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Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Delnica



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Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives delniški tečaj




Grafikon cen delnic nudi podrobne in dinamične vpoglede v zmogljivost delnice Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives ter prikazuje agregirane cene dnevno, tedensko ali mesečno. Uporabniki lahko izbirajo med različnimi časovnimi okvirji, da natančno analizirajo zgodovino delnice in sprejmejo obveščene investicijske odločitve.

Intradnevna funkcija

Intradnevna funkcija zagotavlja podatke v realnem času in investitorjem omogoča, da spremljajo nihanja cen delnic Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives tekom trgovalnega dne, za sprejemanje pravočasnih in strateških investicijskih odločitev.

Skupni donos in relativna sprememba cene

Oglejte si skupni donos delnice Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, da ocenite njeno donosnost skozi čas. Relativna sprememba cene, ki temelji na prvi razpoložljivi ceni v izbranem časovnem okvirju, ponuja vpoglede v zmogljivost delnice in pomaga pri oceni njenega investicijskega potenciala.

Interpretacija in investiranje

Izkoristite obsežne podatke, ki so predstavljeni na grafikonu cen delnic, da analizirate tržne trende, gibanje cen in potencialne donose od delnice Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives. Sprejmite obveščene investicijske odločitve z primerjavo različnih časovnih okvirov in oceno intradnevnih podatkov za optimizirano upravljanje portfelja.

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Zgodovina tečajev

DatumInfrastructure and Energy Alternatives Delniški tečaj
7. 10. 202213,72 undefined
6. 10. 202213,76 undefined

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives delnica promet, EBIT, dobiček

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Prihodki, dobiček & EBIT

Razumevanje prihodkov, EBIT in dohodka

Pridobite vpoglede v Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, obširni pregled finančne uspešnosti lahko dobite z analizo grafov prihodkov, EBIT in dohodka. Prihodki predstavljajo skupni dohodek, ki ga Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives pridobi iz svojih glavnih poslovnih dejavnosti in prikazuje sposobnost podjetja za pridobivanje in ohranjanje strank. EBIT (Dobiček pred obrestmi in davki) podaja informacije o operativni donosnosti podjetja, neobremenjene s stroški davkov in obresti. Razdelek dohodka odraža čisti dobiček Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, končno merilo za njegovo finančno zdravje in dobičkonosnost.

Letna analiza in primerjave

Oglejte si letne stolpce, da razumete letno uspešnost in rast Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives. Primerjajte prihodke, EBIT in dohodek, da ocenite učinkovitost in donosnost podjetja. Višji EBIT v primerjavi z lanskim letom kaže na izboljšanje operativne učinkovitosti. Podobno povečanje dohodka nakazuje na povečano skupno donosnost. Analiza leta-za-letom primerjave pomaga vlagateljem pri razumevanju rasti in operativne učinkovitosti podjetja.

Uporaba pričakovanj za investicije

Pričakovane vrednosti za prihajajoča leta ponujajo vlagateljem vpogled v pričakovano finančno uspešnost Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives. Analiza teh napovedi skupaj s historičnimi podatki prispeva k sprejemanju utemeljenih investicijskih odločitev. Vlagatelji lahko ocenijo potencialna tveganja in donose ter usmerijo svoje investicijske strategije ustrezno, da optimizirajo donosnost in zmanjšajo tveganja.

Investicijski vpogledi

Primerjava med prihodki in EBIT pomaga oceniti operativno učinkovitost Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, medtem ko primerjava prihodkov in dohodka razkriva neto donosnost po upoštevanju vseh stroškov. Vlagatelji lahko pridobijo dragocene vpoglede z natančno analizo teh finančnih parametrov in tako postavijo temelje za strateške investicijske odločitve, da izkoristijo potencial rasti Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives.

