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Analiza akcija

Experian Akcija



Danas +/-
Danas %
+4,69 %

Experian Akcija Promet, EBIT, Dobit


Promet, Profit & EBIT

Razumevanje prometa, EBIT-a i prihoda

Dobijte uvid u Experian, sveobuhvatan pregled finansijskih performansi može se dobiti analizom dijagrama prometa, EBIT-a i prihoda. Promet predstavlja ukupni prihod koji Experian ostvaruje iz svojih glavnih poslova i pokazuje sposobnost kompanije da privlači i zadržava klijente. EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) pruža informacije o operativnoj profitabilnosti kompanije, oslobođen od poreskih i kamatnih troškova. Deo prihoda odražava neto profit Experian, krajnju meru njegovog finansijskog zdravlja i profitabilnosti.

Godišnja analiza i poređenja

Pogledajte godišnje stubove kako biste razumeli godišnje performanse i rast Experian. Uporedite promet, EBIT i prihod kako biste procenili efikasnost i profitabilnost kompanije. Veći EBIT u poređenju s prošlom godinom ukazuje na unapređenje operativne efikasnosti. Slično tome, povećanje prihoda ukazuje na povećanu ukupnu profitabilnost. Analiza poređenja iz godine u godinu pomaže investitorima da razumeju rast i operativnu efikasnost kompanije.

Koristite očekivanja za investiranje

Predviđene vrednosti za naredne godine pružaju investitorima uvid u očekivane finansijske performanse Experian. Analiza ovih prognoza zajedno s istorijskim podacima pomaže da se donesu informisane investicione odluke. Investitori mogu proceniti potencijalne rizike i prinose i uskladiti svoje investicione strategije kako bi optimizovali profitabilnost i smanjili rizike.

Uvid u investicije

Upoređivanje prometa i EBIT-a pomaže u proceni operativne efikasnosti Experian, dok upoređivanje prometa i prihoda otkriva neto profitabilnost nakon uzimanja u obzir svih troškova. Investitori mogu steći dragocene uvide analizirajući ove finansijske parametre pažljivo i tako postaviti temelj za strateške investicione odluke kako bi iskoristili potencijal za rast Experian.

Experian Prihod, dobit i EBIT istorija

DatumExperian PrometExperian EBITExperian Profit

Experian Акција Маргине

Experian анализа маржи приказује бруто маржу, ЕБИТ маржу, као и маржу добити компаније Experian. ЕБИТ маржа (ЕБИТ/продаја) указује колики проценат од продате робе остаје као оперативни добитак. Маржа добити показује колики проценат продате робе компаније Experian остаје.

Bruto marža
EBIT marža
Profitna marža


Razumevanje bruto marže

Bruto marža, izražena u procentima, pokazuje bruto dobit od prodaje Experian. Viši procenat bruto marže znači da Experian zadržava više prihoda nakon što su uzeti u obzir troškovi prodatih roba. Investitori koriste ovaj pokazatelj da ocene finansijsko zdravlje i operativnu efikasnost, i da je uporede sa konkurentima i prosečnim vrednostima u industriji.

Analiza marže EBIT

Marža EBIT predstavlja profit Experian pre kamata i poreza. Analiza marže EBIT kroz različite godine pruža uvide u operativnu profitabilnost i efikasnost, bez efekata finansijskog leveraginga i poreske strukture. Rastuća marža EBIT tokom godina signalizira poboljšanu operativnu izvedbu.

Uvidi u maržu obrta

Marža obrta pokazuje ukupan promet koji Experian ostvari. Upoređivanjem marže obrta iz godine u godinu, investitori mogu da procene rast i širenje tržišta Experian. Važno je uporediti maržu obrta sa bruto i EBIT maržom, kako bi se bolje razumele strukture troškova i profita.

Tumačenje očekivanja

Očekivane vrednosti za bruto, EBIT i maržu obrta daju budući finansijski izgled Experian. Investitori bi trebali da uporede ova očekivanja sa istorijskim podacima kako bi razumeli potencijalni rast i faktore rizika. Presudno je uzeti u obzir pretpostavke i metode koje su korišćene za prognozu ovih očekivanih vrednosti kako bi se donosile informisane investicione odluke.

