Dauerwerbesendung Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff Dauerwerbesendung für Deutschland.

Dauerwerbesendung Definition

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"Dauerwerbesendung" is a German term used in the field of marketing and advertising, particularly within the context of television broadcasting.

Derived from the words "Dauer" (duration) and "Werbung" (advertising), this term refers to a specific type of promotional program that showcases products or services for an extended period of time. Equivalent to direct response advertising or infomercials in English-speaking countries, Dauerwerbesendungen are known for their distinctive format and sales-driven content. In a Dauerwerbesendung, advertisers strategically blend product demonstrations, persuasive messaging, and call-to-action prompts to engage viewers and drive sales. These shows often feature a host or presenter who enthusiastically highlights the benefits and features of the advertised products, aiming to generate immediate consumer responses. With a typical duration ranging from 30 minutes to several hours, Dauerwerbesendungen create a unique platform for brands to showcase their offerings and directly target potential customers. This format allows companies to bypass traditional advertising channels and engage consumers in a more direct and interactive manner. The concept of Dauerwerbesendungen gained popularity in Germany during the 1980s and has since become an integral part of the advertising landscape. These programs are broadcasted on various television channels and can cover a diverse range of products, including household appliances, cosmetics, fitness equipment, and more. Companies leverage the extended airtime to present in-depth product demonstrations, testimonials, and compelling success stories, aimed at persuading viewers to make immediate purchases. From a regulatory standpoint, Dauerwerbesendungen are subject to certain guidelines to ensure fair and transparent advertising practices. Advertisers must disclose key information such as product pricing, terms of purchase, and any associated conditions. Moreover, viewers should be able to distinguish between the program's entertainment value and its underlying promotional agenda. These regulations contribute to maintaining consumer trust and protecting their interests. As the advertising landscape continues to evolve, Dauerwerbesendungen remain a relevant and effective marketing tool, allowing businesses to directly engage with their target audience and maximize their return on investment. By leveraging the extended time slots dedicated to these shows, companies can deliver comprehensive and persuasive messaging, ultimately driving sales and brand awareness. At Eulerpool.com, a premier platform for capital market investors, we strive to provide comprehensive and insightful information on various facets of the financial world, including the important terminology surrounding investments in stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and cryptocurrencies. Our intention is to equip investors with the knowledge and understanding necessary to navigate the complex world of capital markets successfully. Please note that this definition of "Dauerwerbesendung" is tailored to meet search engine optimization (SEO) requirements, ensuring that it aligns with the best practices for online discoverability. By carefully selecting relevant keywords and crafting a well-structured, informative description, we aim to enhance the visibility and accessibility of our glossary.
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