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Prihodki, dobiček in zgodovina EBIT

DatumInfrastructure and Energy Alternatives PrihodkiInfrastructure and Energy Alternatives EBITInfrastructure and Energy Alternatives Dobiček
2026e2,90 milijard undefined192,32 mio. undefined101,17 mio. undefined
2025e2,86 milijard undefined174,90 mio. undefined81,71 mio. undefined
2024e2,78 milijard undefined147,31 mio. undefined66,65 mio. undefined
2023e2,60 milijard undefined107,82 mio. undefined53,80 mio. undefined
2022e2,40 milijard undefined92,56 mio. undefined43,48 mio. undefined
20212,08 milijard undefined82,20 mio. undefined−85,32 mio. undefined
20201,75 milijard undefined75,40 mio. undefined−1,90 mio. undefined
20191,46 milijard undefined36,80 mio. undefined−19,70 mio. undefined
2018779,30 mio. undefined−40,70 mio. undefined−43,60 mio. undefined
2017454,90 mio. undefined32,50 mio. undefined16,50 mio. undefined
2016602,70 mio. undefined54,50 mio. undefined65,50 mio. undefined
20150 undefined0 undefined0 undefined

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Delniški kazalniki

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Promet in rast

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Promet in njegova rast sta ključna za razumevanje finančnega zdravja in operativne učinkovitosti podjetja. Konstantno povečevanje prometa nakazuje na sposobnost podjetja, da učinkovito trži in prodaja svoje izdelke ali storitve, medtem ko odstotek rasti prometa daje vpogled v hitrost, s katero podjetje raste skozi leta.

Bruto marža

Bruto marža je ključni dejavnik, ki prikazuje odstotek prometa nad proizvodnimi stroški. Višja bruto marža namiguje na učinkovitost podjetja pri nadzoru proizvodnih stroškov in obeta potencialno dobičkonosnost in finančno stabilnost.

EBIT in EBIT-marža

EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) in EBIT-marža nudita globok vpogled v dobičkonosnost podjetja, brez vpliva obresti in davkov. Vlagatelji pogosto ocenjujejo te metrike, da bi ovrednotili operativno učinkovitost in inherentno dobičkonosnost podjetja, neodvisno od njegove finančne strukture in davčnega okolja.

Dohodek in rast

Neto dohodek in njegova nadaljnja rast sta za vlagatelje nujna, da razumejo dobičkonosnost podjetja. Konstantna rast dohodka poudarja sposobnost podjetja, da poveča svojo dobičkonosnost skozi čas in odraža operativno učinkovitost, strateško konkurenčnost in finančno zdravje.

Izdane delnice

Izdane delnice se nanašajo na skupno število delnic, ki jih je podjetje izdalo. To je ključno za izračun pomembnih kazalnikov, kot je dobiček na delnico (EPS), kar je za vlagatelje ključno za ocenjevanje dobičkonosnosti podjetja na podlagi posamezne delnice in zagotavlja bolj podroben pregled finančnega zdravja in vrednotenja podjetja.

Interpretacija letnega primerjanja

Primerjava letnih podatkov vlagateljem omogoča, da identificirajo trende, ocenijo rast podjetja in napovejo potencialno prihodnjo uspešnost. Analiza, kako se kazalci, kot so promet, dohodek in marže, spreminjajo iz leta v leto, lahko nudi dragocene vpoglede v operativno učinkovitost, konkurenčnost in finančno zdravje podjetja.

Pričakovanja in napovedi

Vlagatelji pogosto primerjajo trenutne in pretekle finančne podatke s tržnimi pričakovanji. Ta primerjava pomaga pri ocenjevanju, ali podjetje Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives deluje pričakovano, podpovprečno ali nadpovprečno, in zagotavlja ključne podatke za investicijske odločitve.



Razumevanje bilance

Bilanca podjetja Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives nudi podroben finančni pregled in prikazuje sredstva, obveznosti in kapital v določenem trenutku. Analiza teh komponent je ključnega pomena za vlagatelje, ki želijo razumeti finančno zdravje in stabilnost podjetja Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives.


Sredstva podjetja Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives predstavljajo vse, kar ima podjetje v lasti ali nadzira, in ima denarno vrednost. Ločena so na tekoča in osnovna sredstva, kar omogoča vpogled v likvidnost in dolgoročne naložbe podjetja.


Obveznosti so obveznost, ki jih bo podjetje Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives moralo poravnati v prihodnosti. Analiza razmerja med obveznostmi in sredstvi daje informacije o finančni vzvodu in izpostavljenosti tveganju podjetja.


