Automatic Data Processing AAQS 2024
Automatic Data Processing AAQS
Automatic Data Processing má aktuálny AAQS 10. Vysoký AAQS môže byť považovaný za pozitívny ukazovateľ, že spoločnosť sa vyvíja úspešne. Investori môžu očakávať, že spoločnosť je na dobrej ceste dosahovať zisky. Na druhej strane je dôležité porovnať AAQS akcie Automatic Data Processing vzhľadom na dosiahnuté zisky a ostatné spoločnosti v tej istej odvetví. Vysoký AAQS nie je absolútnou zárukou pozitívnej budúcnosti. Len takto môžeme získať úplný obraz o výkonnosti spoločnosti. Aby sme lepšie mohli posúdiť vývoj spoločnosti, je dôležité porovnávať AAQS s inými spoločnosťami v rovnakej odvetví. Všeobecne by investori mali vždy hodnotiť AAQS spoločnosti v súvislosti s inými finančnými ukazovateľmi ako zisk, EBIT, Cash Flow a ďalšími, aby mohli urobiť informované investičné rozhodnutie.
Automatic Data Processing Aktienanalyse
Čo robí Automatic Data Processing?
Automatic Data Processing Inc. (ADP) is an American company specializing in providing management solutions for human resources, payroll, tax and compliance management, and more. It was founded in 1949 by Henry Taub in New Jersey. ADP originally started with payroll processing for small businesses. In the 1960s, it became known for its leading role in data processing for the government and the US military. With the introduction of mainframe computers, ADP began automating its business models and processes and expanding its services to customers worldwide. Over the years, ADP has expanded its portfolio of services and products to adapt to the constantly changing demands of the workforce. It has gained an excellent reputation in the human resources management solutions industry through its innovative technology and focus on customer satisfaction. ADP operates in three main business segments: Employer Services, Professional Employer Organization, and Dealer Services. Employer Services provides comprehensive solutions for payroll, tax administration and compliance, human resources, performance and talent management. ADP offers a wide range of tools and systems to support its clients' HR departments and optimize their operations. These tools include time tracking, entitlement calculation, compliance reporting, employee registration, incentive payments, and more. Professional Employer Organization (PEO) offers business process outsourcing (BPO) for HR departments. By outsourcing HR administration, businesses can save costs and focus on new business development opportunities. ADP offers outsourcing solutions for personnel management, payroll, compliance, and other HR challenges. Customers can take advantage of the benefits of outsourcing while retaining control over their employees. The Dealer Services division offers automotive management solutions for auto dealerships. ADP supports the automotive industry in areas such as financing, insurance, sales management, accounting, and personnel management. This division addresses ADP's solutions for automotive retail and automakers. One of ADP's main product lines is payroll services for small and medium-sized businesses. ADP's payroll system allows for accurate payroll processing for employees, as well as tax and salary deductions, and more. The system also integrates simple solutions for time tracking and employee self-service. Another important product line is ADP Compliance Solutions. This enables companies to generate compliance reports and ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations. ADP's compliance solutions are based on its extensive knowledge in areas such as taxes, labor law, data protection, and other areas where compliance is required. Through mergers and acquisitions in recent years, ADP has expanded its portfolio of services and is emphasizing the integration of innovative technologies into its business processes. In summary, ADP is a leading company in the field of human resources management solutions and payroll. It has decades of experience in providing services to customers worldwide. ADP strives to adapt to the constantly changing demands of the workforce by expanding its product lines and services and investing in advanced technologies to provide its customers with top-notch solutions. Automatic Data Processing ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf Data Processing Tržby podľa segmentu
V účtovnej závierke akcie Automatic Data Processing (US0530151036, 850347, ADP) sú tržby rozdelené do 2 segmentov: 1. Employer Services, 2. Professional Employer Organization Service. Akcija Automatic Data Processing (WKN: 850347, ISIN: US0530151036, Ticker-Symbol: ADP) je vedúcou investíciou pre investorov, ktorí majú záujem o účasť v sektore Information Technology.
69 % Employer Services
31 % Professional Employer Organization Service
Často kladené otázky k Automatic Data Processing akcii
Akcii Automatic Data Processing je možné sporadicky nakupovať u týchto poskytovateľov: Trade Republic a Consorsbank
Andere Kennzahlen von Automatic Data Processing
Naša analýza akcií spoločnosti Automatic Data Processing Tržby obsahuje dôležité finančné ukazovatele, ako sú tržby, zisk, P/E pomer, P/S pomer, EBIT, ako aj informácie o dividende. Okrem toho skúmame aspekty, ako sú akcie, trhová kapitalizácia, dlhy, vlastné imanie a záväzky spoločnosti Automatic Data Processing Tržby. Ak hľadáte podrobnejšie informácie k týmto témam, na našich podstránkach vám ponúkame podrobné analýzy:
- Automatic Data Processing Tržby
- Automatic Data Processing zisk
- Automatic Data Processing P/E Ratio
- Automatic Data Processing KUV
- Automatic Data Processing EBIT
- Automatic Data Processing Dividenda
- Automatic Data Processing Akcie
- Automatic Data Processing Trhová kapitalizácia
- Automatic Data Processing Zadlženosť
- Automatic Data Processing Záväzky
- Automatic Data Processing Vlastné imanie
- Automatic Data Processing AAQS
- Automatic Data Processing zamestnanci
- Automatic Data Processing ROE
- Automatic Data Processing ROA
- Automatic Data Processing ROCE