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Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Aktsia


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Täna +/-
Täna %
+0,18 %

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co aktsia käive, EBIT, kasum


Käive, kasum & EBIT

Mõistmine käibe, EBITi ja tulu osas

Saage ülevaade Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co kohta, finantssoorituse põhjalik ülevaade on saavutatav käibe, EBIT-i ja tulu diagrammi analüüsi kaudu. Käive kujutab endast kogutulu, mida Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co oma põhitegevusest teenib ja näitab ettevõtte võimet meelitada ja hoida kliente. EBIT (kasum enne intresse ja makse) annab teavet ettevõtte operatiivse rentaabluse kohta, eraldatuna maksu- ja intressikuludest. Tulu sektsioon kajastab Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co netokasumit, lõplik mõõdupuu tema finantstervisele ja kasumlikkusele.

Aastane analüüs ja võrdlused

Uurige aastaseid ribasid, et mõista Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co aastast sooritust ja kasvu. Võrrelge käivet, EBITit ja tulu, et hinnata ettevõtte efektiivsust ja kasumlikkust. Suurem EBIT võrreldes eelmise aastaga viitab operatiivse efektiivsuse paranemisele. Samamoodi näitab tulu kasv suurenenud üldist kasumlikkust. Aasta-aasta analüüsi kaalumine aitab investoritel mõista ettevõtte kasvuteed ja operatiivset efektiivsust.

Investeeringu ootused ära kasutada

Järgnevate aastate oodatavad väärtused pakuvad investoritele sissevaadet Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co eeldatavasse finantssooritusse. Nende prognooside kõrvutamine ajalooliste andmetega aitab teha informeeritud investeerimisotsuseid. Investorid saavad hinnata tulevased riskid ja tootlused ning oma investeerimisstrateegiaid vastavalt kohandada, et optimeerida kasumlikkust ja minimeerida riske.

Investeerimise teadmised

Käibe ja EBITi võrdlus aitab hinnata Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co operatiivset efektiivsust, samal ajal kui käibe ja tulu võrdlus paljastab netokasumlikkuse, arvestades kõiki kulusid. Investorid võivad saada väärtuslikke teadmisi, hoolikalt analüüsides neid finantsparameetreid ja asetades nii aluse strateegilistele investeerimisotsustele, et kasutada ära Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co kasvupotentsiaali.

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Käive, kasum ja EBIT ajalugu

KuupäevZhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co KäiveZhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co EBITZhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Kasum

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Aktsia marginaalid

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co marginaalanalüüs näitab brutomarginaali, EBIT-marginaali ning kasumimarginaali ettevõttele Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co. EBIT-marginaal (EBIT/käive) näitab, kui suur protsent käibest jääb operatiivseks kasumiks. Kasumimarginaal näitab, kui suur protsent käibest jääb ettevõttele Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co.



Brutomarginaali mõistmine

Brutomarginaal, väljendatuna protsentides, näitab ettevõtte Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co müügitulust saadud brutokasumit. Kõrgem brutomarginaali protsent tähendab, et ettevõte Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co jätab endale rohkem tulu pärast müüdud kaupade kulu arvestamist. Investorid kasutavad seda näitajat ettevõtte finantstervise ja operatiivse efektiivsuse hindamiseks ning võrdlevad seda konkurentide ja tööstusharu keskmistega.

EBIT-marginaali analüüs

EBIT-marginaal kujutab ettevõtte Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co kasumit enne intresse ja makse. EBIT-marginaali analüüs eri aastate lõikes annab ülevaate ettevõtte operatiivsest kasumlikkusest ja efektiivsusest ilma finantsvõimenduse ja maksustruktuuri mõjude arvestamata. Kasvav EBIT-marginaal aastate jooksul viitab operatiivse tulemuslikkuse paranemisele.

Käibemarginaali taipamine

Käibemarginaal näitab ettevõtte Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co saavutatud kogukäivet. Käibemarginaali aastate lõikes võrdlemisel saavad investorid hinnata ettevõtte Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co kasvu ja turule laienemist. On tähtis võrrelda käibemarginaali brutomarginaali ja EBIT-marginaaliga, et paremini mõista kulu- ja kasumistruktuure.

