Je dividenda Haynes International bezpečná?
Haynes International zvyšuje dividendu už 1 rokov.
V priebehu posledných 10 rokov Haynes International ročne -2,207 % znížené.
Na 5-ročnú perspektívu vzrástol výplata o 0 %.
Analytici očakávajú pre bežný obchodný rok nárast o Rast dividend vo výške 0,868%.
Haynes International Aktienanalyse
Čo robí Haynes International?
Haynes International Inc is a US company specializing in the production of high-performance alloys. It was founded in 1912 by Elwood Haynes and is headquartered in Kokomo, Indiana. The company initially produced steel for the automotive industry but expanded over time to include various alloys for applications in aerospace, chemical, energy, and other industries.
Haynes International's business model is based on research and development of new alloy technologies, as well as production and distribution of these alloys to companies worldwide. The company focuses on customer-oriented solutions to meet specific requirements.
Haynes International has three business segments: High-Performance Alloys, Performance Wire, and Thermal Spray Coatings. High-Performance Alloys is the largest segment, manufacturing nickel, cobalt, and iron-based alloys for aerospace, chemical, energy, and other demanding industries.
The company's alloys are known for their exceptional mechanical properties, including increased corrosion resistance, alkaline resistance, heat resistance, and high-temperature resistance. Customers include renowned companies such as Boeing, Airbus, General Electric, ExxonMobil, Chevron, and many others.
The Performance Wire segment manufactures high-quality wire products for aerospace, medical equipment, and other demanding applications. The Thermal Spray Coatings segment provides coated alloys for use in energy, chemical, mining, aerospace, and other industries.
Haynes International has established itself as a global leader in high-performance alloys that can operate at high temperatures and under extreme conditions. The company is committed to offering sustainable solutions to its customers without compromising performance.
Overall, Haynes International has a long and successful history and has become an innovative manufacturer of alloys. With its extensive experience and customer-oriented approach, the company remains a key player in the market for high-performance alloys and related products. Haynes International je jednou z najobľúbenejších spoločností načné plány do akcií ponúkajú atraktívnu možnosť pre investorov na dlhodobú výstavbu majetku. Jednou z hlavných výhod je tzv. Cost-Average-Effekt: Pravidelnou investíciou pevnej sumy do akcií alebo do akciových fondov automaticky kupujete viac podielov, keď sú ceny nízke, a menej, keď sú vysoké. To môže viesť k výhodnejšej priemernej cene za podiel v priebehu času. Okrem toho investičné plány do akcií umožňujú aj malým investorom prístup k drahým akciám, keďže sa dá investovať už s malými sumami. Pravidelná investícia tiež podporuje disciplinovanú investičnú stratégiu a pomáha predchádzať emocionálnym rozhodnutiam, ako je impulzívne kupovanie alebo predávanie. Ďalej investorom prináša potenciálny nárast hodnoty akcií, ako aj výplaty dividend, ktoré môžu byť reinvestované, čo zvyšuje efekt zloženého úroku a tým rast investovaného kapitálu.