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Analiza delnic

Digital Realty Trust Delnica



Danes +/-
Danes %
+0,21 %

Digital Realty Trust delnica promet, EBIT, dobiček


Prihodki, dobiček & EBIT

Razumevanje prihodkov, EBIT in dohodka

Pridobite vpoglede v Digital Realty Trust, obširni pregled finančne uspešnosti lahko dobite z analizo grafov prihodkov, EBIT in dohodka. Prihodki predstavljajo skupni dohodek, ki ga Digital Realty Trust pridobi iz svojih glavnih poslovnih dejavnosti in prikazuje sposobnost podjetja za pridobivanje in ohranjanje strank. EBIT (Dobiček pred obrestmi in davki) podaja informacije o operativni donosnosti podjetja, neobremenjene s stroški davkov in obresti. Razdelek dohodka odraža čisti dobiček Digital Realty Trust, končno merilo za njegovo finančno zdravje in dobičkonosnost.

Letna analiza in primerjave

Oglejte si letne stolpce, da razumete letno uspešnost in rast Digital Realty Trust. Primerjajte prihodke, EBIT in dohodek, da ocenite učinkovitost in donosnost podjetja. Višji EBIT v primerjavi z lanskim letom kaže na izboljšanje operativne učinkovitosti. Podobno povečanje dohodka nakazuje na povečano skupno donosnost. Analiza leta-za-letom primerjave pomaga vlagateljem pri razumevanju rasti in operativne učinkovitosti podjetja.

Uporaba pričakovanj za investicije

Pričakovane vrednosti za prihajajoča leta ponujajo vlagateljem vpogled v pričakovano finančno uspešnost Digital Realty Trust. Analiza teh napovedi skupaj s historičnimi podatki prispeva k sprejemanju utemeljenih investicijskih odločitev. Vlagatelji lahko ocenijo potencialna tveganja in donose ter usmerijo svoje investicijske strategije ustrezno, da optimizirajo donosnost in zmanjšajo tveganja.

Investicijski vpogledi

Primerjava med prihodki in EBIT pomaga oceniti operativno učinkovitost Digital Realty Trust, medtem ko primerjava prihodkov in dohodka razkriva neto donosnost po upoštevanju vseh stroškov. Vlagatelji lahko pridobijo dragocene vpoglede z natančno analizo teh finančnih parametrov in tako postavijo temelje za strateške investicijske odločitve, da izkoristijo potencial rasti Digital Realty Trust.

Digital Realty Trust Prihodki, dobiček in zgodovina EBIT

DatumDigital Realty Trust PrihodkiDigital Realty Trust EBITDigital Realty Trust Dobiček

Digital Realty Trust Delež marže

Digital Realty Trust analiza marž prikazuje bruto maržo, EBIT maržo ter neto maržo dobička podjetja Digital Realty Trust. EBIT marža (EBIT/promet) pove, kolikšen odstotek prometa ostane kot operativni dobiček. Neto marža dobička prikazuje, kolikšen odstotek prometa podjetja Digital Realty Trust ostane.

Bruto marža
Marža dobička


Razumevanje bruto marže

Bruto marža, izražena v odstotkih, prikazuje brutto dobiček od prodaje Digital Realty Trust. Višji odstotek bruto marže pomeni, da Digital Realty Trust zadrži več prihodkov, potem ko so upoštevani stroški prodanih blaga. Investitorji uporabljajo ta kazalnik za ocenjevanje finančnega zdravja in operativne učinkovitosti ter za primerjavo z konkurenco in povprečji v panogi.

Analiza marže EBIT

Marža EBIT predstavlja dobiček Digital Realty Trust pred obrestmi in davki. Analiza marže EBIT čez različna leta ponuja vpogled v operativno dobičkonosnost in učinkovitost, brez vpliva finančnega vzvoda in davčne strukture. Rastoča marža EBIT čez leta signalizira izboljšano operativno delovanje.

Razumevanje marže prihodkov

Marža prihodkov kaže celoten prihodek, ki ga Digital Realty Trust ustvari. Z letno primerjavo marže prihodkov lahko investitorji ocenijo rast in tržno širitev Digital Realty Trust. Pomembno je, da se marža prihodkov primerja z bruto maržo in maržo EBIT, da se bolje razume strukturo stroškov in dobička.

