Er Edison International utbyttet sikkert?
Edison International har økt utbyttet i 18 år.
I løpet av de siste 10 årene har Edison International økt denne med årlig 8,146 % økt.
På 5-års sikt økte utbyttet med 4,274 %.
Analytikerne forventer en Utbetalingssenkning på −1,047% for det pågående regnskapsåret.
Edison International Aktienanalyse
Hva gjør Edison International?
Edison International is an energy supply company based in Rosemead, California. The company was founded in 1886 by Thomas Edison and was the first energy supply company in the United States. Since then, it has developed a wide range of business areas and offers a variety of products and services today.
Edison International essentially operates two business areas. Under the umbrella of Edison International, Edison Mission Energy and Southern California Edison (SCE) work. Edison Mission Energy offers power supply, energy generation, and energy services to customers all over the world. The energy resources include renewable energy, fossil fuels, and nuclear energy. Southern California Edison (SCE) is the largest electricity company in California and supplies electricity to approximately 15 million customers in Southern California.
The business model of Edison International is to provide its customers with reliable, clean, and safe energy supply. The company aims for sustainability and is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 emissions. Edison International is also committed to social responsibility and regularly provides scholarships and financial support to nonprofit organizations.
Edison Mission Energy offers various energy services to its customers. These include energy production and selling electricity to utility companies, industrial and commercial customers, and rural customers. Edison Mission Energy also works on the development and promotion of renewable energy resources such as wind power, solar energy, and geothermal energy. Additionally, it supports energy efficiency improvement in companies and operates highly efficient energy systems.
Southern California Edison (SCE) provides its customers with services in electricity generation, distribution, and transmission. It also offers electricity supply and energy efficiency programs for residential and commercial customers. The energy supply is a combination of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy, as well as fossil fuels and nuclear energy. The company plans to transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2045. SCE also helps customers save energy by providing them with efficient lighting, cooling, and heating systems.
Edison International operates both in the US and internationally. The company holds patents in power plant technology and engages in research and development of new energy technologies. Its customers include small and medium-sized businesses, hospitals, schools and universities, industrial and commercial customers, as well as residential households.
Overall, Edison International is a leading energy supply company focused on renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainability. The company is dedicated to protecting the environment and promoting economic development, offering its customers a range of environmentally conscious and efficient energy solutions. Edison International continues to be an important player in the development and implementation of climate-friendly energy technologies to ensure reliable energy supply in the future. Edison International er et av de mest populære selskapene på tilbyr en attraktiv mulighet for investorer å bygge opp formue over tid. En av de største fordelene er den såkalte kostnadsgjennomsnittseffekten: Ved regelmessig å investere et fast beløp i aksjer eller aksjefond, kjøper man automatisk flere andeler når prisene er lave, og færre når de er høye. Dette kan føre til en lavere gjennomsnittspris per andel over tid. I tillegg gir aksjespareplaner også småsparere tilgang til dyre aksjer, siden de kan delta med små beløp. Den regelmessige investeringen fremmer også en disiplinert investeringsstrategi og hjelper med å unngå emosjonelle beslutninger, som impulsiv kjøping eller salg. Videre drar investorer nytte av potensiell verdistigning på aksjene, samt utbytteutdelinger som kan reinvesteres, noe som forsterker rentes renteeffekten og dermed veksten av det investerte kapitalet.