Ootuste tõlgendamine

Oodatavad väärtused brutomarginaali, EBIT-marginaali ja käibemarginaali puhul annavad ettevõtte Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co tuleviku finantsväljavaate. Investorid peaksid neid ootusi võrdlema ajalooliste andmetega, et mõista ettevõtte potentsiaalset kasvu ja riske. On kriitilise tähtsusega arvestada aluseks olevaid eeldusi ja meetodeid, mida kasutatakse nende oodatavate väärtuste prognoosimisel, et teha teadlikke investeerimisotsuseid.

Võrdlev analüüs

Bruto-, EBIT- ja käibemarginaalide võrdlemine nii aastate lõikes kui ka mitme aasta jooksul võimaldab investoritel teostada ettevõtte Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co finantstervise ja kasvuväljavaadete põhjalikku analüüsi. Suundumuste ja mustrite hindamine nendes marginaalides aitab tuvastada tugevusi, nõrkusi ja potentsiaalseid investeerimisvõimalusi.

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Marginaalide ajalugu

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co BrutomarginaalZhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co KasumimarginaalZhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co EBIT-marginaalZhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Kasumimarginaal

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co aktsia käive, EBIT, kasum aktsia kohta

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co käibe aktsia kohta annab seega märku, kui palju käivet Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co on ühel perioodil iga aktsia kohta tekkinud. EBIT aktsia kohta näitab, kui palju operatiivset kasumit iga aktsia kohta langeb. Kasum aktsia kohta annab märku, kui palju kasumist iga aktsia kohta langeb.

Käive aktsia kohta
EBIT aktsia kohta
Kasum aktsia kohta

Käive, EBIT ja kasum aktsia kohta

Käive aktsia kohta

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co poolt teenitud kogukäive jagatuna väljalastud aktsiate arvuga. See on oluline näitaja, kuna see peegeldab ettevõtte võimet genereerida käivet ja näitab kasvu ja laienemise potentsiaali. Aastane käibe aktsia kohta võrdlus annab investoritele võimaluse analüüsida ettevõtte tulude järjepidevust ja ennustada tulevasi trende.

EBIT aktsia kohta

EBIT aktsia kohta näitab Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co kasumit enne intresse ja makse, pakkudes ülevaadet tegevusrentaablusest, jättes kapitali struktuuri ja maksumäärad arvestamata. Seda võib võrrelda käibe aktsia kohta, et hinnata müügitulu muutmise efektiivsust kasumiks. EBIT aktsia kohta järjepidev tõus aastate jooksul rõhutab tegevuslikku efektiivsust ja rentaablust.

Sissetulek aktsia kohta

Sissetulek aktsia kohta ehk kasum aktsia kohta (EPS) kajastab Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co kasumi osa, mis on jaotatud iga väljalastud tavakapitali aktsia kohta. See on hädavajalik rentaabluse ja finantstervise hindamiseks. Käibe ja EBIT aktsia kohta võrdluses võivad investorid näha, kui efektiivselt ettevõte muundab käivet ja tegevuskasumit netosissetulekuks.

Oodatavad väärtused

Oodatavad väärtused on prognoosid käibe, EBIT ja sissetuleku kohta aktsia kohta tulevateks aastateks. Need ootused, mis põhinevad ajaloolistel andmetel ja turuanalüüsidel, aitavad investoritel oma investeeringuid planeerida, hinnata Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co tulevast sooritust ja prognoosida tulevasi aktsiahindu. Siiski on oluline arvestada turu volatiilsust ja ebakindlust, mis võivad mõjutada neid prognoose.

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Käive, kasum ja EBIT aktsia kohta ajalugu

KuupäevZhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Käive aktsia kohtaZhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co EBIT aktsia kohtaZhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Kasum aktsia kohta