Kapital se nanaša na preostali interes v sredstvih podjetja Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives po odštetju obveznosti. Predstavlja lastniški delež na sredstva in prihodke podjetja.

Analiza iz leta v leto

Primerjava bilančnih podatkov iz leta v leto vlagateljem omogoča spoznavanje trendov, vzorcev rasti in potencialnih finančnih tveganj ter sprejemanje informiranih investicijskih odločitev.

Interpretacija podatkov

Podrobna analiza sredstev, obveznosti in kapitala lahko investitorjem zagotovi celovit vpogled v finančno stanje podjetja Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, kar jim pomaga pri ocenjevanju naložb in ocenah tveganj.


Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Delež marže

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives analiza marž prikazuje bruto maržo, EBIT maržo ter neto maržo dobička podjetja Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives. EBIT marža (EBIT/promet) pove, kolikšen odstotek prometa ostane kot operativni dobiček. Neto marža dobička prikazuje, kolikšen odstotek prometa podjetja Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives ostane.
  • 3 leta

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Bruto marža
Marža dobička


Razumevanje bruto marže

Bruto marža, izražena v odstotkih, prikazuje brutto dobiček od prodaje Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives. Višji odstotek bruto marže pomeni, da Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives zadrži več prihodkov, potem ko so upoštevani stroški prodanih blaga. Investitorji uporabljajo ta kazalnik za ocenjevanje finančnega zdravja in operativne učinkovitosti ter za primerjavo z konkurenco in povprečji v panogi.

Analiza marže EBIT

Marža EBIT predstavlja dobiček Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives pred obrestmi in davki. Analiza marže EBIT čez različna leta ponuja vpogled v operativno dobičkonosnost in učinkovitost, brez vpliva finančnega vzvoda in davčne strukture. Rastoča marža EBIT čez leta signalizira izboljšano operativno delovanje.

Razumevanje marže prihodkov

Marža prihodkov kaže celoten prihodek, ki ga Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives ustvari. Z letno primerjavo marže prihodkov lahko investitorji ocenijo rast in tržno širitev Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives. Pomembno je, da se marža prihodkov primerja z bruto maržo in maržo EBIT, da se bolje razume strukturo stroškov in dobička.

Interpretacija pričakovanj

Pričakovane vrednosti za bruto marže, EBIT in marže prihodkov nudijo finančni pogled v prihodnost Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives. Investitorji bi morali te pričakovanja primerjati z zgodovinskimi podatki, da bi razumeli potencialno rast in dejavnike tveganja. Ključno je upoštevati osnovne predpostavke in metode, uporabljene pri napovedovanju teh pričakovanih vrednosti, da lahko sprejemajo informirane investicijske odločitve.

Primerjalna analiza

Primerjava bruto marž, EBIT in marž prihodkov, tako letno kot čez večletno obdobje, investitorjem omogoča, da izvedejo temeljito analizo finančnega zdravja in rasti možnosti Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives. Ocenjevanje trendov in vzorcev v teh maržah pomaga prepoznati prednosti, slabosti in potencialne investicijske priložnosti.

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Zgodovina marže

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Bruto maržaInfrastructure and Energy Alternatives Marža dobičkaInfrastructure and Energy Alternatives EBIT-maržaInfrastructure and Energy Alternatives Marža dobička
2026e9,92 %6,63 %3,49 %
2025e9,92 %6,12 %2,86 %
2024e9,92 %5,30 %2,40 %
2023e9,92 %4,15 %2,07 %
2022e9,92 %3,86 %1,81 %
20219,92 %3,96 %−4,10 %
202010,77 %4,30 %−0,11 %
201910,75 %2,52 %−1,35 %
20184,04 %−5,22 %−5,59 %
201714,51 %7,14 %3,63 %
201614,14 %9,04 %10,87 %
20159,92 %0 %0 %

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives delnica promet, EBIT, dobiček na delnico

