Cik daudz dividendes maksā Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics Group Corp 2024?
Saskaņā ar aktuālo informāciju no novembris 2024, Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics Group Corp pēdējo 12 mēnešu laikā izmaksāja kopējo dividendes summu 0,03 CNY pro akciju. Pie pašreizējā Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics Group Corp kursa 0,26 CNY, tas atbilst dividendes ienesīgumam 13,08 %.
Dividendes tiek izmaksātas reizes gadā.
13,08 % Dividends rendite | = | 0,03 CNY Dividende | 0,26 CNY akciju cena |
Vai Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics Group Corp dividende ir droša?
Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics Group Corp palielina dividendes jau 1 gadus.
Pēdējo 10 gadu laikā Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics Group Corp ir samazināts to par -5,473 % gadā.
Pēdējo piecu gadu laikā izmaksas palielinājās par 0 %.
Analisti prognozē, ka šajā tekošajā finanšu gadā gaidāms Dividendu samazināšana aptuveni -100,000%.
Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics Group Corp Aktienanalyse
Ko dara Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics Group Corp?
Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics Group Corp Ltd is a company that was founded in 1994 to meet the growing logistics needs in the port city of Tianjin. As a subsidiary of Teda Investment Holding Ltd, it is now one of the most significant logistics companies in the People's Republic of China. Binhai Teda Logistics is involved in the transportation and storage of goods, as well as related services such as customs clearance and warehouse management.
The company's business model is based on the needs of its customers and the goal of providing them with comprehensive services all in one place. To achieve this, the company has developed various business segments that customers can individually utilize according to their needs. These include logistics services focusing on cargo handling and storage, supply chain management, freight forwarding services, and integrated logistics solutions.
The different divisions are represented by several subsidiaries of the Binhai Teda Logistics Group, including Guanmart, TBTL-DIY Home Logistics, and Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone Logistics. Guanmart is the largest retailer of electrical appliances in Northeast China and is integrated into the logistics offerings of Binhai Teda Logistics.
The products offered are diverse and range from bulk transportation and container traffic to special transportation and hazardous goods transportation. The company also offers storage and distribution of goods. The total warehouse capacity of the company's facilities exceeds one million square meters and is spread across multiple locations throughout China.
Binhai Teda Logistics offers much more than just transportation and storage services. The company also deals with integrated logistics solutions, optimizing its customers' logistics processes. This includes analysis, planning, and implementation of the supply chain to ensure smooth collaboration between different partners. In conjunction with other subsidiaries and services of the Binhai Teda Logistics Group, it can also fulfill special requests from its customers, such as outsourcing of warehouse activities or data collection in goods traffic.
In recent years, the company has expanded its business to the global stage and has established itself as a credible and reliable service provider at the international level. As part of the Belt and Road Initiative, a Chinese development strategy, the company has created a network of logistics centers in over 20 countries along the new Silk Road. As a result, Binhai Teda Logistics has significantly expanded its global presence and benefits from the new trade relationships between China and other countries.
In summary, Binhai Teda Logistics is an experienced and reliable partner for companies in search of holistic logistics solutions. The company is well-positioned both nationally and internationally and offers a wide range of services that cater to a variety of logistics needs for its customers. Tianjin Binhai Teda Logistics Group Corp ir viens no populārākajiem uzņēmumiem vietnē ieguldījumu plāni piedāvā investoriem pievilcīgu iespēju ilgtermiņā uzkrāt kapitālu. Viens no galvenajiem priekšrocībām ir tā sauktais Vidējās izmaksas efekts: ieguldot regulāri noteiktu summu akcijās vai akciju fondos, automātiski tiek iegādāts vairāk daļu, kad cenas ir zemas, un mazāk, kad tās ir augstas. Tas laika gaitā var novest pie izdevīgākas vidējās cenas par daļu. Turklāt akcienu ieguldījumu plāni nodrošina piekļuvi dārgām akcijām arī mazajiem investoriem, jo tiem var pievienoties jau ar nelielām summu. Regulāra ieguldījumu veikšana arī veicina disciplinētu ieguldījumu stratēģiju un palīdz izvairīties no emocionāliem lēmumiem, piemēram, impulsīvas pirkšanas vai pārdošanas. Turklāt investori gūst labumu no potenciālās akciju vērtības pieauguma un no dividendēm, kuras var reinvestēt, tādejādi pastiprinot procentu uz procentu efektu un līdz ar to investētā kapitāla augšanu.