Ko je pružalac usluge Davis Select International ETF?
Davis Select International ETF se nudi od strane Davis, vodećeg igrača u oblasti pasivnih investicija.
The Davis Select International ETF is an exchange-traded fund that seeks to provide investors with exposure to the international equity markets. It comprises a comprehensive portfolio of companies that have demonstrated proven track records of strong growth potential, consistent earnings, and are trading at attractive valuations. The ETF was created by Davis Advisors, a reputable investment management firm, in 2017, as an extension of their proven investment approach adapted for the international market. Their focus on active management and their belief in the long-term growth potential of companies has resulted in the creation of this ETF, which invests in global markets outside the U.S. The Davis Select International ETF has outperformed its benchmark since its launch, driven by the skilled management of the portfolio and the carefully selected stocks included in the fund. The fund invests in companies of any size, although the portfolio is mainly comprised of established and mid-cap firms, with a bias towards growth-oriented businesses. The fund's portfolio typically invests in companies from sectors such as consumer goods, healthcare, financials, industrials, technology, and communication services, among others. The portfolio is diversified by country, sector, and market capitalization, which allows for a reduction in the level of risk in the fund. Investors looking to add exposure to international markets should consider the Davis Select International ETF. The fund offers an attractive alternative to investing in individual securities as it gives investors access to a well-diversified portfolio of international stocks managed by experienced professionals. In conclusion, the Davis Select International ETF is an excellent investment option for investors looking for exposure to international stocks. Its active management approach, broad diversification, and focus on growth-oriented companies make it an attractive option to consider. The ETF is worth considering by individuals looking to expand their investment portfolio's scope to international diversification while minimizing risk.
Davis Select International ETF se nudi od strane Davis, vodećeg igrača u oblasti pasivnih investicija.
ISIN od Davis Select International ETF je US23908L4059
Ukupni troškovi fonda Davis Select International ETF iznose 0,66 %, što znači da investitori plaćaju 66,00 USD godišnje po 10.000 USD investiranog kapitala.
ETF je kotiran na USD.
Evropski investitori mogu imati dodatne troškove za razmenu valuta i transakcione troškove.
Ne, Davis Select International ETF ne odgovara smernicama EU za zaštitu investitora Ucits.
KGV kompanije Davis Select International ETF iznosi 13,83
Prosečan obim trgovanja za Davis Select International ETF trenutno iznosi 29.792,57
Davis Select International ETF je domiciliran u US.
Početak fonda bio je 1. 3. 2018.
Davis Select International ETF uglavnom ulaže u Ukupno tržište preduzeća.
NAV kompanije Davis Select International ETF iznosi 22,17 mil. USD.
Odnos cene i knjigovodstvene vrednosti iznosi 1,727.
Investicije se mogu izvršiti preko brokera ili finansijskih institucija koje pružaju pristup trgovanju ETF-ovima.
ETF se trguje na berzi, slično kao i akcije.
Da, ETF se može držati u redovnom depozitu vrednosnih papira.
ETF je pogodan i za kratkoročne i za dugoročne strategije ulaganja, u zavisnosti od ciljeva investitora.
ETF se procenjuje svakog trgovačkog dana.
Informacije o dividendama treba tražiti na veb stranici provajdera ili kod vašeg brokera.
Rizici uključuju tržišne fluktuacije, valutne rizike i rizik povezan sa malim kompanijama.
ETF je obavezan da redovno i transparentno izveštava o svojim investicijama.
Performanse se mogu videti na Eulerpool ili direktno na veb stranici pružaoca usluga.
Više informacija možete pronaći na zvaničnoj web stranici dobavljača.