NIC Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff NIC für Deutschland.

NIC Definition

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NIC is the acronym for Net Interest Cost, also known as Nettokostensatz in German.

It is a significant measure utilized in capital markets, particularly within the realm of fixed-income securities. NIC represents the total borrowing cost to an issuer of a bond or loan after adjusting for the present value of all cash flows associated with the transaction, including any discounts or premiums. The calculation of NIC involves several key components. First, it takes into account the stated interest rate at which the bond or loan is issued. This rate is typically expressed as a percentage of the face value and determines the periodic interest payments made by the issuer. Secondly, NIC considers the time value of money by discounting those interest payments to their present value. This is accomplished by applying an appropriate discount rate, typically based on market interest rates or the specific credit risk of the issuer. Moreover, NIC incorporates any additional costs or rebates associated with the issuance of the bond or loan. Such costs may include underwriting fees, commissions, legal expenses, or other administrative charges. The inclusion of these expenses ensures the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the overall borrowing cost estimation. Investors heavily rely on NIC to gauge the true expense associated with fixed-income investments. By considering all relevant costs and present valuing future cash flows, NIC provides a reliable benchmark to compare different investment opportunities within the capital markets. This allows investors to make informed decisions based on the net cost to the issuer and the potential yield or return they can expect from the investment. In summary, Net Interest Cost (NIC) measures the total borrowing cost for an issuer of a bond or loan, accounting for the present value of all cash flows, adjustments, and additional costs incurred during the transaction. By evaluating the NIC, investors gain valuable insight into the actual expenses associated with fixed-income investments, aiding them in making informed investment decisions. At, a premier destination for equity research and finance news, we strive to provide the most comprehensive and accurate glossary/lexicon for investors in capital markets. Be sure to explore our website for further information and an extensive range of resources tailored to your investment needs.
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