Cisco Systems AAQS 2025
Cisco Systems AAQS
Cisco Systems aktuális AAQS értéke 6. Magas AAQS érték pozitív jelzésként értelmezhető, miszerint a vállalat sikeresen fejlődik. A befektetők feltételezhetik, hogy a vállalat jó úton halad a profit eléréséhez. Másrészről fontos, hogy a Cisco Systems részvény AAQS-ét összehasonlítsuk a realizált nyereségekkel és az azonos ágazatban működő más vállalatokkal. Magas AAQS nem abszolút garancia a pozitív jövőre. Csak így kaphatunk teljes képet a vállalat teljesítményéről. A vállalat fejlődésének jobb megítélése érdekében fontos az AAQS értéket azonos iparági cégekével összehasonlítani. Általánosan a befektetőknek mindig az AAQS-t együtt kellene értékelniük más mutatókkal, mint például a nyereség, EBIT, Cash Flow és mások mellett, hogy megalapozott befektetési döntést hozhassanak.
Cisco Systems Aktienanalyse
Mit csinál Cisco Systems?
Cisco Systems, Inc. is a US-based company that specializes in the development and production of network technology. It was founded in 1984 by Leonard Bosack and Sandy Lerner, both former employees of Stanford University. The primary goal at the time was to create a way to connect and communicate between computers. Over the years, the company has established itself as a leading provider of network hardware, software, and services. Cisco's business strategy is based on building and improving IT infrastructures for companies of all sizes. Their products range from switches and routers to video, voice, and telepresence solutions. In the early days, Cisco specialized in the development of network hardware such as routers and switches. Routers route data packets across multiple networks and ensure that each connection is secure and efficient. Switches, on the other hand, are devices that connect many devices in a network and distribute the transmission of data. Over the years, Cisco has greatly expanded its product range and now also offers software solutions for network management and security products. Cisco is divided into various business areas to offer a wide range of network products and services. Its key business areas include routing and switching, which was the most important product line in the company's early days, as well as the collaboration line, which focuses on unified communications solutions and telepresence solutions, and the data center business, which reflects Cisco's presence in the virtual world. One of the company's most recent business areas is the cybersecurity business, in which Cisco increasingly focuses on network and data security. Another important feature of Cisco is its variety of products that focus on different industries and use cases, ranging from large corporations to small offices and households. For example, the company offers a variety of wireless device solutions that can be used for branch offices, factory locations, and wireless guest networks. Cisco not only provides physical devices such as routers and switches for network communication, but also offers software solutions that assist in managing data networks. Network management software like Cisco Prime Infrastructure allows network administrators to better monitor and possibly optimize the network. Access management software like Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) helps define and control access rights for users within the network. Overall, Cisco Systems, Inc. has become one of the key pillars in the IT industry. The company has established its presence in various industries and is present in many countries around the world. Cisco is committed to advancing its technology to remain innovative and competitive and to meet the growing demands of its customers. Cisco Systems, Inc. is a US-based company specializing in network technology development and production. It was founded in 1984 by Leonard Bosack and Sandy Lerner, both former employees of Stanford University. The initial goal was to create a way to network and communicate computers. In the following years, the company established itself as a leading provider of network hardware, software, and services. Cisco's business strategy is based on building and improving IT infrastructures for companies of all sizes. Their products range from switches and routers to video, voice, and telepresence solutions. During its early years, Cisco focused on the development of network hardware, such as routers and switches. Routers forward data packets across multiple networks, ensuring secure and efficient connections. Switches, on the other hand, connect multiple devices within a network and distribute data transmission. Over the years, Cisco expanded its product range, now offering software solutions for network management and security products. Cisco is divided into various business units to offer a wide range of network products and services. Key areas include routing and switching, the company's primary product line in its early years, as well as collaboration, focusing on unified communication and telepresence solutions, and the data center business, reflecting Cisco's presence in the virtual world. One of Cisco's recent business units is cybersecurity, where the company increasingly focuses on network and data security. Another important aspect of Cisco is its diverse range of products that cater to different industries and applications, from large corporations to small offices and households. For example, the company offers various wireless device solutions for branch offices, factories, and guest networks. In addition to physical devices like routers and switches, Cisco also provides software solutions to assist in data network management. Network management software, such as Cisco Prime Infrastructure, allows network administrators to monitor and potentially optimize networks. Access management software, such as Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE), helps define and control user access rights within the network. Over the years, Cisco has made several acquisitions of well-known companies in the tech industry, such as Sourcefire, Umbrella, and Duo Security. Another example is the acquisition of BroadSoft, a cloud-based provider of communication applications. These acquisitions aim to expand Cisco's portfolio and offer a wider range of products and services to customers. Overall, Cisco Systems, Inc. has become one of the key players in the IT industry. The company has established a presence in various industries and operates in many countries worldwide. Cisco is committed to further developing its technology to remain innovative and competitive, meeting the growing demands of its customers. Cisco Systems ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf Systems Árbevétel szegmensenként
55 % Infrastructure Plattforms
27 % Services
11 % Applications
7 % Security
Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések a Cisco Systems részvényről
Részvénytakarékprogramok vonzó lehetőséget kínálnak a befektetők számára a hosszú távú vagyon felépítésére. Az egyik fő előny a úgynevezett átlagárfolyam-hatás: Rendszeres befektetés esetén egy meghatározott összeg kerül részvényekbe vagy részvényalapokba, így automatikusan több részvényt vásárolunk, amikor az árak alacsonyak, és kevesebbet, amikor magasak. Ez idővel kedvezőbb átlagárfolyamhoz vezethet részvényenként. Továbbá a részvénytakarékprogramok lehetővé teszik a kisebb befektetők számára is a drágább részvényekhez való hozzáférést, hiszen már kis összegekkel is részt vehetnek benne. A rendszeres befektetés ráadásul elősegíti a fegyelmezett befektetési stratégiát, valamint segít elkerülni az érzelmi döntések, mint az impulzív vásárlás vagy eladás. Ezenkívül a befektetők a részvények potenciális értéknövekedéséből, valamint az újrainvesztítható osztalékfizetésekből is profitálhatnak, ami fokozza a kamatos kamat hatását és így az befektetett tőke növekedését.
A Cisco Systems részvény az alábbi szolgáltatóknál megtakarítási tervben elérhető: Trade Republic, ING, Scalable Capital és Consorsbank
Andere Kennzahlen von Cisco Systems
Az Cisco Systems Árbevétel részvényeink elemzése fontos pénzügyi mutatókat tartalmaz, mint a bevétel, nyereség, P/E arány, P/S arány, EBIT, valamint információkat a osztalékról. Ezenkívül megvizsgáljuk olyan szempontokat, mint a részvények, piaci kapitalizáció, adósságok, saját tőke és kötelezettségek a Cisco Systems Árbevétel esetében. Ha ezekkel a témákkal kapcsolatban részletesebb információkat keres, aloldalainkon részletes elemzéseket kínálunk:
- Cisco Systems Árbevétel
- Cisco Systems Nyereség
- Cisco Systems P/E arány
- Cisco Systems KUV
- Cisco Systems EBIT
- Cisco Systems Osztalék
- Cisco Systems Részvények
- Cisco Systems Piaci kapitalizáció
- Cisco Systems Adósság
- Cisco Systems Kötelezettségek
- Cisco Systems Saját tőke
- Cisco Systems AAQS
- Cisco Systems Alkalmazottak
- Cisco Systems ROE
- Cisco Systems ROA
- Cisco Systems ROCE