Analiza poređenja

Poređenje bruto, EBIT i marži obrta, godišnje i kroz više godina, omogućuje investitorima da izvrše sveobuhvatnu analizu finansijskog zdravlja i perspektive rasta Experian. Procena trendova i obrazaca u tim maržama pomaže u identifikovanju snaga, slabosti i potencijalnih investicionih prilika.

Experian Istorija margine

Experian Bruto maržaExperian Profitna maržaExperian EBIT maržaExperian Profitna marža

Experian акција промет, EBIT, добит по акцији

Experian-промет по акцији отуда показује колико промета Experian у једном периоду припада свакој акцији. EBIT по акцији показује колико оперативног профита припада свакој акцији. Добит по акцији указује колико профита припада свакој акцији.

Prihod po akciji
EBIT po akciji
Dobit po akciji

Promet, EBIT i Zarada po deonici

Promet po deonici

Promet po deonici predstavlja ukupan promet koji Experian ostvaruje, podeljen brojem izdatih deonica. To je ključna metrika, jer odražava sposobnost kompanije da generiše promet i pokazuje potencijal za rast i širenje. Godišnja poređenja prometa po deonici omogućuju investitorima da analiziraju postojanost prihoda kompanije i predviđaju buduće trendove.

EBIT po deonici

EBIT po deonici označava dobit Experian pre kamata i poreza, i pruža uvid u operativnu profitabilnost, ne uzimajući u obzir efekte kapitalne strukture i poreske stope. Može se uporediti s prometom po deonici kako bi se ocenila efikasnost pretvaranja prodaje u profit. Konstantan porast EBIT-a po deonici tokom godina naglašava operativnu efikasnost i profitabilnost.

Prihod po deonici

Prihod po deonici ili Zarada po deonici (EPS) pokazuje deo dobiti Experian koji se dodeljuje svakoj deonici osnovnog kapitala. To je ključno za ocenu profitabilnosti i finansijskog zdravlja. Poređenjem s prometom i EBIT-om po deonici, investitori mogu videti koliko efikasno kompanija pretvara promet i operativni profit u neto prihod.

Očekivane vrednosti

Očekivane vrednosti su prognoze za promet, EBIT i prihod po deonici za naredne godine. Ove prognoze, koje se baziraju na istorijskim podacima i tržišnim analizama, pomažu investitorima da strategizuju svoje investicije, ocene buduće poslovanje Experian i procene buduće cene deonica. Međutim, ključno je uzeti u obzir tržišne volatilnosti i neizvesnosti koje mogu uticati na ove prognoze.

Experian Promet, dobit i EBIT po akciji - istorija

DatumExperian Prihod po akcijiExperian EBIT po akcijiExperian Dobit po akciji

Experian Akcija i analiza akcija

Experian PLC is an internationally active company specializing in data analysis and management. It was founded in 1980 in the United Kingdom and has since relocated its headquarters to Dublin, Ireland. The company employs over 16,000 employees worldwide and operates in over 40 countries. Experian's business model is based on the collection and analysis of data on consumers and businesses. The company offers a wide range of solutions, ranging from credit and marketing analytics to fraud detection and identity management. Through its advanced technology, Experian can help companies make informed decisions and manage risks better. One of Experian's key divisions is credit reporting. Experian is one of the leading providers of credit information globally and has a comprehensive database of consumers and businesses. This dataset is used for conducting creditworthiness assessments and evaluating risks. Another area in which Experian operates is marketing. The company offers a wide range of marketing solutions to help businesses better reach their target audiences and optimize their marketing campaigns. Experian utilizes its databases to understand the needs and preferences of consumers and target the right audiences. In addition to these divisions, Experian is also involved in identity and fraud management. The company provides services to protect businesses and consumers from identity theft and fraud. Experian utilizes its datasets to detect unusual activities and transactions and report suspicious cases. Experian offers a variety of products and solutions tailored to different company sizes and industries. The company works with banks, lenders, retailers, insurers, and other businesses to provide customized solutions. Some of the products Experian offers include: - Credit reports and scores: Experian provides credit reports and scores for consumers and businesses. This information helps businesses make informed decisions about loans and financing. - Marketing tools: Experian offers marketing tools to help businesses better reach their target audiences and optimize their marketing campaigns. These include tools for audience analysis and campaign optimization. - Identity and fraud management: Experian offers solutions to prevent identity theft and fraud. These include identity verification, fraud analysis, and transaction verifications. - Data management: Experian offers data management solutions to help businesses better organize and utilize their data. This includes data matching and data management. - Analysis tools: Experian offers a wide range of analysis tools to provide businesses with better insights into their data and make informed decisions. Experian has a long history of innovation and expansion. The company has managed to expand its business to different industries and countries and establish itself as a leading provider of data analysis and management. With the progressing digitization and the increasing importance of data, Experian is well-positioned to continue to be successful in the future. Experian je jedna od najpopularnijih kompanija na