Interpretacija pričakovanj

Pričakovane vrednosti za bruto marže, EBIT in marže prihodkov nudijo finančni pogled v prihodnost Digital Realty Trust. Investitorji bi morali te pričakovanja primerjati z zgodovinskimi podatki, da bi razumeli potencialno rast in dejavnike tveganja. Ključno je upoštevati osnovne predpostavke in metode, uporabljene pri napovedovanju teh pričakovanih vrednosti, da lahko sprejemajo informirane investicijske odločitve.

Primerjalna analiza

Primerjava bruto marž, EBIT in marž prihodkov, tako letno kot čez večletno obdobje, investitorjem omogoča, da izvedejo temeljito analizo finančnega zdravja in rasti možnosti Digital Realty Trust. Ocenjevanje trendov in vzorcev v teh maržah pomaga prepoznati prednosti, slabosti in potencialne investicijske priložnosti.

Digital Realty Trust Zgodovina marže

Digital Realty Trust Bruto maržaDigital Realty Trust Marža dobičkaDigital Realty Trust EBIT-maržaDigital Realty Trust Marža dobička

Digital Realty Trust delnica promet, EBIT, dobiček na delnico

Digital Realty Trust-promet na delnico tako pokaže, koliko prometa je Digital Realty Trust v določenem obdobju ustvaril na posamezno delnico. EBIT na delnico kaže, koliko operativnega dobička pripada na posamezno delnico. Dobiček na delnico pokaže, koliko dobička pripada na vsako delnico.

Prihodek na delnico
EBIT na delnico
Dobiček na delnico

Prihodki, EBIT in dobiček na delnico

Prihodki na delnico

Prihodki na delnico predstavljajo celotni prihodek, ki ga je Digital Realty Trust ustvaril, deljen s številom izdanih delnic. Je ključni kazalnik, saj odraža sposobnost podjetja, da generira prihodke, in kaže potencial za rast in širitev. Letna primerjava prihodkov na delnico omogoča vlagateljem analizo doslednosti prihodkov podjetja in predvidevanje prihodnjih trendov.

EBIT na delnico

EBIT na delnico ponazarja dobiček Digital Realty Trust pred obrestmi in davki ter ponuja vpogled v operativno donosnost, brez upoštevanja učinkov kapitalske strukture in davčnih stopenj. Primerjava z prihodki na delnico omogoča ocene učinkovitosti pretvorbe prodaje v dobiček. Nenehna rast EBIT na delnico skozi leta poudarja operativno učinkovitost in dobičkonosnost.

Dobiček na delnico

Dobiček na delnico ali EPS (Earnings Per Share) prikazuje delež dobička Digital Realty Trust, ki se dodeli vsaki delnici osnovnega kapitala. Je ključnega pomena za ocenjevanje dobičkonosnosti in finančnega zdravja. Z primerjavo prihodkov in EBIT na delnico lahko vlagatelji vidijo, kako učinkovito podjetje pretvarja prihodke in operativni dobiček v čisti dohodek.

Pričakovane vrednosti

Pričakovane vrednosti so napovedi za prihodke, EBIT in dobiček na delnico za prihodnja leta. Ta pričakovanja, ki temeljijo na zgodovinskih podatkih in analizi trga, pomagajo vlagateljem pri strategiji njihovih naložb, oceni prihodnjega delovanja Digital Realty Trust in napovedi prihodnjih delniških tečajev. Ključno pa je upoštevanje tržnih volatilnosti in negotovosti, ki lahko vplivajo na te napovedi.

Digital Realty Trust Promet, dobiček in EBIT na delnico – zgodovina

DatumDigital Realty Trust Prihodek na delnicoDigital Realty Trust EBIT na delnicoDigital Realty Trust Dobiček na delnico

