Bevollmächtigter Definition
Das Eulerpool Wirtschaftslexikon definiert den Begriff Bevollmächtigter für Deutschland.
![Bevollmächtigter Definition](/images/headers/eulerpool-encyclopedia.webp)
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Už od 2 eur sa môžete zabezpečiť "Bevollmächtigter" is a significant term in the realm of capital markets, particularly in Germany.
In the German language, "Bevollmächtigter" translates to "authorized representative" in English. This term holds utmost importance when it comes to legal and financial matters within the German capital markets. As an authorized representative, a "Bevollmächtigter" carries the responsibility of acting on behalf of an individual or an entity. This role involves exercising legal rights, making decisions, and conducting financial transactions, in accordance with the granted power of attorney. Such authority usually arises when an individual or an organization delegates specific powers to the authorized representative, giving them the legal capacity to act on their behalf. In the context of capital markets, a "Bevollmächtigter" can play a crucial role, representing shareholders or investors in various financial dealings. For example, in stock markets, an authorized representative may be empowered to make investment decisions, buy or sell stocks, and execute transactions on behalf of the shareholders or investors they represent. Moreover, in the field of loans, bonds, and money markets, a "Bevollmächtigter" can act as a trusted intermediary between the issuer and the investor, facilitating the transaction smoothly. They possess the necessary credentials and knowledge to understand the intricacies of the financial instruments involved and can effectively communicate and negotiate on behalf of the party they represent. With the emergence of cryptocurrencies, the role of a "Bevollmächtigter" becomes even more significant. In this domain, they can serve as a trusted agent, managing digital assets, executing trades, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and best practices. In conclusion, a "Bevollmächtigter" acts as an authorized representative with the power to make legal and financial decisions on behalf of an individual or entity. Within the German capital markets, this role comprehensively extends to stocks, loans, bonds, money markets, and even cryptocurrencies. Their expertise and trustworthiness facilitate smooth transactions, ensuring the interests and goals of those they represent are effectively pursued.Revolving-Kredit
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