Napravi najbolje investicije svog života

Od 2 evra osigurajте

Experian Ocena na osnovu istorijskog KGV, EBIT i KUV


Napravi najbolje investicije svog života

Od 2 evra osigurajте

Experian Deonice podataka

U istoriji Experian još uvek nije bilo deoba akcija.

Napravi najbolje investicije svog života

Od 2 evra osigurajте
Trenutno, nažalost, nema dostupnih ciljanih cena i prognoza za Experian.

Experian Iznenađenja u zaradi

DatumProcena EPSaEPS-ActualKvartal izveštaja
31. 3. 2024.0,76 0,74  (-2,21 %)2024 Q4
30. 9. 2023.0,71 0,70  (-2,04 %)2024 Q2
31. 3. 2023.0,69 0,69  (-0,12 %)2023 Q4
30. 9. 2022.0,68 0,65  (-4,89 %)2023 Q2
31. 3. 2022.0,66 0,63  (-4,04 %)2022 Q4
30. 9. 2021.0,60 0,61  (1,68 %)2022 Q2
31. 3. 2021.0,55 0,54  (-0,99 %)2021 Q4
30. 9. 2020.0,46 0,48  (5,15 %)2021 Q2
31. 3. 2020.0,56 0,53  (-4,59 %)2020 Q4
30. 9. 2019.0,52 0,49  (-6,47 %)2020 Q2

Eulerpool ESG ocena za akciju Experian

Eulerpool World ESG Rating (EESG©)

66/ 100

🌱 Environment


👫 Social


🏛️ Governance


Životna sredina (Environment)

Direktne emisije
Indirektne emisije iz kupljene energije
Indirektne emisije unutar lanca vrednosti
CO₂ emisije
Strategija redukcije CO₂
Ugalj energija
Atomska energija
Eksperimenti na životinjama
Pelz & Leder
Palmino ulje
Koncept klime
Održivo šumarstvo
Pravila o reciklaži
Ekološka ambalaža
Opasne materije
Potrošnja i efikasnost goriva
Potrošnja i efikasnost vode

Društveno (Social)

Udeo žena zaposlenih44
Udeo žena u menadžmentu
Udeo azijskih zaposlenih20,4
Udeo azijskog menadžmenta31,2
Udeo hispansko/latinskih zaposlenih8,9
Udeo hispano/latino menadžmenta6,8
Udeo crnačkih zaposlenih8,6
Udeo crnačkog menadžmenta3,8
Udeo belih zaposlenih59,6
Udeo belačkog menadžmenta56,4
Sadržaji za odrasle
Ugovori o vojsci
Koncept ljudskih prava
Koncept zaštite podataka
Zaštita na radu i zdravlje

Upravljanje preduzećem (Governance)

Izveštaj o održivosti
Angažovanje zainteresovanih strana
Politika povlačenja
Antimonopolsko pravo

Renomirani Eulerpool ESG rejting je strogo autorsko zaštićena intelektualna svojina Eulerpool Research Systems. Svaka neovlašćena upotreba, imitacija ili kršenje će biti odlučno gonjena i može dovesti do značajnih pravnih posledica. Za licence, saradnju ili prava korišćenja molimo Vas da se direktno obratite preko našeg Formular za kontakt na nas.