Digital Realty Trust Delnica in analiza delnic

Digital Realty Trust Inc. is a leading provider of data centers and colocation solutions for companies worldwide. The company was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. History: The history of Digital Realty Trust Inc. began in the late 1990s when a group of entrepreneurs noticed the growing need for secure and reliable data centers. The goal was to provide companies with a scalable, highly available, and secure IT infrastructure. In 2004, Digital Realty Trust Inc. was founded and went public. Business Model: Digital Realty Trust Inc. leases data centers and colocation solutions to companies that want to move their IT infrastructure and applications to a secure and reliable environment. The business model involves Digital Realty Trust Inc. acquiring properties and land and then constructing data centers on them or converting existing buildings into data centers. The data centers are then leased to companies that want to operate their IT infrastructure in a secure environment with redundant power supply, cooling, and fire protection. Segments: Digital Realty Trust Inc. is divided into two main business segments: Wholesale and Colocation. The Wholesale business includes leasing large modules of data centers to companies that have a high demand for scalable and customized IT resources, such as cloud service providers or companies that process large amounts of data. The Colocation business includes leasing smaller racks, server rooms, or cabinets to companies that want to operate their IT infrastructure in a secure environment without operating their own data center. Products: Digital Realty Trust Inc. offers its customers a wide range of products and services to ensure a highly available and secure IT infrastructure. These include: - Data center spaces in various sizes - High redundancy cooling and power supply - Fire and monitoring systems - Access control and security services - Network and connectivity services - Support services and operating systems In addition, Digital Realty Trust Inc. offers its customers a variety of managed services that can range from hardware provisioning to application and database management. Conclusion: Digital Realty Trust Inc. is a leading provider of data centers and colocation solutions for companies worldwide. The company specializes in leasing secure and reliable IT infrastructures and offers a wide range of products and services to meet the specific needs of its customers. With its business model, Digital Realty Trust Inc. has managed to build a profitable and sustainable company that plays an increasingly important role in an increasingly digital world. Digital Realty Trust je eno izmed najbolj priljubljenih podjetij na

Naredi najboljše naložbe svojega življenja.

Zagotovite si že od 2 evrov

Digital Realty Trust Ocena glede na zgodovinsko razmerje cena/dobiček, EBIT in prihodek od prodaje


Naredi najboljše naložbe svojega življenja.

Zagotovite si že od 2 evrov

Naredi najboljše naložbe svojega življenja.

Zagotovite si že od 2 evrov
Za Digital Realty Trust trenutno žal ni na voljo nobenih ciljnih vrednosti in napovedi.

Digital Realty Trust Dobičkovna presenečenja

DatumOcena dobička na delnicoEPS dejanskiČetrtletje poročanja
30. 9. 20240,29 0,09  (−68,60 %)2024 Q3
30. 6. 20240,25 0,20  (−20,38 %)2024 Q2
31. 3. 20240,26 0,82  (217,95 %)2024 Q1
31. 12. 20230,26 0,08  (−69,02 %)2023 Q4
30. 9. 20230,25 0,08  (−68,06 %)2023 Q3
30. 6. 20230,27 0,37  (37,85 %)2023 Q2
31. 3. 20230,22 0,19  (−13,40 %)2023 Q1
31. 12. 20220,27 −0,02  (−107,45 %)2022 Q4
30. 9. 20220,32 0,75  (135,48 %)2022 Q3
30. 6. 20220,29 0,19  (−34,37 %)2022 Q2

Eulerpool ESG ocena za delnico Digital Realty Trust

Eulerpool World ESG Rating (EESG©)

84/ 100

🌱 Environment


👫 Social


🏛️ Governance


Okolje (Environment)

Neposredne emisije
Posredne emisije iz kupljene energije
Posredne emisije znotraj verige vrednosti.
Emisije CO₂
Strategija zmanjševanja CO₂
Ogljična energija
Poskusi na živalih
Pelz & Leder
Palmovo olje
Genska tehnologija
Koncept podnebja
Trajnostno gozdarstvo
Predpisi o recikliranju
Okolju prijazna embalaža
Nevarne snovi
Poraba goriva in učinkovitost
Poraba in učinkovitost vode

Socialno (Social)

Delež zaposlenih žensk25
Delež žensk v upravljanju
Delež azijskih zaposlenih1
Delež azijskega upravljanja16
Delež hispanskih/latinskih zaposlenih15
Delež hispansko/latino vodstva4
Delež črnskih zaposlenih9
Delež črnega vodstva1
Delež belih zaposlenih65
Delež belskega managementa77
Vsebine za odrasle
vojaške pogodbe
Koncept človekovih pravic
Koncept varstva podatkov
Varstvo pri delu in zdravje

Upravljanje podjetja (Governance)

Porocilo o trajnostnem razvoju
Vključevanje deležnikov
Pravilnik o odpoklicu
Kartelno pravo

Priznana ocena Eulerpool ESG je strogo avtorsko zaščitena intelektualna lastnina podjetja Eulerpool Research Systems. Vsakršna neavtorizirana uporaba, posnemanje ali kršenje bo odločno preganjano in lahko privede do obsežnih pravnih posledic. Za licence, sodelovanje ali pravice uporabe se obrnite neposredno preko našega Kontaktni obrazec k nam.

