frei an Bord Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff frei an Bord für Deutschland.

frei an Bord Definition

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frei an Bord

Term: "frei an Bord" Definition: "frei an Bord" is a German shipping term used in international trade to indicate a specific point of delivery for goods.

Literally translating to "free on board," this term refers to the seller's responsibility for the goods and associated costs until they are loaded onto the designated vessel at the specified port. When using the "frei an Bord" term, the seller is responsible for arranging transportation and delivering the goods to the agreed-upon port. It is important to note that the seller's responsibility ceases once the goods have been loaded onto the vessel. From there, the buyer assumes all associated risks and costs, such as transportation, insurance, and customs duties. In terms of international capital markets, "frei an Bord" can be relevant when discussing the trading of commodities, such as oil, metals, or agricultural products. Understanding this term is particularly essential for investors who engage in commodity futures contracts, as it defines the point at which the seller's obligation ends, and the buyer becomes responsible for the goods. This shipping term ensures clarity between buyer and seller regarding the point of transfer and helps determine who bears the risks and costs during transportation. Additionally, it enables efficient international trade by providing a common understanding of rights and obligations concerning the goods. As an investor in capital markets, being familiar with the term "frei an Bord" allows you to comprehend contractual agreements and evaluate associated risks accurately. Whether you are considering investments in commodities, analyzing international trade patterns, or exploring strategies involving shipping and logistics companies, understanding this term is crucial., a leading website for equity research and finance news, recognizes the importance of providing investors with access to comprehensive information. Our world's best and biggest glossary/lexicon for investors in capital markets, including stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and crypto, aims to empower investors with the knowledge essential for making informed decisions. By leveraging our glossary, investors can deepen their understanding of shipping terms like "frei an Bord" and countless other important financial concepts. Our SEO-optimized platform ensures easy access to accurate and concise definitions, enabling you to navigate capital markets with confidence. Stay updated with the latest developments in finance and equity research by visiting Our platform offers a comprehensive range of resources, from market analysis to breaking news, providing you with the tools needed to thrive in the dynamic world of finance.
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