Kdo je ponudnik SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF?
SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF je ponudil KODEX, vodilno podjetje na področju pasivnih naložb.
The SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF is a highly regarded exchange-traded fund that is designed to track the performance of the NASDAQ100 Index, a benchmark index for the technology sector. This ETF is managed by Samsung Asset Management, one of the largest asset management firms in South Korea, and is designed to provide investors with an efficient and cost-effective way to gain exposure to a basket of leading US technology companies. Launched in 2005, the ETF has steadily gained popularity over the years, as investors look to capitalize on the growth of the technology sector and the many innovative companies that drive this industry. The fund is denominated in US dollars and trades on the Korea Stock Exchange, allowing Korean investors to easily access the US market. The NASDAQ100 Index is a market capitalization-weighted index that includes 100 of the largest non-financial companies listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. These companies come from a range of industries, but the majority of them are prominent technology firms that have a significant impact on the digital economy. Some of the prominent names in the index include Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Alphabet, among others. The ETF seeks to provide investors with total return, which incorporates both capital appreciation and dividend income. This is achieved by investing in the underlying securities that are included in the index, in the same weighting and composition as the index itself. The ETF also takes advantage of a range of sophisticated investment techniques, such as futures contracts and swaps, to help mitigate risk and enhance returns. As an exchange-traded fund, the SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF offers investors a number of benefits over traditional mutual funds and individual securities. Its low fees, high liquidity, and tax-efficient structure make it an attractive option for investors looking to gain exposure to the US technology sector. The ETF is classified as an equity fund, which means that it is designed for investors looking for long-term growth and capital appreciation. While it carries some risks, particularly in periods of market volatility, its broad diversification across a range of leading technology companies helps to mitigate these risks to some degree. In conclusion, the SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF is a well-managed, low-cost, and highly diversified fund that provides investors with a convenient and simple way to invest in the US technology sector. By tracking the NASDAQ100 Index and investing in a range of technology companies, the ETF offers investors the opportunity to participate in the growth of the digital economy, while also providing some downside protection during periods of market stress.
SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF je ponudil KODEX, vodilno podjetje na področju pasivnih naložb.
ISIN od SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF je KR7379810005
Skupni stroški kvote za SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF znašajo 0,05 %, kar pomeni, da vlagatelji plačajo 5,00 KRW na 10.000 KRW naložbenega kapitala letno.
ETF je kotiran na KRW.
Evropski vlagatelji bi lahko imeli dodatne stroške za menjavo valut in transakcijske stroške.
Ne, SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF ne ustreza direktivam EU o varstvu vlagateljev Ucits.
Razmerje cena dobiček (KGV) za SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF znaša 34,58.
SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF odraža vrednostni razvoj NASDAQ 100 Index.
SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF je doma v KR.
Začetek sklada je bil 9. 4. 2021.
SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF vlagatelj večinoma vlaga v podjetja Velika kapitalizacija.
Neto vrednost sredstev (NAV) od SAMSUNG KODEX US NASDAQ100 Total Return ETF znaša 20,55 milijard KRW.
Razmerje med tržno ceno in knjigovodsko vrednostjo znaša 8,396.
Investicije je možno izvesti preko brokerjev ali finančnih institucij, ki omogočajo dostop do trgovanja z ETF-i.
ETF se trguje na borzi, podobno kot delnice.
Da, ETF lahko hranite v običajnem vrednostnem papirju.
ETF je primeren tako za kratkoročne kot za dolgoročne investicijske strategije, odvisno od ciljev vlagatelja.
ETF se ocenjuje vsak borzni dan.
Informacije o dividendah je treba poiskati na spletni strani ponudnika ali pri vašem posredniku.
Med tveganja spadajo nihanja na trgu, valutna tveganja in tveganja manjših podjetij.
ETF je dolžan redno in transparentno poročati o svojih naložbah.
Uspešnost je mogoče pregledati na Eulerpool ali neposredno na spletni strani ponudnika.
Več informacij lahko najdete na uradni spletni strani ponudnika.