Digital Realty Trust Upravni odbor in nadzorni svet

Mr. Andrew Power

Digital Realty Trust President, Chief Executive Officer, Director (od 2015)
Plačilo: 6,84 mio.

Mr. Gregory Wright

Digital Realty Trust Chief Investment Officer
Plačilo: 6,15 mio.

Mr. Christopher Sharp

Digital Realty Trust Chief Technology Officer
Plačilo: 3,20 mio.

Ms. Mary Hogan Preusse

Digital Realty Trust Independent Chairman of the Board
Plačilo: 425.265,00

Mr. William Laperch

Digital Realty Trust Independent Director
Plačilo: 309.900,00

Digital Realty Trust Dobavna veriga

ImeRazmerjeDvotedenska korelacijaMesečna korelacijaTrimesečna korelacijaŠestmesečna korelacijaEnoletna korelacijaDvoletna korelacija
Cyxtera Tech A Delnica
Cyxtera Tech A

Pogosta vprašanja o delnici Digital Realty Trust

What values and corporate philosophy does Digital Realty Trust represent?

Digital Realty Trust Inc represents key values and a corporate philosophy rooted in excellence, innovation, and customer focus. As a leading provider of data center solutions, the company is committed to delivering exceptional service and meeting the evolving needs of its clients. Digital Realty Trust Inc embraces environmental stewardship, promoting sustainable practices and energy-efficient infrastructure. With a strong emphasis on reliability and security, the company prioritizes the protection of its clients' valuable digital assets. Additionally, Digital Realty Trust Inc fosters a collaborative and inclusive culture that values diversity and encourages the development of its talented workforce.

In which countries and regions is Digital Realty Trust primarily present?

Digital Realty Trust Inc is primarily present in multiple countries and regions across the globe. With a strong global footprint, the company has a significant presence in the United States, where it is headquartered. Additionally, Digital Realty Trust Inc has operations and serves customers in various strategic locations throughout Europe, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. Furthermore, its presence extends to the Asia-Pacific region, including Australia, Singapore, and Japan. This diversified geographic presence enables Digital Realty Trust Inc to cater to the growing demands for data centers and colocation services from businesses worldwide.

What significant milestones has the company Digital Realty Trust achieved?

Digital Realty Trust Inc has achieved several significant milestones since its inception. One notable accomplishment is the company's global expansion, with a presence in major markets across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Digital Realty Trust Inc has also established itself as a leading provider of data center solutions, serving a wide range of industries including cloud providers, financial services, and telecommunications. Additionally, the company has a strong reputation for delivering high-quality, reliable, and scalable data center infrastructure solutions, supporting the evolving needs of its customers. Overall, Digital Realty Trust Inc has emerged as a pioneer in the data center industry, consistently driving innovation and growth.

What is the history and background of the company Digital Realty Trust?

Digital Realty Trust Inc is a leading provider of data center solutions and colocation services. Founded in 2004, the company has established a strong presence in the industry by acquiring various data center facilities worldwide. With a vast portfolio of over 275 data centers across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, Digital Realty Trust Inc has become a trusted partner for numerous organizations seeking reliable and scalable infrastructure. The company's commitment to sustainability has also been commendable, as it focuses on energy-efficient practices and environmental stewardship. Boasting a rich history and a global footprint, Digital Realty Trust Inc offers secure, flexible, and interconnected data center solutions tailored to cater to evolving business needs.

Who are the main competitors of Digital Realty Trust in the market?

The main competitors of Digital Realty Trust Inc in the market are Equinix, CyrusOne, and CoreSite Realty Corporation.

In which industries is Digital Realty Trust primarily active?

Digital Realty Trust Inc is primarily active in the real estate investment trust (REIT) industry. As a leading global provider of data center, colocation, and interconnection solutions, Digital Realty Trust Inc focuses on serving various industries such as technology, telecommunications, financial services, healthcare, and cloud computing. With a portfolio of properties strategically located in major metropolitan areas, the company offers secure and reliable infrastructure to support the digital transformation needs of businesses worldwide. Digital Realty Trust Inc's commitment to delivering scalable and flexible solutions has established them as a key player in the data center industry.

What is the business model of Digital Realty Trust?

