Сигурна ли е Tourmaline Oil Corp (Alberta) дивидентата?
Tourmaline Oil Corp (Alberta) увеличава дивидентата си от 5 години.
През последните 10 години Tourmaline Oil Corp (Alberta) ги е увеличил със средно 0 % годишно намален.
На 5-годишна база нарасна разпределението с 77,667 %.
Анализаторите очакват за текущата финансова година ръст от 9,526%.
Tourmaline Oil Corp (Alberta) Aktienanalyse
Какво прави Tourmaline Oil Corp (Alberta)?
Tourmaline Oil Corp is one of the leading Canadian energy companies in the natural gas and oil industry. The company is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, and has experienced rapid growth since its founding in 2008. Tourmaline is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "TOU".
Tourmaline Oil Corp was founded by current CEO Mike Rose in 2008. Rose had previously worked at EnCana Corporation, one of Canada's largest energy companies. Tourmaline started as a small company with only four employees and a single drilling site in Alberta. Since then, the company has experienced impressive expansion through mergers and acquisitions. Today, Tourmaline has over 2,000 employees, operates over 150 drilling sites, and has established itself as one of the leading Canadian energy producers.
Business Model
Tourmaline's business model focuses on the exploration, development, production, and marketing of oil, natural gas, and NGLs (Natural Gas Liquids) in Canada. However, the company is able to cover the full value chain, including transportation and processing infrastructure, making it more effective in controlling margins and improving profitability.
Tourmaline operates in three main segments: natural gas, oil, and NGLs. The company produces natural gas in the three major North American formations: the Montney-Fairway system, the Deep Basin, and the Greater Peace River Arch. The company is also active in oil sands, with a focus on the Peace River formation. Tourmaline is also a leading producer and marketer of NGLs such as propane, butane, and ethane.
Tourmaline's primary product is natural gas. The company markets its natural gas to a wide range of customers, including energy utilities and industrial end-users. Tourmaline is also a significant oil producer and markets the oil to refineries and other end-users. In terms of NGLs, Tourmaline produces a variety of products such as propane, butane, and ethane. These are primarily used by the petrochemical industry and other end-users.
Tourmaline has also invested in renewable energy in recent years and acquired a portfolio of solar parks that generate electricity in Canada. This has helped expand Tourmaline's portfolio into renewable energy and make the company more sustainable.
Tourmaline Oil Corp is a major player in the Canadian energy industry and has become one of the leading energy producers in a short period of time. The company specializes in the exploration, development, production, and marketing of oil, natural gas, and NGLs, and can cover the full value chain. With its investment in renewable energy, Tourmaline also demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainability. Overall, Tourmaline is a company that follows a clear strategy and is well-positioned to continue growing and succeeding. Tourmaline Oil Corp (Alberta) е една от най-популярните компании на Eulerpool.com.Акционерните спестовни планове предлагат привлекателен начин за инвеститорите да изградят дългосрочно богатство. Едно от основните предимства е така нареченият ефект на средната цена при покупка: като редовно се инвестира фиксирана сума в акции или акционерни фондове, автоматично се купуват повече дялове, когато цените са ниски, и по-малко, когато са високи. Това може да доведе до по-изгодна средна цена на дял във времето. Освен това акционерните спестовни планове позволяват дори на малките инвеститори да получат достъп до скъпи акции, тъй като могат да участват с малки суми. Редовната инвестиция също насърчава дисциплиниран подход към инвестирането и помага да се избегнат емоционални решения, като импулсивно купуване или продаване. Допълнително инвеститорите се възползват от потенциалното увеличение на стойността на акциите, както и от дивидентните изплащания, които могат да бъдат реинвестирани, усилвайки компаундиращия ефект и така растежа на инвестирания капитал.