Câtă Dividendă plătește Sany Heavy Industry Co 2025?
Conform situației actuale de la ianuarie 2025, Sany Heavy Industry Co a plătit în ultimele 12 luni un dividend total de 0,22 CNY pe acțiune. La cursul actual de Sany Heavy Industry Co de 15,42 CNY, acest lucru corespunde unei randamente a dividendului de 1,43 %.
Dividendul este plătit de 1 ori pe an.
1,04 % Randamentul dividendelor | = | 0,16 CNY Dividendă | 15,42 CNY Prețul acțiunilor |
Este dividendul Sany Heavy Industry Co sigur?
Sany Heavy Industry Co crește dividendul de 1 ani.
În ultimii 10 ani, Sany Heavy Industry Co a scăzut aceasta cu -4,365 % anual.
Pe o perioadă de 5 ani, distribuția a crescut cu 0 %.
Analiștii estimează pentru anul fiscal curent o creștere de Creșterea dividendelor% de 1,276%.
Sany Heavy Industry Co Aktienanalyse
Ce face Sany Heavy Industry Co?
Sany Heavy Industry Co Ltd. is a Chinese company that was founded in 1989. It is one of the world's largest construction machinery manufacturers and offers a wide range of products including cranes, excavators, concrete production plants, compressors, drills, and heavy machinery. With a revenue of around 16 billion US dollars in 2019, the company is also a major player in the energy and environmental technology sector.
The history of Sany dates back to 1989 when a group of graduates from Hunan University started to engage in the construction of construction machinery. Soon, the company became one of the leading manufacturers of construction machinery in China and expanded globally in the 2000s. Today, the company employs more than 50,000 employees in over 150 countries and operates multiple production facilities as well as research and development centers.
Sany's business model is based on manufacturing and distributing high-quality construction machinery and equipment. The company places great importance on research and development to create innovative products that meet customer requirements. Sany works closely with its customers to develop customized solutions for their specific needs.
Sany is divided into several business sectors, including cranes, excavators, concrete production plants, compressors, drills, and heavy machinery. Each business sector offers a wide range of products to meet the diverse needs of customers.
In the crane sector, Sany offers a variety of product solutions including mobile cranes, tower cranes, and gantry cranes that can be used for various applications in high-rise construction, ports, and construction sites.
In the excavator sector, Sany manufactures various types of excavators including hydraulic excavators, high-performance excavators, and mini excavators. These excavators are suitable for use in different applications such as road construction, energy and water management, and the mining industry.
Sany is also a leading provider of concrete production plants and equipment. The company manufactures concrete mixers, concrete pumps, and concrete mixing plants designed for use in the construction industry. Additionally, Sany also offers solutions for soil improvement and stabilization to ensure the durability of building structures.
In the compactor sector, Sany offers a wide range of products including rollers, compactors, and vibration plates that can be used in the road construction industry, pavement construction, and soil stabilization.
Sany also produces drilling equipment for various applications such as geothermal, oil and gas exploration, and mining. The company also offers specialized drilling systems for use in challenging environments.
Lastly, Sany produces heavy machinery for the transportation and storage of heavy loads. The company provides a wide range of solutions for the transportation of heavy loads in construction sites, ports, and other locations.
Overall, Sany is a major player in the construction machinery industry and offers a wide range of products for various applications. The company invests in research and development to create innovative products that meet customer requirements. With its global presence and commitment to customer satisfaction, Sany remains a key provider of construction machinery for the future.
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