Kdo je ponudnik Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF?
Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF je ponudil Amundi, vodilno podjetje na področju pasivnih naložb.
The Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF is an exchange-traded fund that seeks to provide investors with exposure to equities of companies in the Pacific region that are committed to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria and have a net-zero carbon emission target by 2050. The fund is managed by Amundi, one of the leading asset managers in Europe, with expertise in ESG investing. The Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF was launched in June 2021, reflecting the growing demand for sustainable investment options by investors who seek to invest in companies that are committed to mitigating climate risks. The ETF is based on the MSCI Pacific Index, which is a widely recognized benchmark for equity investments in the Pacific region. The index comprises large and mid-cap companies across 5 developed markets in the Asia Pacific region, which includes Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and New Zealand. The Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF invests in companies that have a strong commitment to ESG criteria and have a net-zero carbon emission target by 2050. This is in line with the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Companies that are committed to this target are likely to be more resilient to increasingly stringent climate regulations, which could result in a lower carbon footprint compared to their peers. The ETF uses a screening process to identify companies that meet specific ESG criteria. This process takes into account factors such as carbon emissions, waste management, water conservation, labor standards, and human rights. Companies that do not meet these criteria are excluded from the index. The ETF provides investors with a low-cost, transparent, and diversified exposure to equity investments in the Pacific region that meets specific ESG criteria. The fund operates on a UCITS structure, which provides investors with a high level of investor protection. In summary, the Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF provides investors with a sustainable investment option that aligns with their values and investment goals. The ETF invests in companies that are committed to environmental, social, and governance criteria and have a net-zero carbon emission target by 2050. By investing in this ETF, investors can support the transition to a low-carbon economy and mitigate the risks of climate change while potentially earning strong returns on their investment.
Borza | Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF Ticker |
XETRA | X014.DE |
Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF je ponudil Amundi, vodilno podjetje na področju pasivnih naložb.
ISIN od Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF je LU2572257397
Skupni stroški kvote za Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF znašajo 0,45 %, kar pomeni, da vlagatelji plačajo 45,00 USD na 10.000 USD naložbenega kapitala letno.
ETF je kotiran na USD.
Evropski vlagatelji bi lahko imeli dodatne stroške za menjavo valut in transakcijske stroške.
Da, Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF ustreza direktivam EU o varstvu vlagateljev Ucits.
Razmerje cena dobiček (KGV) za Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF znaša 16,48.
Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF odraža vrednostni razvoj MSCI Pacific Index.
Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF je doma v LU.
Začetek sklada je bil 5. 12. 2008.
Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF vlagatelj večinoma vlaga v podjetja Skupni trg.
Neto vrednost sredstev (NAV) od Amundi MSCI Pacific ESG Climate Net Zero Ambition CTB UCITS ETF znaša 69,04 mio. USD.
Razmerje med tržno ceno in knjigovodsko vrednostjo znaša 1,51.
Investicije je možno izvesti preko brokerjev ali finančnih institucij, ki omogočajo dostop do trgovanja z ETF-i.
ETF se trguje na borzi, podobno kot delnice.
Da, ETF lahko hranite v običajnem vrednostnem papirju.
ETF je primeren tako za kratkoročne kot za dolgoročne investicijske strategije, odvisno od ciljev vlagatelja.
ETF se ocenjuje vsak borzni dan.
Informacije o dividendah je treba poiskati na spletni strani ponudnika ali pri vašem posredniku.
Med tveganja spadajo nihanja na trgu, valutna tveganja in tveganja manjših podjetij.
ETF je dolžan redno in transparentno poročati o svojih naložbah.
Uspešnost je mogoče pregledati na Eulerpool ali neposredno na spletni strani ponudnika.
Več informacij lahko najdete na uradni spletni strani ponudnika.