Experian Upravni i Nadzorni odbor

Mr. Brian Cassin(55)
Experian Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director (od 2012)
Naknada: 7,37 mil.
Mr. Lloyd Pitchford(51)
Experian Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director (od 2014)
Naknada: 4,55 mil.
Mr. Craig Boundy(48)
Experian Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director (od 2022)
Naknada: 1,57 mil.
Mr. Mike Rogers(58)
Experian Independent Non-Executive Chairman of the Board
Naknada: 488.000,00
Mr. Luiz Fleury(66)
Experian Non-Executive Independent Director
Naknada: 276.000,00

Experian lanac snabdevanja

ImeOdnosDvonedeljna korelacijaKorelacija za jedan mesecTrojmešečna korelacijaŠestomesečna korelacijaJednogodišnja korelacijaDvogodišnja korelacija
Momentive Global Akcija
Momentive Global

Česta pitanja o Experian akciji

What values and corporate philosophy does Experian represent?

Experian PLC is a global information services company focused on data management and analytics. With a strong corporate philosophy centered around integrity, innovation, and collaboration, Experian strives to help businesses and individuals make informed decisions. As a trusted provider of credit reports, identity theft protection, and credit monitoring services, Experian values delivering value and empowering consumers to manage their financial lives responsibly. Through advanced data technologies and actionable insights, Experian enables businesses to better understand their customers, mitigate risks, and drive growth. By upholding unwavering ethical standards and driving positive societal impact, Experian PLC solidifies its position as a leader in the information services industry.

In which countries and regions is Experian primarily present?

Experian PLC is primarily present in numerous countries and regions worldwide. As a global information services company, Experian has a strong presence in the United Kingdom, as it originated there. Furthermore, Experian maintains a significant presence in the United States, serving as one of its key markets. The company also operates extensively in Latin America, with notable presence in Brazil and Mexico. In addition, Experian has a substantial presence in other European countries, including Ireland, Germany, and France. It is important to note that Experian's global reach extends beyond these specific regions, with operations and customers across various parts of the globe.

What significant milestones has the company Experian achieved?

Experian PLC has achieved several significant milestones throughout its history. As a leading global information services company, Experian has consistently pushed boundaries to deliver innovative solutions and maintain its position in the industry. One notable milestone for Experian is its presence in over 37 countries, serving clients across the globe. The company has also made remarkable advancements in data analytics and credit scoring methodologies, making it a trusted partner for customers seeking reliable credit information and decision-making tools. Experian's commitment to financial inclusion and empowering consumers has positioned it as a trusted name in the industry.

What is the history and background of the company Experian?

Experian PLC is a global information services company headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. It was established in 1996 as a spin-off of the GUS plc group. With a rich history spanning over two decades, Experian has become one of the leading providers of data and analytical tools worldwide. The company specializes in credit reporting, marketing services, and decision analytics, assisting businesses and individuals in making informed financial decisions. Experian's innovative solutions and extensive data coverage have helped it establish a strong presence in over 40 countries. Continuously evolving, Experian remains committed to delivering reliable insights and driving economic growth through data-driven solutions.

Who are the main competitors of Experian in the market?

The main competitors of Experian PLC in the market are Equifax Inc. and TransUnion.

In which industries is Experian primarily active?

Experian PLC is primarily active in the industries of credit reporting, data analysis, and information services. As one of the leading global information services companies, Experian PLC specializes in providing credit scoring, fraud detection, and decision analytics solutions to businesses and individuals. With its extensive database and advanced analytical tools, Experian PLC enables organizations in sectors such as financial services, healthcare, retail, and telecommunications to make informed decisions, mitigate risk, and enhance customer experiences. The robust presence of Experian PLC in these industries reflects its dedication to transforming data into valuable insights for businesses worldwide.

What is the business model of Experian?

The business model of Experian PLC revolves around providing information services, data analytics, and decision-making solutions to businesses and individuals worldwide. Experian specializes in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting vast amounts of consumer and business data to help organizations make informed decisions, manage risk, target marketing efforts, and prevent fraud. By utilizing advanced technology and analytics, Experian offers a range of products and services, including credit reports, credit monitoring, identity theft protection, fraud detection, and marketing services. Experian's business model is primarily focused on leveraging data-driven insights to empower businesses and individuals with valuable information for efficient decision-making and risk management.

Koji P/E odnos ima Experian 2024?

KGV za Experian trenutno ne može biti izračunato.

Koji je KUV za Experian 2024?

KUV za Experian trenutno ne može biti izračunat.

Koji AlleAktien kvalitetni skor ima Experian?

