ETFs bei Eulerpool

VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF

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VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF Kurs

VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF Steckbrief

The VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF is a fund that provides investors with the opportunity to invest in emerging market companies that exhibit both value and momentum characteristics. This ETF was launched in March 2017 by Victory Capital, a global asset management firm based in the United States. Since its inception, it has become a popular choice for investors who seek diversified exposure to emerging market stocks that offer both long-term growth potential and short-term momentum. The ETF is designed to track the performance of the Nasdaq Victory Emerging Markets 500 Volatility Weighted Index, which is composed of 500 of the largest emerging market companies across 24 countries. The index weights companies based on their volatility, giving a higher weighting to less volatile stocks. The index also uses a proprietary methodology that combines value and momentum factors, with a focus on companies that offer a high return on equity, low price-to-book ratio, and positive price momentum. This ETF invests in a variety of sectors, including consumer staples, financials, industrials, and technology. The fund has a bias towards value stocks, which are companies that are undervalued relative to their earnings, assets, or cash flows. The fund also has exposure to companies with positive momentum, which are companies whose stock prices have exhibited positive trends over the past six to twelve months. The VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF is an actively managed fund, which means that the fund manager has the flexibility to adjust the portfolio holdings based on changes in the market environment. The fund manager uses fundamental analysis to identify companies that have the potential to add value to the portfolio. The fund has an expense ratio of 0.50%, which is lower than the industry average for actively managed funds. Investors who are interested in investing in this ETF should be aware of the risks associated with emerging markets. Emerging markets can be volatile, and investing in emerging market stocks carries a higher risk of loss than investing in developed market stocks. In addition, currency risk is a factor that should be considered, as currency fluctuations can affect the value of investments in emerging market stocks. In summary, the VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF is a diversified fund that offers investors exposure to emerging market companies that exhibit both value and momentum characteristics. The ETF is actively managed, and the fund manager uses fundamental analysis to identify companies that have the potential to add value to the portfolio. The fund has exposure to a variety of sectors, including consumer staples, financials, industrials, and technology. Investors should be aware of the risks associated with investing in emerging markets and should consider their investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing.

VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF Liste over beholdninger

Vanlige spørsmål om VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF-aksjen

Hvem er leverandøren av VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF?

VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF tilbys av VictoryShares, en ledende aktør innen passive investeringer.

Hva er ISIN-en til VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF?

ISIN-en til VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF er US92647N5436

Hva er total kostnadsprosent (TER) for VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF?

Totalforvaltningskostnaden til VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF er 0,45 %, noe som betyr at investorer betaler 45,00 USD per 10 000 USD investert kapital årlig.

I hvilken valuta er VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF oppført?

ETF-en er notert på USD.

Hvilke tilleggsutgifter kan påløpe for europeiske investorer?

Europeiske investorer kan ha ekstra kostnader knyttet til valutaveksling og transaksjonskostnader.

Er VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF Ucits-kompatibel?

Nei, VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF samsvarer ikke med EUs UCITS-investorbeskyttelsesdirektiver.

Hva er prisinntjeningsforholdet (P/E) til VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF?

P/E-forholdet til VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF er 10,56

Hvilken indeks gjenspeiles av VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF?

VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF gjenspeiler verdienutviklingen til Nasdaq Victory Emerging Market Value Momentum Index - Benchmark TR Net.

Hva er det gjennomsnittlige handelsvolumet til VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF?

Det gjennomsnittlige handelsvolumet til VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF er for øyeblikket 2 143,53

Hvor er VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF hjemmehørende?

VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF er domisiliert i US.

Når ble VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF opprettet?

Fondet ble startet den

In welches Segment investiert VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF hauptsächlich?

VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF investerer hovedsakelig i Totalmarkedet-selskaper.

Hva er nettoinventarverdien (NAV) til VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF?

NAV-en til VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF er 47,15 mill. USD.

Hva er pris-bokføringsverdien til VictoryShares Emerging Markets Value Momentum ETF?

Kurs-bokføringsverdien er 1,182.

Hvordan kan jeg investere i denne ETF-en?

Investeringer kan gjøres gjennom meglere eller finansinstitusjoner som gir tilgang til handel med ETF-er.

Hvordan handles ETFen?

ETFen handles på børsen, på samme måte som aksjer.

Kan jeg holde ETFen i porteføljen min?

Ja, ETFen kan holdes i en vanlig verdipapirkonto.

Er ETF-en egnet for kortsiktige eller langsiktige investeringer?

ETFen egner seg for både kortsiktige og langsiktige investeringsstrategier, avhengig av investorens mål.

Hvor ofte blir ETF-en vurdert?

ETF-en blir vurdert på børsen hver dag.

Finnes det utbytte for denne ETFen?

Informasjon om utbytte bør forespørres på leverandørens nettsted eller hos megleren din.

Hvilke risikoer er forbundet med denne ETF-en?

Risikoene inkluderer markedsfluktuasjoner, valutarisiko og risikoen for mindre selskaper.

Hvor transparent er ETFen med hensyn til sine investeringer?

ETF-en er forpliktet til å rapportere regelmessig og transparent om sine investeringer.

Hvordan kan jeg følge den nåværende ytelsen til ETFen?

Ytelsen kan sees på Eulerpool eller direkte på leverandørens nettside.

Hvor finner jeg mer informasjon om ETF-en?

Flere opplysninger finner du på den offisielle nettsiden til leverandøren.