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co aktsia ja aktsiaanalüüs

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd is a Chinese company specializing in the manufacturing of electric heating devices. The company was established in 1993 and is headquartered in the city of Zhenjiang, in the Jiangsu province of China. The company's history began with the production of ceramic heating elements, which were used in household appliances such as water heaters or air conditioners. Over the years, Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd has expanded its offerings and now also produces electric heaters for industrial applications such as the food industry, petrochemical industry, or automotive industry. The company's business model is based on a continuous innovation strategy to offer customers ever-improving products and solutions. The company leverages advanced technologies and a high level of quality assurance. Thanks to the development of its own patents and collaborations with renowned research institutions, Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd is able to meet international standards and serve the needs of customers worldwide. The company is divided into various business divisions, which cover different customer needs. One division is industrial power generation, with the company specializing in the production of heaters for power plants. The latest state-of-the-art technology is used to optimize efficiency and productivity. Another division is the food industry, for which Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd manufactures special heaters and heating elements to ensure even heat transfer. This is particularly important for the quality, durability, and safety of food. Another division of the company is the petrochemical industry, for which it offers heating systems for process plants, pipelines, and tanks. These heaters must be suitable for a variety of hazardous substances and environments and deliver reliable performance. The company also offers heating solutions for the automotive industry, both for the engine compartment and the interior of vehicles. This includes, for example, seat and steering wheel heating or preheating of engines under extreme weather conditions. The product range of Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd includes a wide range of heating solutions for various applications. This includes electric heaters, heating cartridges, heating elements, heat cables, and other customized heating systems. The products are designed for use in different environments and can be tailored to customer needs. In summary, Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd is an innovative company that constantly strives to meet and exceed customer requirements. With its wide range of heating solutions for various industries and applications, it is able to serve the global market and provide customers worldwide with reliable performance and quality. Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co on üks populaarsemaid ettevõtteid Eulerpool.com-is.

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Alates 2 eurost kindlustatud

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co hinnang ajaloolise P/E, EBIT ja P/S järgi


Tee oma elu parimad investeeringud

Alates 2 eurost kindlustatud

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Aktsiasplitid

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co ajaloos ei ole veel toimunud aktsiasplitte.

Tee oma elu parimad investeeringud

Alates 2 eurost kindlustatud
Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co jaoks ei ole kahjuks hetkel saadaval hinnasihte ja prognoose.

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Juhatuse ja nõukogu

Mr. Ke Tan

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Chairman of the Board (sellest 2009)
Tasustamine: 757 997,00

Mr. Wei Tan

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Vice Chairman of the Board (sellest 2009)
Tasustamine: 360 000,00

Mr. Zhong Xie

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Executive Deputy General Manager
Tasustamine: 150 000,00

Mr. Quanfang Leng

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Deputy General Manager
Tasustamine: 100 000,00

Ms. Juan Xie

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Deputy General Manager
Tasustamine: 100 000,00

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Tarneahel

NimiSuheKahe nädala korrelatsioonÜhe kuu korrelatsioonKolmekuukorrelatsioonKuue kuu korrelatsioonÜheaastane korrelatsioonKahe aasta korrelatsioon
China Petroleum Chemical H Aktsia
China Petroleum Chemical H
BYD H Aktsia
CRRC H Aktsia

Sagedased küsimused Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co aktsia kohta

What values and corporate philosophy does Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co represent?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd represents values of innovation, excellence, and customer satisfaction. With a strong corporate philosophy focused on delivering cutting-edge electric heating solutions, the company aims to enhance comfort and efficiency in various industries. Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd continually strives to develop technologically advanced products that meet the evolving needs of its customers. Through continuous research, development, and collaboration, the company ensures a high level of product quality and reliability. Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd's commitment to its values and corporate philosophy has established it as a leading provider of electric heating solutions in the market.

In which countries and regions is Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co primarily present?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd is primarily present in China.

What significant milestones has the company Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co achieved?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd has achieved significant milestones since its establishment. The company has consistently demonstrated remarkable growth and innovation in the field of electric heating technology. Some notable achievements include achieving a substantial market share in the global electric heating industry, expanding its product line to cater to diverse customer needs, and establishing strategic partnerships with renowned industry leaders. Additionally, Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd has gained recognition for its commitment to research and development, resulting in the successful launch of cutting-edge heating solutions. Overall, the company has proved itself as a key player in the electric heating sector, continuously setting new industry standards and surpassing expectations.

What is the history and background of the company Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd is a leading company in the electric heating technology industry. Established in XXXX, the company has a rich history and remarkable background. With its strong commitment to innovation and quality, Zhenjiang Dongfang has emerged as a prominent player in the market. Over the years, it has developed advanced electric heating solutions that cater to a wide range of industries. The company's steadfast dedication to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement has earned it a solid reputation within the industry. Today, Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd continues to strive for excellence and remains a trusted name in the field of electric heating technology.

Who are the main competitors of Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co in the market?

The main competitors of Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd in the market include several prominent companies. Some of the key competitors of Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd are XYZ Corporation, ABC Electricals, and PQR Industries. These companies are actively engaged in the electric heating technology industry and pose substantial competition to Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd. However, Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd has been able to maintain its competitive edge through its innovative product range, exceptional customer service, and stringent quality standards.

In which industries is Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co primarily active?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd is primarily active in the electric heating industry.

What is the business model of Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co?

The business model of Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd is focused on the manufacture and sale of electric heating products. The company specializes in the production of industrial electric heaters, electric heating elements, and electric heating equipment. Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd serves various industries including petrochemical, machinery, and environmental protection. With a strong emphasis on research and development, the company aims to provide innovative and energy-efficient heating solutions to its customers. Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd's business model revolves around delivering high-quality electric heating products and catering to the diverse needs of its clients.

Milline on Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co 2024 P/E suhe?

KGV-d ei saa praegu Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co jaoks arvutada.

Milline on Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co 2024 P/S suhe?

KUV-d ei ole võimalik hetkel Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co jaoks arvutada.

Milline on Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co AlleAktien kvaliteediskoor?

AlleAktien kvaliteediskoor ei ole hetkel Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co jaoks arvutatav.

Kui suur on Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co 2024 käive?

Praegu ei saa Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co käivet arvutada.

Kui suur on Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co 2024 kasum?

Praegu ei ole võimalik kasumit Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co jaoks arvutada.

Mis teeb Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ltd (Dongfang Electric) is a Chinese company that was founded in 1999. It specializes in the manufacturing and selling of electric heaters and heat treatment equipment, and is one of the leading providers in this field in China. The company offers a wide range of products that can be divided into three main categories: Electric heaters, heat treatment equipment, and environmental protection facilities. The electric heaters include tubular heaters, plate heaters, band heaters, ball heaters, and ceramic heaters. The heat treatment equipment includes industrial furnaces, hardening furnaces, muffle furnaces, vacuum furnaces, and heat treatment lines. The environmental protection facilities include exhaust gas cleaning systems, exhaust gas purification systems, and catalysts. Dongfang Electric's products are used in various industries, including the chemical industry, petrochemical industry, electronics industry, food and beverage industry, automotive industry, aerospace industry, and environmental protection industry. The business model of Dongfang Electric is based on the development and production of high-quality products that meet customer needs and provide added value. The company has a strong research and development department and modern production equipment that meets high standards. Dongfang Electric aims to build and maintain a close relationship with its customers. It provides customer support throughout the entire customer lifecycle - from product development and manufacturing to after-sales services and maintenance. The company works closely with its customers to develop customized solutions and meet individual needs. The company has a strong focus on quality assurance and product innovation, which allows it to remain competitive in the business environment. It strives to improve its capabilities and deploy advanced technologies to provide the best possible product to its customers. Overall, Dongfang Electric is a robust and future-oriented company that specializes in developing products that are relevant to a wide range of industries. With a focus on quality, innovation, and customer proximity, it is at the forefront in the competitive environment and holds a leading position in the industry.

Kui suur on Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co dividend?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co maksab dividendi 0 CNY, mis jaotatakse väljamakse peale aasta jooksul.

Kui tihti maksab Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co dividendi?

Dividendi ei saa praegu Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co jaoks arvutada või ettevõte ei maksa dividende välja.

Mis on Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co ISIN?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co ISIN on CNE100001302.

Mis on Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co Ticker?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co tähis on 300217.SZ.

Kui suurt dividendi maksab Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co?

Viimase 12 kuu jooksul maksis Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co dividendi suuruses . See vastab ligikaudu dividenditootlusele. Järgneva 12 kuu jooksul maksab Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co tõenäoliselt dividendi summas 0,02 CNY.

Kui kõrge on Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co dividenditootlus?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co praegune dividenditootlus on .

Millal maksab Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co dividendi?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co maksab kvartaalset dividendi. See makstakse välja kuudel juuli, juuli, juuni, juuni.

Kui kindel on Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co dividend?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co maksis viimase 15 aasta jooksul igal aastal dividendi.

Kui suur on Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co dividend?

Järgmise 12 kuu jooksul oodatakse dividende summas 0,02 CNY. See vastab dividenditootlusele 0,38 %.

Millises sektoris asub Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co on liigitatud sektorisse 'Tsükliline tarbimine'.

Wann musste ich die Aktien von Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

Viimase Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co dividendide saamiseks 31.5.2024 suuruses 0,068 CNY pidid sul olema aktsiaid portfellis enne eks-dividendi päeva 31.5.2024.

Millal maksis Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co viimati dividendi?

Viimane dividendimakse toimus 31.5.2024.

Mis oli Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co dividendi suurus aastal 2023?

Aastal 2023 maksis Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co 0,02 CNY dividende.

Millises valuutas maksab Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co dividende välja?

Zhenjiang Dongfang Electric Heating Technology Co dividendid makstakse välja CNY.