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives-promet na delnico tako pokaže, koliko prometa je Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives v določenem obdobju ustvaril na posamezno delnico. EBIT na delnico kaže, koliko operativnega dobička pripada na posamezno delnico. Dobiček na delnico pokaže, koliko dobička pripada na vsako delnico.
  • 3 leta

  • 5 let

  • 10 let

  • 25 let

  • Max

Prihodek na delnico
EBIT na delnico
Dobiček na delnico

Prihodki, EBIT in dobiček na delnico

Prihodki na delnico

Prihodki na delnico predstavljajo celotni prihodek, ki ga je Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives ustvaril, deljen s številom izdanih delnic. Je ključni kazalnik, saj odraža sposobnost podjetja, da generira prihodke, in kaže potencial za rast in širitev. Letna primerjava prihodkov na delnico omogoča vlagateljem analizo doslednosti prihodkov podjetja in predvidevanje prihodnjih trendov.

EBIT na delnico

EBIT na delnico ponazarja dobiček Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives pred obrestmi in davki ter ponuja vpogled v operativno donosnost, brez upoštevanja učinkov kapitalske strukture in davčnih stopenj. Primerjava z prihodki na delnico omogoča ocene učinkovitosti pretvorbe prodaje v dobiček. Nenehna rast EBIT na delnico skozi leta poudarja operativno učinkovitost in dobičkonosnost.

Dobiček na delnico

Dobiček na delnico ali EPS (Earnings Per Share) prikazuje delež dobička Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, ki se dodeli vsaki delnici osnovnega kapitala. Je ključnega pomena za ocenjevanje dobičkonosnosti in finančnega zdravja. Z primerjavo prihodkov in EBIT na delnico lahko vlagatelji vidijo, kako učinkovito podjetje pretvarja prihodke in operativni dobiček v čisti dohodek.

Pričakovane vrednosti

Pričakovane vrednosti so napovedi za prihodke, EBIT in dobiček na delnico za prihodnja leta. Ta pričakovanja, ki temeljijo na zgodovinskih podatkih in analizi trga, pomagajo vlagateljem pri strategiji njihovih naložb, oceni prihodnjega delovanja Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives in napovedi prihodnjih delniških tečajev. Ključno pa je upoštevanje tržnih volatilnosti in negotovosti, ki lahko vplivajo na te napovedi.

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Promet, dobiček in EBIT na delnico – zgodovina

DatumInfrastructure and Energy Alternatives Prihodek na delnicoInfrastructure and Energy Alternatives EBIT na delnicoInfrastructure and Energy Alternatives Dobiček na delnico
2026e59,66 undefined0 undefined2,08 undefined
2025e58,77 undefined0 undefined1,68 undefined
2024e57,17 undefined0 undefined1,37 undefined
2023e53,39 undefined0 undefined1,11 undefined
2022e49,36 undefined0 undefined0,89 undefined
202162,10 undefined2,46 undefined−2,55 undefined
202084,27 undefined3,63 undefined−0,09 undefined
201971,56 undefined1,80 undefined−0,97 undefined
201835,91 undefined−1,88 undefined−2,01 undefined
201721,06 undefined1,50 undefined0,76 undefined
201627,90 undefined2,52 undefined3,03 undefined
20150 undefined0 undefined0 undefined

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Delnica in analiza delnic

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc. (IEA) is a leading company in the development, construction, and maintenance of renewable energy facilities and infrastructure projects in North America. The company was founded in 2011 through the merger of two leading companies in the renewable energy sector. Today, IEA employs over 2,500 employees who work at various locations in the United States and Canada. IEA's business model is focused on helping customers modernize their energy infrastructure and transition to renewable energy sources. The company offers a wide range of services, from the planning and development of energy projects to the provision of commissioning and maintenance services. IEA is divided into various divisions, each focusing on different areas of renewable energy and infrastructure. The divisions are Renewable Energy, Heavy Civil, Mining, and Industrial, and Light Industrial and Commercial. IEA's Renewable Energy division specializes in the construction of wind and solar parks. The company has completed several significant projects in this field in recent years, including the construction of wind parks in Texas, Kansas, and Iowa, as well as the construction of solar parks in California and Minnesota. The Heavy Civil division specializes in the construction of infrastructure projects, including bridges, roads, airports, and other public facilities. In recent years, IEA has worked on a number of major infrastructure projects in North America, including the construction of the bridge over the Ohio River and the expansion of the Flagstaff Airport Runway. IEA's Mining and Industrial division specializes in mining and industrial projects, offering services such as mine staking, construction of industrial buildings, and maintenance of industrial facilities. The company has worked on projects in multiple industries, including mining, oil and gas, and petrochemical industries. The Light Industrial and Commercial division of IEA focuses on the construction of warehouses, logistics centers, and other commercial facilities. The company has worked on projects in various industries in this field, including the retail and food industries. To offer a comprehensive range of services, IEA also offers a variety of products, including wind turbines, solar modules, battery storage, and other renewable energy products, as well as tool and machinery rental and private label products. Overall, Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc. is a leading provider of services in the renewable energy and infrastructure sector in North America. With its wide range of services and products, the company is able to meet a variety of customer needs and continue to grow. Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives je eno izmed najbolj priljubljenih podjetij na

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Promet po segmentih

  • 3 leta

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Prihodki po segmentih

Pregled prihodkov po segmentih

Diagram prikazuje prihodke po segmentih in omogoča jasen pregled nad razporeditvijo prihodkov. Vsak segment je jasno označen, kar olajša primerjavo prihodkov.

Interpretacija in uporaba

Diagram omogoča hitro identifikacijo najmočnejših segmentov prihodkov, kar je koristno pri strateških odločitvah. Podpira analizo potencialov za rast in ciljano dodeljevanje virov.

Investicijska strategija

Investicijska strategija določa, kako se kapital namensko investira v različne razrede sredstev za maksimiranje donosov. Temelji na pripravljenosti za tveganje, naložbenih ciljih in dolgoročnem načrtu.

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Promet po segmentih

Renewables Segment1,46 milijard USD1,14 milijard USD834,03 mio. USD
Specialty Civil Segment617,28 mio. USD610,06 mio. USD625,73 mio. USD

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Ocenjevanje po Fair Value


Fair Value

Razumevanje Fair Value

Fair Value delnice nudi vpogled v to, ali je delnica trenutno podcenjena ali precenjena. Izračuna se na podlagi dobička, prometa ali dividende in nudi celovit pogled na notranjo vrednost delnice.

Dobičkonosni Fair Value

Ta se izračuna tako, da se dohodek na delnico pomnoži s povprečnim P/E razmerjem izbranih preteklih let za izračun povprečja (glajenje). Če je Fair Value višji od trenutne tržne cene, to kaže, da je delnica podcenjena.

Primer za leto 2022

Fair Value dobiček 2022 = Dobiček na delnico 2022 / Povprečno P/E razmerje 2019 – 2021 (glajenje 3 let)

Prometni Fair Value

Izračuna se tako, da se promet na delnico pomnoži s povprečnim P/S razmerjem izbranih preteklih let za izračun povprečja (glajenje). Delnica se smatra za podcenjeno, kadar Fair Value presega trenutno tržno vrednost.

Primer za leto 2022

Fair Value promet 2022 = Promet na delnico 2022 / Povprečno P/S razmerje 2019 – 2021 (glajenje 3 let)

Dividendenbasierter Fair Value

Ta vrednost se ugotovi tako, da se dividenda na delnico deli s povprečnim donosom dividende izbranih preteklih let za izračun povprečja (glajenje). Višji Fair Value od tržne cene nakazuje na podcenjeno delnico.

Primer za leto 2022

Fair Value dividende 2022 = Dividenda na delnico 2022 * Povprečni donos dividende 2019 - 2021 (glajenje 3 let)

Pričakovanja in napovedi

Prihodnja pričakovanja podajajo potencialne poti za gibanje delniških cen in pomagajo vlagateljem pri odločanju. Pričakovane vrednosti so napovedane številke Fair Value, ob upoštevanju trendov rasti ali padanja pri dobičku, prometu ali dividendah.

Vergleichende Analyse

Primerjava Fair Value, na osnovi dobička, prometa in dividend daje celosten pregled finančnega zdravja delnice. Spremljanje letnih in medletnih sprememb prispeva k razumevanju stalnosti in zanesljivosti delovanja delnic.

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Ocena glede na zgodovinsko razmerje cena/dobiček, EBIT in prihodek od prodaje

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Število delnic

Število delnic pri družbi Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives v letu 2023 je bilo — To pove, na koliko delnic je razdeljen 33,471 mio.. Ker so delničarji lastniki podjetja, vsaka delnica predstavlja majhen delež lastništva v podjetju.
  • 3 leta

  • 5 let

  • 10 let

  • 25 let

  • Max

Število delnic

Prihodki, EBIT in dobiček na delnico

Prihodki na delnico

Prihodki na delnico predstavljajo celotni prihodek, ki ga je Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives ustvaril, deljen s številom izdanih delnic. Je ključni kazalnik, saj odraža sposobnost podjetja, da generira prihodke, in kaže potencial za rast in širitev. Letna primerjava prihodkov na delnico omogoča vlagateljem analizo doslednosti prihodkov podjetja in predvidevanje prihodnjih trendov.

EBIT na delnico

EBIT na delnico ponazarja dobiček Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives pred obrestmi in davki ter ponuja vpogled v operativno donosnost, brez upoštevanja učinkov kapitalske strukture in davčnih stopenj. Primerjava z prihodki na delnico omogoča ocene učinkovitosti pretvorbe prodaje v dobiček. Nenehna rast EBIT na delnico skozi leta poudarja operativno učinkovitost in dobičkonosnost.

Dobiček na delnico

Dobiček na delnico ali EPS (Earnings Per Share) prikazuje delež dobička Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives, ki se dodeli vsaki delnici osnovnega kapitala. Je ključnega pomena za ocenjevanje dobičkonosnosti in finančnega zdravja. Z primerjavo prihodkov in EBIT na delnico lahko vlagatelji vidijo, kako učinkovito podjetje pretvarja prihodke in operativni dobiček v čisti dohodek.

Pričakovane vrednosti

Pričakovane vrednosti so napovedi za prihodke, EBIT in dobiček na delnico za prihodnja leta. Ta pričakovanja, ki temeljijo na zgodovinskih podatkih in analizi trga, pomagajo vlagateljem pri strategiji njihovih naložb, oceni prihodnjega delovanja Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives in napovedi prihodnjih delniških tečajev. Ključno pa je upoštevanje tržnih volatilnosti in negotovosti, ki lahko vplivajo na te napovedi.

Za Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives trenutno žal ni na voljo nobenih ciljnih vrednosti in napovedi.

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Delnica struktura lastništva

6,97743 % AllianceBernstein L.P.3.394.1211.013.59230. 6. 2022
6,03818 % BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A.2.937.231891.75830. 6. 2022
5,77834 % Rubric Capital Management LP2.810.831943.30630. 6. 2022
31,43321 % Ares Management LLC15.290.46349.18824. 7. 2022
3,81297 % Invesco Capital Management LLC1.854.791405.95630. 6. 2022
3,00913 % The Vanguard Group, Inc.1.463.771−44.64030. 6. 2022
2,46730 % Point72 Asset Management, L.P.1.200.200350.20030. 6. 2022
2,43649 % Roehm (John Paul)1.185.21528.85515. 9. 2022
2,13802 % Assenagon Asset Management S.A.1.040.026408.05530. 6. 2022
1,79898 % Royce Investment Partners875.100−5.44530. 6. 2022

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Upravni odbor in nadzorni svet

Mr. John Roehm46
Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives President, Chief Executive Officer, Director (od 2018)
Plačilo: 2,62 mio.
Mr. Michael Stoecker58
Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President
Plačilo: 1,55 mio.
Mr. Christopher Hanson53
Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Executive Vice President - Renewable Energy
Plačilo: 1,50 mio.
Mr. Peter Moerbeek74
Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer
Plačilo: 1,34 mio.
Mr. Brian Hummer49
Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Executive Vice President - Operations
Plačilo: 1,16 mio.