AlleAktien Qualitätsscore trenutno ne može biti izračunat za Experian.

Koliki je prihod od Experian 2024?

Prihod trenutno ne može biti izračunat za Experian.

Koliki je profit kompanije Experian 2024?

Profit trenutno ne može biti izračunat za Experian.

Шта ради Experian?

Experian PLC is a multinational company specializing in data-based marketing solutions and decision analytics. It was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. Experian offers a comprehensive portfolio of products and services focused on four core divisions: Credit Services, Decision Analytics, Marketing Services, and Consumer Services. The company collects data from various sources to create credit reports and ratings, helping banks and other lenders assess the credit risk of customers and make lending decisions. Experian also provides identity verification and fraud prevention services to ensure the integrity of the credit approval process. In addition, Experian offers a wide range of analytics and decision support services, including data management, customer profile analysis, credit risk modeling, and scoring systems. Their marketing services division helps businesses tailor their strategies to better target their customers and conduct high-quality marketing campaigns. This includes data management, CRM systems, marketing analysis, and targeting tools. Experian uses customer behavior data to develop personalized marketing messages and improve customer engagement and conversion rates. They also offer consumer services, including credit reports, credit monitoring, and identity theft protection. Experian allows consumers to check their creditworthiness and track identity-related threats. They also provide a free app called Experian Boost, which helps consumers improve their creditworthiness by adding their payment history from mobile and utility companies. With a strong brand presence, extensive experience, and a diverse customer base, Experian PLC is well-positioned to benefit from the growing demand for data-driven decision making and marketing solutions. Sustainable growth is a goal of the company, which has achieved remarkable success in recent years.

Kolika je Experian dividenda?

Experian isplaćuje dividendu od 0 USD raspoređenu preko isplata u toku godine.

Koliko često Experian isplaćuje dividendu?

Dividenda za Experian trenutno ne može biti izračunata ili kompanija ne isplaćuje dividendu.

Šta je Experian ISIN?

ISIN od Experian je GB00B19NLV48.

Šta je Experian WKN?

WKN od Experian je A0KDZM.

Koji je Experian berzanski simbol?

Oznaka za praćenje akcija kompanije Experian je EXPN.L.

Kolika je dividenda koju isplaćuje Experian?

U poslednjih 12 meseci, Experian je isplatio dividendu u iznosu od . To odgovara dividendnom prinosu od oko . Za narednih 12 meseci, Experian će verovatno isplatiti dividendu od 0,54 USD.

Kolika je dividendna prinosa za Experian?

Dividendski prinos od Experian trenutno iznosi .

Kada Experian isplaćuje dividendu?

Experian isplaćuje dividende na kvartalnom nivou. One se isplaćuju u mesecima јул, фебруар, јул, фебруар.

Koliko je sigurna dividenda od Experian?

Experian je isplaćivao dividendu svake godine u poslednjih 25 godina.

Kolika je dividenda kompanije Experian?

Za narednih 12 meseci očekuju se dividende u iznosu od 0,54 USD. To odgovara dividendnom prinosu od 1,18 %.

U kom sektoru se nalazi Experian?

Experian se svrstava u sektor 'Industrija'.

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Experian kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

Da biste primili poslednju dividendu od Experian od 19. 7. 2024. u iznosu od 0,32 USD, morali ste da imate akciju u depou pre Ex-dana 20. 6. 2024..

Kada je Experian poslednji put isplatio dividendu?

Isplata poslednje dividende izvršena je 19. 7. 2024..

Kolika je bila dividenda od Experian u godini 2023?

U godini 2023 kompanija Experian je isplatila 0,436 USD kao dividende.

U kojoj valuti Experian isplaćuje dividendu?

Dividende od Experian se isplaćuju u USD.

Ostali pokazatelji i analize od Experian u dubinskoj analizi

Naša analiza akcija za akciju Experian Promet uključuje važne finansijske pokazatelje kao što su prihod, profit, P/E odnos, P/S odnos, EBIT, kao i informacije o dividendama. Takođe, razmatramo aspekte poput akcija, tržišne kapitalizacije, dugova, kapitala i obaveza kompanije Experian Promet. Ako tražite detaljnije informacije o ovim temama, na našim podstranicama vam nudimo opsežne analize: