytte?

Udbyttet kan for nuværende ikke beregnes for Pendal Group, eller selskabet udbetaler ikke udbytte.

Hvad er Pendal Group ISIN?

ISIN'en for Pendal Group er AU0000009789.

Hvad er den Pendal Group WKN?

WKN for Pendal Group er A2JLL7.

Hvad er Pendal Group tickeren?

Tickeren for Pendal Group er PDL.AX.

Andre nøgletal og analyser af Pendal Group i Deep Dive

Vores aktieanalyse af Pendal Group Omsætning-aktien indeholder vigtige finansielle nøgletal som omsætning, profit, P/E-ratioen, P/S-ratioen, EBIT samt informationer om udbytte. Desuden ser vi på aspekter som aktier, markedskapitalisering, gæld, egenkapital og forpligtelser hos Pendal Group Omsætning. Hvis du søger mere detaljerede oplysninger om disse emner, tilbyder vi på vores undersider omfattende analyser: