ETFs bei Eulerpool

US Diversified Real Estate ETF

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US Diversified Real Estate ETF tečaj

US Diversified Real Estate ETF Steckbrief

The US Diversified Real Estate ETF is a stock market fund that is designed to help investors diversify and gain exposure to the US real estate market. The fund is managed by BlackRock, one of the world's leading investment management firms, and aims to track the performance of the Dow Jones US Select Real Estate Index. The ETF was first established in 2001 and has since grown to become one of the largest real estate ETFs in the world, with over $22 billion in assets under management. The fund is a popular choice for investors who are looking to diversify their portfolios with real estate investments but do not want to invest directly in individual properties. The US Diversified Real Estate ETF invests primarily in US-based real estate investment trusts (REITs). These are companies that own and manage a portfolio of income-generating real estate properties, such as shopping malls, office buildings, and housing complexes. The fund may also invest in other real estate-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities and real estate operating companies (REOCs). The ETF is designed to provide investors with a broad exposure to the US real estate market, with holdings across various sectors and regions. The fund is heavily weighted towards large-cap REITs, which tend to have more stable and predictable cash flows, but also includes exposure to mid- and small-cap REITs for diversification purposes. One of the key benefits of investing in the US Diversified Real Estate ETF is its dividend yield. REITs are required by law to distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders in the form of dividends, which can make them attractive investments for income-seeking investors. As of August 2021, the fund had a dividend yield of 3.42%, which is higher than the average yield of the S&P 500 index. Another benefit of the fund is its low expense ratio, which is currently 0.08%. This means that investors pay just $8 per year for every $10,000 invested in the fund, making it a cost-effective option for gaining exposure to the US real estate market. The US Diversified Real Estate ETF is an attractive option for investors who are looking to diversify their portfolios with real estate investments. The fund provides broad exposure to the US real estate market, with holdings across various sectors and regions, which can help reduce the risk of individual property investments. Additionally, the fund's high dividend yield and low expense ratio make it an appealing option for income-seeking investors.

Seznam holdingov US Diversified Real Estate ETF

Pogosta vprašanja o delnici US Diversified Real Estate ETF

Kdo je ponudnik US Diversified Real Estate ETF?

US Diversified Real Estate ETF je ponudil Vident, vodilno podjetje na področju pasivnih naložb.

Kakšna je ISIN od US Diversified Real Estate ETF?

ISIN od US Diversified Real Estate ETF je US26922A5112

Kakšna je skupna stroškovna kvota (TER) od US Diversified Real Estate ETF?

Skupni stroški kvote za US Diversified Real Estate ETF znašajo 0,53 %, kar pomeni, da vlagatelji plačajo 53,00 USD na 10.000 USD naložbenega kapitala letno.

V kateri valuti je US Diversified Real Estate ETF kotiran?

ETF je kotiran na USD.

Katere dodatne stroške lahko nosijo evropski vlagatelji?

Evropski vlagatelji bi lahko imeli dodatne stroške za menjavo valut in transakcijske stroške.

Ali je US Diversified Real Estate ETF skladen z Ucits?

Ne, US Diversified Real Estate ETF ne ustreza direktivam EU o varstvu vlagateljev Ucits.

Kaj je razmerje med ceno in dobičkom (KGV) od US Diversified Real Estate ETF?

Razmerje cena dobiček (KGV) za US Diversified Real Estate ETF znaša 35,26.

Kateri indeks je reproduciran s strani US Diversified Real Estate ETF?

US Diversified Real Estate ETF odraža vrednostni razvoj USREX - U.S. Diversified Real Estate Index.

Kakšen je povprečni obseg trgovanja z US Diversified Real Estate ETF?

Povprečni obseg trgovanja za US Diversified Real Estate ETF trenutno znaša 46.711,78.

Kje je US Diversified Real Estate ETF domiciliran?

US Diversified Real Estate ETF je doma v US.

Kdaj je bil US Diversified Real Estate ETF ustanovljen?

Začetek sklada je bil 26. 3. 2018.

In welches Segment investiert US Diversified Real Estate ETF hauptsächlich?

US Diversified Real Estate ETF vlagatelj večinoma vlaga v podjetja Nepremičnine.

Kakšna je neto vrednost sredstev (NAV) od US Diversified Real Estate ETF?

Neto vrednost sredstev (NAV) od US Diversified Real Estate ETF znaša 33,67 mio. USD.

Kakšno je razmerje med tržno ceno in knjigovodsko vrednostjo pri US Diversified Real Estate ETF?

Razmerje med tržno ceno in knjigovodsko vrednostjo znaša 2,13.

Kako lahko investiram v ta ETF?

Investicije je možno izvesti preko brokerjev ali finančnih institucij, ki omogočajo dostop do trgovanja z ETF-i.

Kako se trguje z ETF?

ETF se trguje na borzi, podobno kot delnice.

Ali lahko ETF držim v svojem portfelju?

Da, ETF lahko hranite v običajnem vrednostnem papirju.

Je ETF primeren za kratkoročne ali dolgoročne naložbe?

ETF je primeren tako za kratkoročne kot za dolgoročne investicijske strategije, odvisno od ciljev vlagatelja.

Kako pogosto se vrednoti ETF?

ETF se ocenjuje vsak borzni dan.

Ali obstajajo dividende za ta ETF?

Informacije o dividendah je treba poiskati na spletni strani ponudnika ali pri vašem posredniku.

Kakšna tveganja so povezana s tem ETF?

Med tveganja spadajo nihanja na trgu, valutna tveganja in tveganja manjših podjetij.

Kako transparenten je ETF glede svojih investicij?

ETF je dolžan redno in transparentno poročati o svojih naložbah.

Kako lahko spremljam trenutno uspešnost ETF-a?

Uspešnost je mogoče pregledati na Eulerpool ali neposredno na spletni strani ponudnika.

Kje lahko najdem več informacij o ETF-u?

Več informacij lahko najdete na uradni spletni strani ponudnika.