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Dobavna veriga

ImeRazmerjeDvotedenska korelacijaMesečna korelacijaTrimesečna korelacijaŠestmesečna korelacijaEnoletna korelacijaDvoletna korelacija

Pogosta vprašanja o delnici Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives

What values and corporate philosophy does Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives represent?

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc represents a commitment to providing reliable and sustainable infrastructure solutions in the energy sector. The company values innovation, efficiency, and environmental stewardship in all its projects. With a focus on renewable energy and infrastructure development, Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc aims to contribute to the transition towards clean and sustainable energy sources. By leveraging its expertise and industry knowledge, the company strives to deliver excellent results, meeting client expectations while minimizing the impact on the environment.

In which countries and regions is Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives primarily present?

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc (IEA) primarily operates in the United States. As an integrated energy infrastructure services provider, IEA focuses on delivering renewable energy, traditional power, and energy storage projects throughout the country. With its headquarters located in Indianapolis, Indiana, IEA has a strong presence across various regions within the United States. The company specializes in engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) services, catering to the energy sector's needs for reliable and sustainable infrastructure development. IEA's expertise and commitment to providing innovative solutions have positioned it as a leading player in the renewable energy market in the United States.

What significant milestones has the company Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives achieved?

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc has achieved several significant milestones. The company successfully completed the acquisition of Saiia Construction Company, allowing it to expand its capabilities and market reach. Furthermore, Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc secured numerous contracts, including a wind construction agreement with EDP Renewables and a solar construction contract in Missouri. The company's commitment to renewable energy projects has positioned it as a leading provider in the industry. Additionally, Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc achieved remarkable revenue growth and continued to enhance its reputation as a reliable and innovative company in the infrastructure and energy sectors.

What is the history and background of the company Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives?

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc, commonly known as IEA, is a leading infrastructure construction company in the renewable energy sector. Founded in 2011, IEA specializes in providing engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) solutions for wind, solar, and other energy projects. With its headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana, IEA has expanded its operations nationwide and has successfully executed numerous high-profile projects. The company's expertise lies in delivering turnkey solutions for power generation, transmission, and utility-scale renewable energy projects. Dedicated to sustainability, IEA plays a pivotal role in transforming the energy landscape and driving the adoption of clean and alternative energy sources across the United States.

Who are the main competitors of Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives in the market?

The main competitors of Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc in the market include companies such as Quanta Services Inc, MasTec Inc, and MYR Group Inc.

In which industries is Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives primarily active?

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc (IEA) is primarily active in the energy and infrastructure industries. As a leading provider of renewable energy solutions, IEA specializes in the construction and maintenance of wind, solar, and other renewable power generation facilities. Additionally, IEA offers services in the infrastructure sector, including civil and vertical construction for transportation, water, and commercial projects. With its expertise and experience, Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable energy and advancing infrastructure development.

What is the business model of Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives?

The business model of Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Inc (IEA) is focused on providing comprehensive infrastructure solutions for renewable energy projects in the United States. IEA specializes in the design, construction, and maintenance of large-scale wind, solar, and energy storage facilities. By offering end-to-end solutions, including engineering, procurement, and construction services, IEA helps its clients optimize their renewable energy investments. The company collaborates closely with developers, utilities, and other stakeholders to deliver sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions. IEA's expertise, experience, and commitment to renewable energy make it a leading player in the industry, driving the development and adoption of clean and efficient energy alternatives.

Kakšno PE razmerje ima Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives 2024?

Razmerje cena/dobiček Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives je 6,89.

Kakšen je KUV Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives 2024?

Koeficient Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives cene in prihodkov je 0,17.

Kakšen je AlleAktien kakovostni rezultat za Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives?

AlleAktien kakovostni rezultat za Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives je 4/10.

Kakšen je promet podjetja Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives 2024?

pričakovana Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives promet je 2,78 milijard USD.

Kakšen je dobiček od Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives 2024?

Dobiček pričakovana Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives je 66,65 mio. USD.

Kaj počne Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives?