The business model of Digital Realty Trust Inc. involves providing data center solutions and related services. As a leading global provider of data center, colocation, and interconnection solutions, Digital Realty Trust Inc. designs, builds, and operates a network of data centers that enable customers to manage and connect with their critical data infrastructure. The company serves various industries including cloud and IT services, telecommunications, and financial services, among others. By offering reliable and secure data center facilities, Digital Realty Trust Inc. supports the digital transformation needs of businesses, ensuring high-performance connectivity, scalability, and flexibility for their data storage and processing requirements.

Kakšno PE razmerje ima Digital Realty Trust 2024?

Količnik cena/dobiček trenutno ni mogoče izračunati za Digital Realty Trust.

Kakšen je KUV Digital Realty Trust 2024?

KUV za Digital Realty Trust trenutno ni mogoče izračunati.

Kakšen je AlleAktien kakovostni rezultat za Digital Realty Trust?

AlleAktien Qualitätsscore trenutno ne more biti izračunan za Digital Realty Trust.

Kakšen je promet podjetja Digital Realty Trust 2024?

Prihodki trenutno ne morejo biti izračunani za Digital Realty Trust.

Kakšen je dobiček od Digital Realty Trust 2024?

Dobička trenutno ni mogoče izračunati za Digital Realty Trust.

Kaj počne Digital Realty Trust?

Digital Realty Trust Inc is a San Francisco-based company that operates in the real estate investment and management sector and specializes in the development and management of data centers. Digital Realty is the world's leading provider of corporate data and data center properties. The company's business model is based on the acquisition and development of commercial properties for data center operations. It offers a wide range of services for customers who need support in data storage, processing, and transmission. Digital Realty operates globally with data centers in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Australia. The company offers various products and services to its customers, including colocation, managed services, interconnectivity services, cloud and IT solutions, and remote hands services. Its colocation offering involves renting spatial capacity in its data centers to companies that want to host their own hardware. Managed services include assisting customers in managing and maintaining their IT equipment in Digital Realty's data centers. Interconnectivity services allow customers to connect their networks in Digital Realty data centers with other companies. Cloud and IT solutions include providing cloud hosting and management services as well as assisting customers in implementing virtual private cloud solutions. Digital Realty's remote hands services offer a diverse range of operational services for customers who are unable to operate or manage their own data centers. These services include maintaining air conditioning, power distribution, security systems, and network performance. Digital Realty is also committed to providing its customers with a secure and reliable environment for data storage and processing. The company invests significantly in the security of its data centers and offers customers a variety of security features, including biometric authentication, video surveillance, access controls, and fire and fire suppression systems. In terms of its various segments, Digital Realty has three main business areas: North America, EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa), and APAC (Asia-Pacific). Each of these areas is responsible for managing data centers and offering services in its respective region. To provide excellent service to its customers, Digital Realty works closely with various partners, including cloud service providers, IT companies, and network carriers. The company also has a strong presence in the real estate industry and collaborates with a variety of brokers and contractors to achieve its business goals. In summary, the business model of Digital Realty Trust Inc is focused on providing companies with a secure and reliable environment for data storage, processing, and transmission. The company offers a wide range of products and services, including colocation, managed services, interconnectivity services, cloud and IT solutions, and remote hands services. Digital Realty is the world's leading provider of corporate data and data center properties and operates globally with data centers in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Australia.

Kako visoka je Digital Realty Trust dividenda?

Digital Realty Trust izplača dividendo v višini 0 USD, razdeljeno na izplačil letno.

Kako pogosto Digital Realty Trust izplača dividendo?

Dividende za Digital Realty Trust trenutno ni mogoče izračunati ali pa podjetje ne izplačuje dividend.

Kaj je Digital Realty Trust ISIN?

ISIN od Digital Realty Trust je US2538681030.

Kaj je Digital Realty Trust WKN?

WKN od Digital Realty Trust je A0DLFT.

Kaj je Digital Realty Trust oznaka indeksa?

Oznaka delnice Digital Realty Trust je DLR.

Druge ključne številke in analize od Digital Realty Trust v poglobljenem pregledu

Naša analiza delnic Digital Realty Trust Prihodki vključuje pomembne finančne kazalnike, kot so prihodki, dobiček, razmerje cena/dobiček (KGV), razmerje cena/prihodki (KUV), EBIT ter informacije o dividendah. Prav tako preučujemo aspekte, kot so delnice, tržna kapitalizacija, dolgovi, lastniški kapital in obveznosti Digital Realty Trust Prihodki. Če iščete podrobnejše informacije o teh temah, na naših podstraneh nudimo obsežne analize: