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Бразилія Інфляція IGP-M від місяця до місяця (MoM)


1,06 %
Зміна +/-
+0,79 %
Зміна %
+118,80 %

Поточне значення Інфляція IGP-M від місяця до місяця (MoM) у Бразилія становить 1,06 %. Інфляція IGP-М від місяця до місяця (MoM) у Бразилія збільшилася до 1,06 % на 01.02.2025, після того як вона складала 0,27 % на 01.01.2025. З 01.07.1989 до 01.03.2025 середній ВВП у Бразилія становив 4,67 %. Найвищий показник було досягнуто на 01.03.1990 із значенням 83,95 %, тоді як найнижче значення зафіксовано на 01.06.2023 із значенням -1,93 %.

Джерело: FGV - Fundacao Getulio Vargas

Інфляція IGP-M від місяця до місяця (MoM)

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Інфляція IGP-M MoM

Інфляція IGP-M від місяця до місяця (MoM) Історія

01.02.20251,06 %
01.01.20250,27 %
01.12.20240,94 %
01.11.20241,3 %
01.10.20241,52 %
01.09.20240,62 %
01.08.20240,29 %
01.07.20240,61 %
01.06.20240,81 %
01.05.20240,89 %

Схожі макроекономічні показники до Інфляція IGP-M від місяця до місяця (MoM)

CPI Transport
6 882,55 points6 806,99 pointsЩомісячно
IPC-Fipe Інфляція MoM
0,51 %0,24 %Щомісячно
Дефлятор ВВП
4,7 %8,6 %Щорічно
Зміна цін виробників
9,69 %9,28 %Щомісячно
Імпортні ціни
117 points116 pointsЩомісячно
Індекс споживчих цін (CPI)
7 205,03 points7 111,86 pointsЩомісячно
Індекс споживчих цін на житло та комунальні послуги
11 894,84 points11 351,12 pointsЩомісячно
Інфляційна ставка
5,06 %4,56 %Щомісячно
Інфляційний індекс MoM
1,31 %0,16 %Щомісячно
Інфляція середини місяця MoM
0,64 %1,23 %Щомісячно
Інфляція у середині місяця рік до року
5,26 %4,96 %Щомісячно
Інфляція цін виробників MoM
0,13 %1,35 %Щомісячно
Основний показник інфляції
4,21 %4 %Щомісячно
Продовольча інфляція
7 %7,25 %Щомісячно
Ціни виробників
172,998 points172,774 pointsЩомісячно
Ціни експорту
154 points157 pointsЩомісячно

Індекс інфляції IGP-M у Бразилії є індексом, що вимірює та відстежує зміни цін на товари на етапах до роздрібної торгівлі. Індекси оптових цін (WPI) звітують щомісячно, щоб показати середні зміни цін на товари, які продаються великим обсягом, і вони є групою індикаторів, що відслідковують зростання економіки.

Що таке Інфляція IGP-M від місяця до місяця (MoM)

Inflation is a critical indicator of a country's economic health, and its understanding is paramount for economists, policymakers, businesses, and individuals alike. Among the various inflation metrics, the Índice Geral de Preços – Mercado (IGP-M), or General Price Index – Market, stands out as a significant measure in Brazil and also commands attention from global economic analysts due to its comprehensive nature. The IGP-M is calculated monthly and reflects price changes across a broad spectrum of economic activities. In this extensive description, we will delve into the specifics of IGP-M inflation on a month-over-month (MoM) basis, exploring its components, methodology, implications, and relevance on both national and international scales. IGP-M is an inflation index developed by the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), a renowned Brazilian think tank. It comprises three key components: the Wholesale Price Index (IPA), the Consumer Price Index (IPC), and the National Construction Cost Index (INCC). Each of these sub-indices contributes to the comprehensive nature of IGP-M, making it a pivotal measure of price variations affecting different sectors of the economy. The IPA, or Wholesale Price Index, represents 60% of the IGP-M. It tracks price changes in goods traded by producers, covering both agricultural and industrial products. The IPA is a crucial indicator as it reflects the initial stages of price formation, giving insight into future consumer price trends. The IPC, or Consumer Price Index, accounts for 30% of the IGP-M. It measures changes in the cost of living for households, encapsulating a wide array of products and services that are directly purchased by consumers. The INCC, or National Construction Cost Index, constitutes the remaining 10% of the IGP-M. It focuses on the construction sector, monitoring the cost fluctuations of materials, labor, and equipment used in building projects. The methodology used to calculate IGP-M inflation MoM involves aggregating the price data from these three sub-indices. Data collection occurs throughout the month, ensuring a representative and timely reflection of market conditions. The resulting IGP-M figure is thus a weighted average of the monthly changes in the IPA, IPC, and INCC. This approach provides a multifaceted view of inflationary trends, capturing not only consumer markets but also wholesale prices and construction costs. Understanding MoM changes in IGP-M is crucial for several reasons. First, it provides a more immediate and dynamic picture of inflation compared to year-over-year (YoY) rates. Month-over-month analysis captures short-term fluctuations and seasonal variations that can significantly impact economic decision-making. For businesses, this information is vital for pricing strategies, inventory management, and financial forecasting. Policymakers use MoM inflation data to gauge the effectiveness of monetary policies and to make necessary adjustments in real-time. For investors, analyzing MoM trends offers insights into market stability and potential investment risks. Furthermore, IGP-M has a direct impact on various financial contracts and agreements in Brazil. It is commonly used to adjust prices in rental agreements, utility bills, and other long-term contracts. Understanding MoM changes in IGP-M helps stakeholders predict adjustments and plan their financial activities accordingly. This contractual relevance of IGP-M accentuates the importance of accurate and timely inflation data for maintaining economic stability and predictability. From an international perspective, the IGP-M holds significance for global investors and economic analysts. Brazil, as one of the largest economies in Latin America, plays a pivotal role in the global economic landscape. Inflation trends in Brazil can influence global commodity prices, foreign exchange rates, and international investment flows. The comprehensive nature of IGP-M, encompassing wholesale, consumer, and construction prices, provides valuable insights into the broader economic environment, making it a crucial indicator for those assessing global market conditions. Eulerpool, as a professional website dedicated to displaying macroeconomic data, emphasizes the importance of detailed and accurate information for informed decision-making. Our coverage of IGP-M inflation MoM aims to provide users with in-depth analysis, current data, and relevant context to enhance their understanding of inflationary trends. By offering a centralized platform for macroeconomic indicators, we facilitate access to crucial information, empowering our users to make well-informed economic decisions. Moreover, the visualization and interpretive tools available on Eulerpool enable users to analyze IGP-M data in conjunction with other macroeconomic indicators. This integrated approach allows for a more holistic understanding of economic dynamics, fostering a deeper insight into market trends and potential future developments. Whether you are an economist, business leader, investor, or policymaker, Eulerpool strives to be your go-to resource for comprehensive and reliable macroeconomic data. In conclusion, the IGP-M inflation MoM is a multi-faceted and significant economic indicator that encapsulates price changes across wholesale, consumer, and construction markets. Its monthly analysis provides valuable insights into short-term inflationary trends, aiding various stakeholders in their economic decision-making. As a professional macroeconomic data platform, Eulerpool is committed to delivering accurate and detailed information on IGP-M and other essential economic indicators, supporting our users in navigating complex economic landscapes with confidence and precision.