kalkulatorische Kosten Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff kalkulatorische Kosten für Deutschland.

kalkulatorische Kosten Definition

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kalkulatorische Kosten

Definition: Kalkulatorische Kosten (also known as imputed costs or notional costs) is a vital term in accounting and finance, representing the estimated expenses associated with utilizing resources that do not directly involve monetary outflows.

These costs are crucial for investors in capital markets, as they aid in assessing the overall profitability and viability of an investment opportunity. Kalkulatorische Kosten encompass a range of non-cash expenses, including depreciation, imputed interest, and entrepreneurial remuneration. Essentially, these costs originate from the internal utilization of capital and resources within an organization. They are calculated by applying appropriate rates or percentages to the relevant assets and resources employed. Depreciation, one component of kalkulatorische Kosten, represents the systematic allocation of the cost of fixed assets over their estimated useful lives. It acknowledges that assets experience wear and tear, obsolescence, or physical deterioration as time progresses. By apportioning the expense of these assets over time, depreciation reflects the decrease in their value and helps investors assess net profit and return on investment accurately. Another component of kalkulatorische Kosten is imputed interest. This cost represents the lost opportunity to earn an income by investing capital in alternative ventures. It acknowledges that the capital used within an organization could have been employed elsewhere to generate additional income. Essentially, imputed interest seeks to reflect this missed opportunity and enables investors to evaluate the comparative returns of different investment choices. Additionally, entrepreneurial remuneration is an important factor within kalkulatorische Kosten. It represents the opportunity cost of the knowledge, skills, and time invested by the entrepreneur or business owner into the organization. This cost acknowledges that the entrepreneur could have earned a salary or remuneration by working for another company. By including entrepreneurial remuneration, investors can ascertain the full economic cost of utilizing the entrepreneur's resources within the organization. Overall, kalkulatorische Kosten provides investors with a comprehensive view of the true economic costs associated with utilizing internal resources. By capturing non-cash expenses such as depreciation, imputed interest, and entrepreneurial remuneration, this concept enables investors to evaluate the profitability and potential risks of a capital market investment accurately. Understanding and analyzing kalkulatorische Kosten empowers investors to make informed decisions and optimally allocate their resources within the dynamic and complex world of capital markets.
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