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Japonya Çimento Üretimi

Hisse Senedi Fiyatı

4,168 Milyon. Tonnes
Değişim +/-
+58 Tonnes
Yüzde Değişim
+1,40 %

Japonyadeki Çimento Üretimi'nin mevcut değeri 4,168 Milyon. Tonnesdir. Japonyadeki Çimento Üretimi 01.12.2024 tarihinde 4,168 Milyon. Tonnesne yükseldi, 01.11.2024 tarihinde 4,11 Milyon. Tonnesidi. 01.04.1985 ile 01.12.2024 arasında, Japonyadeki ortalama GSYH 5,99 Milyon. Tonnesydi. Tüm zamanların en yüksek seviyesi 01.03.1997 tarihinde 9,37 Milyon. Tonnes ile ulaşılırken, en düşük değer 01.01.2024 tarihinde 3,34 Milyon. Tonnes ile kaydedildi.

Kaynak: Japan Cement Association (JCA)

Çimento Üretimi

  • 3 Yıl

  • 5 Yıl

  • 10 Yıl

  • 25 Yıl

  • Max

Çimento üretimi

Çimento Üretimi Tarihçe

01.12.20244,168 Milyon. Tonnes
01.11.20244,11 Milyon. Tonnes
01.10.20244,088 Milyon. Tonnes
01.09.20243,835 Milyon. Tonnes
01.08.20243,6 Milyon. Tonnes
01.07.20243,821 Milyon. Tonnes
01.06.20243,976 Milyon. Tonnes
01.05.20243,837 Milyon. Tonnes
01.04.20243,59 Milyon. Tonnes
01.03.20244,214 Milyon. Tonnes

Çimento Üretimi ile Benzer Makro Göstergeleri

Araç Kayıtları
229.683 Units211.131 UnitsAylık
Birleşik Erken Gösterge
99,958 points99,932 pointsAylık
Büyük İmalat Şirketleri için İş Dünyası Anket Endeksi
-1 %-6,7 %Çeyrek
Çelik üretimi
6,8 Milyon. Tonnes6,9 Milyon. TonnesAylık
Ekonomi Gözlemcileri Anketi
45,7 points47,4 pointsAylık
Ekonomi Gözlemcileri Anketi Beklentisi
46,3 points48,5 pointsAylık
Erken Göstergesi
110,9 points111,7 pointsAylık
Hizmet Sektörü PMI
33 points34 pointsÇeyrek
Hizmetler PMI
49,4 points53,8 pointsAylık
764 Companies840 CompaniesAylık
İmalat PMI
50 points50,4 pointsAylık
İmalat üretimi
-6,22 %-3,96 %Aylık
İş ortamı
13 points11 pointsÇeyrek
Kapasite Kullanım Oranı
99,7 points99,4 pointsAylık
Kompozit PMI
49,7 points52,6 pointsAylık
Küçük İşletme Hissiyatı
-1 points-1 pointsÇeyrek
Madencilik üretimi
1,7 %-1,6 %Aylık
Makine siparişleri
-3,2 %-2,9 %Aylık
Otomobil üretimi.
592.453 Units648.851 UnitsAylık
Özel Yatırımlar
6,8 %16,4 %Çeyrek
Reuters Tankan-Endeksi
6 points9 pointsAylık
Sanayi Üretimi
0,3 %-1,8 %Aylık
Sanayi Üretimi Aylık Değişim
2,8 %-0,9 %Aylık
Şirket karları
25,275 Bio. JPY23,797 Bio. JPYÇeyrek
Stok Değişiklikleri
1,877 Bio. JPY502,5 Milyar JPYÇeyrek
Takım Tezgahı Siparişleri
118,125 Milyar JPY116,146 Milyar JPYAylık
Tank zaferi büyük imalat şirketleri için ön görüş
14 points10 pointsÇeyrek
Tankan Capex tüm sektörler
11,3 %10,6 %Çeyrek
Tankan Görünümü Hizmet Sektörü için
28 points28 pointsÇeyrek
Tersiyer sanayi endeksi
101,9 points100 pointsAylık
Uyum İndeksi
115,2 points114,2 pointsAylık
Yeni siparişler
1,097 Bio. JPY1,019 Bio. JPYAylık

Çimento Üretimi nedir?

Cement Production in Turkey: A Comprehensive Analysis Cement production plays a profound role in the macroeconomic landscape of Turkey, acting as a backbone to the construction and infrastructure sectors. As a professional website focusing on presenting macroeconomic data, Eulerpool aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the cement production industry in Turkey, offering insights into its current state, economic significance, and future potential. Turkey's cement industry has a long-established history, contributing significantly to the country's GDP. Being one of the top cement producers in the world, Turkey has been able to maintain a dominant position through substantial domestic production capacity and a robust export network. This accomplishment is underpinned by abundant natural resources, skilled labor, and strategic investments in technology. The year-on-year increase in infrastructure projects, both private and governmental, has been a key driver of cement demand within the country. The Turkish government's ambitious infrastructure plans, which include the construction of highways, airports, and urban transformation projects, have consistently fueled the growth of the cement sector. Moreover, the increasing demand for real estate, driven by urbanization and population growth, continues to bolster cement production. From a macroeconomic perspective, the cement industry is vital for employment and regional development. Cement plants are often located in remote or less-developed areas, providing crucial job opportunities and contributing to local economies. The employment generated extends beyond the factories, including logistics, construction, and ancillary services, forming a substantial part of the regional economic fabric. In terms of international trade, Turkey has established itself as a prominent cement exporter. Turkish cement finds markets in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, benefiting from the country's strategic geographical position that bridges continents. This export capability not only supports the national economy by earning foreign exchange but also helps in balancing trade deficits. The competitive landscape of the Turkish cement industry is characterized by a mix of large multinational companies and domestic enterprises. This diversity in market players ensures a competitive environment, fostering innovation and efficiency. Companies are continually investing in modernizing their production facilities, adopting more sustainable and energy-efficient practices. Given that cement production is energy-intensive, these technological advancements are crucial for reducing costs and minimizing environmental impact. Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the cement industry, both globally and locally. Turkish cement producers are adopting green technologies and striving to reduce carbon footprints, aligning with international environmental standards. The integration of alternative fuels, waste heat recovery systems, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies are some measures being implemented to make the production process more eco-friendly. A significant challenge faced by the sector is the fluctuation in raw material costs and energy prices. Cement production relies heavily on resources such as limestone, clay, and gypsum, whose availability and cost can vary greatly. Additionally, the sector is sensitive to energy prices as it is highly energy-intensive, particularly in terms of electricity and fossil fuels. These cost variances can impact profit margins and competitiveness in the international market. Despite these challenges, the future outlook for Turkey's cement industry remains positive. The long-term economic fundamentals, such as a growing population, expanding urban areas, and continued government spending on infrastructure, suggest sustained demand for cement. Moreover, Turkey’s strategic focus on increasing its global market share through quality improvement and cost efficiency will likely propel the industry forward. Evolving trends and technological advancements are also set to shape the future of cement production in Turkey. The adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies, which encompass automation, data exchange, and advanced manufacturing practices, is expected to enhance operational efficiencies. Through predictive maintenance, process optimization, and real-time monitoring, these technologies promise to improve productivity while reducing downtime and operational costs. Furthermore, the sector is anticipated to continue its shift towards more sustainable practices. The increasing regulations and societal demand for environmental responsibility mean that the cement industry will need to further integrate sustainability into its core operations. This includes greater emphasis on recycling, reuse of industrial by-products, and the development of new types of cement that conform to lower carbon emission standards. The role of financial markets and investments cannot be overlooked in understanding the dynamics of cement production. With Turkey’s ambitious targets for economic development, the cement industry is likely to see increasing interest from both local and international investors. Investment in modernizing plants, research and development for new materials, and expanding production capacities present opportunities for substantial returns. In conclusion, cement production is a critical component of Turkey's macroeconomic framework. Its influence spans from regional economic development and employment generation to international trade and sustainable practices. The sector's resilience, driven by domestic demand and export capabilities, alongside technological and sustainable advancements, ensures its pivotal role in Turkey's economic growth trajectory. Eulerpool remains committed to providing comprehensive macroeconomic data and insights, empowering stakeholders with reliable information to navigate the complexities of the cement industry in Turkey.