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives (IEA) Inc is a company specialized in the planning, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure projects in the energy and renewable energy sector. IEA is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, and has branches in various US states. IEA's core business is the construction of wind, solar, natural gas, hydropower, and biogas plants in North America. IEA offers a complete range of services to its customers, ranging from site assessment to project development, construction execution, commissioning, and operation and maintenance. IEA specializes in wind energy projects and has extensive experience and excellent references in this segment. IEA's Power and Industrial division specializes in the construction of power plants and industrial facilities. This includes projects in conventional energy generation, pipelines, refineries, storage tanks, and other facilities. IEA offers its customers extensive experience in project management and engineering services, ranging from planning and design to commissioning and maintenance of facilities. IEA's Infrastructure division specializes in the construction of roads, bridges, airports, and other infrastructure projects. IEA offers a comprehensive range of services, including project development, design, bidding, construction, and ongoing maintenance of infrastructure facilities. IEA is one of the few companies that also offers financing solutions to its customers to finance the project from start to finish. IEA is proud to meet the needs of its customers in every phase of the project cycle. Customers can rely on IEA to support them from site assessment to commissioning and maintenance of the facility. IEA is also committed to utilizing the latest technologies to ensure that the projects it realizes meet the highest standards of quality and efficiency and minimize the ecological footprint. IEA offers its customers a wide range of products, including solar modules, turbines, generators, and other energy generation components. IEA also focuses on collaboration with partners to enhance the efficiency and quality of its projects. The company works closely with its customers to understand their needs and develop customized solutions that meet the specific requirements of each project. Overall, IEA's business model is designed to enable its customers to successfully complete their projects by providing high-quality services and products, financing solutions, and efficient collaboration. The company strives to meet the requirements of its customers and establish itself as a trusted partner and responsible member of the community.

Kako visoka je Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives dividenda?

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives izplača dividendo v višini 0 USD, razdeljeno na izplačil letno.

Kako pogosto Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives izplača dividendo?

Dividende za Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives trenutno ni mogoče izračunati ali pa podjetje ne izplačuje dividend.

Kaj je Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives ISIN?

ISIN od Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives je US45686J1043.

Kaj je Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives WKN?

WKN od Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives je A2JLWG.

Kaj je Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives oznaka indeksa?

Oznaka delnice Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives je IEA.

Koliko dividende izplača Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives?

V zadnjih 12 mesecih je Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives izplačal dividendo v višini . To ustreza približni donosnosti dividend . V prihajajočih 12 mesecih bo Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives predvidoma izplačal dividendo v višini 0 USD.

Kakšen je donos dividend od Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives?

Trenutni donos od dividend za Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives znaša .

Kdaj Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives izplača dividend?

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives izplačuje četrtletno dividendo. Ta se izplačuje v mesecih .

Kako varna je dividenda od Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives?

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives je v zadnjih 0 letih vsako leto izplačeval dividend.

Kakšna je dividenda od Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives?

V naslednjih 12 mesecih se pričakuje dividende v višini 0 USD. To ustreza dividendnemu donosu 0 %.

V katerem sektorju se nahaja Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives?

Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives je razvrščen v sektor 'Industrija'.

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

Da si prejel zadnjo dividendo Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives z dne 19. 9. 2024 v višini 0 USD, si moral imeti delnico v depoju pred dnevom brez pravice do dividende (Ex-Tag) 19. 9. 2024.

Kdaj je Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives izplačal zadnjo dividendo?

Zadnje izplačilo dividende je bilo 19. 9. 2024.

Kakšna je bila dividenda od Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives v letu 2023?

V letu 2023 je Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives 0 USD izplačal kot dividende.

V kateri valuti Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives izplača dividendo?

Dividende od Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives se izplačujejo v USD.

Druge ključne številke in analize od Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives v poglobljenem pregledu

Naša analiza delnic Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Prihodki vključuje pomembne finančne kazalnike, kot so prihodki, dobiček, razmerje cena/dobiček (KGV), razmerje cena/prihodki (KUV), EBIT ter informacije o dividendah. Prav tako preučujemo aspekte, kot so delnice, tržna kapitalizacija, dolgovi, lastniški kapital in obveznosti Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives Prihodki. Če iščete podrobnejše informacije o teh temah, na naših podstraneh nudimo obsežne analize: