Bodenrichtwertgrundstück Definition

Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff Bodenrichtwertgrundstück für Deutschland.

Bodenrichtwertgrundstück Definition

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Bodenrichtwertgrundstück (also known as BRW-Grundstück) is a pivotal term in the realm of capital markets, particularly for property investors in Germany.

This German phrase encompasses the concept of "standard land value plot" in English. Essentially, a Bodenrichtwertgrundstück refers to a specific piece of land that serves as a benchmark for determining the approximate market value of neighboring properties. It is commonly employed by real estate professionals, potential buyers, and financial institutions to assess the overall value of a given land parcel within a defined region or municipality. The Bodenrichtwertgrundstück is a product of valuation procedures conducted by independent valuation committees or public authorities. These bodies thoroughly evaluate various parameters, including locational factors, infrastructure availability, land use regulations, and development potential, among others, to derive a standardized land value. The resulting value is considered representative of the prevailing market conditions and serves as a fundamental reference point for property transactions. In Germany, the Bodenrichtwertgrundstück value is typically determined and published at regular intervals by the responsible local or regional authorities. This allows potential investors or interested parties to access the most up-to-date information necessary for making informed decisions regarding property investments. As such, the availability and transparency of Bodenrichtwertgrundstück data contribute significantly to the overall efficiency and stability of the German real estate market. Given the importance of Bodenrichtwertgrundstück in property valuation, investors can utilize this information as a benchmark for assessing the profitability and risk associated with potential projects. By comparing the market value of a specific property with the prevailing benchmark value, investors can gain insights into the property's viability as an investment opportunity. Furthermore, the Bodenrichtwertgrundstück also plays a crucial role in determining property taxes and other financial obligations related to land ownership. The German tax authorities often refer to this standardized land value to calculate the appropriate taxation amounts, ensuring a fair and equitable system. In conclusion, the Bodenrichtwertgrundstück is an indispensable tool for investors and stakeholders in the German capital market, providing a standardized reference point for land value assessment. Its availability and application contribute to the overall stability, efficiency, and transparency of the real estate sector. By considering the Bodenrichtwertgrundstück, investors can make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and foster sustainable growth in their property portfolios.
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