Кой е доставчикът на Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF?
Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF се предлага от Direxion, водеща компания в сферата на пасивните инвестиции.
The Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF (Ticker: EMTY) is a unique exchange-traded fund that provides investors with the opportunity to profit from a decline in the share price of Amazon.com Inc. The fund seeks daily investment results, before fees and expenses, of 100% of the inverse of the daily performance of the Solactive eCommerce Titans Index. The idea for the Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF originated from the increasing interest of investors to capitalize on market trends and the popularity of ETFs as an investment vehicle. Direxion, a leading provider of alternative investment solutions, recognized the need for a bearish ETF that could provide investors with the potential to generate profits when the stock market is falling. The fund was launched in November 2018, and as of September 2021, it had approximately $45 million in assets under management. The ETF's net expense ratio is 0.59%, which is relatively higher than most other ETFs due to the specialized nature of the fund. The Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF invests primarily in financial instruments, such as derivatives, that reflect the inverse of the performance of the Solactive eCommerce Titans Index, which comprises the top 20 companies in the global eCommerce industry. The fund is a non-diversified fund, meaning that it may invest a significant amount of its assets in a single issuer, such as Amazon.com Inc. As an inverse ETF, the Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF moves in the opposite direction of the benchmark, that is, when the benchmark falls, the ETF's value goes up, and when the benchmark rises, the ETF's value goes down. The ETF is designed to provide investors with a daily inverse leveraged exposure to the performance of the benchmark index, which means that the fund has the potential to magnify the returns when the market is volatile. The Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF is classified as an inverse ETF and also falls under the category of Sector Equity ETFs. The purpose of Sector Equity ETFs is to provide investors with exposure to specific sectors of the economy, such as technology, healthcare, or financials. The Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF specifically targets the eCommerce sector, as represented by the Solactive eCommerce Titans Index. The ETF may be suitable for investors who have a bearish outlook on the eCommerce sector or wish to hedge their exposure to Amazon.com Inc. The fund is not intended to be held for an extended period, and investors should only expect the opposite daily returns of the benchmark index. In summary, the Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF is a specialized ETF that enables investors to capitalize on the decline of Amazon.com Inc's stock price by taking an inverse position. The fund invests primarily in financial instruments that mirror the inverse of the performance of the Solactive eCommerce Titans Index. The ETF is classified as an inverse ETF and falls under the category of Sector Equity ETFs, specifically targeting the eCommerce industry. Investors may find the ETF suitable for hedging or short-term trading purposes.
Борса | Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF Тикер |
Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF се предлага от Direxion, водеща компания в сферата на пасивните инвестиции.
ISIN на Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF е US25461A5020
Общата стойност на разходите за Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF възлиза на 1,09 %, което означава, че инвеститорите плащат 109,00 USD на всеки 10.000 USD инвестиран капитал годишно.
ETF-ът е котиран в USD.
Европейските инвеститори могат да имат допълнителни разходи за валутен обмен и транзакционни разходи.
Не, Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF не отговаря на директивите за защита на инвеститорите Ucits на ЕС.
Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF проследява развитието на стойността на Amazon.com, Inc..
Средният обем на търговията на Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF в момента е 56 501,41.
Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF е домицилиран в US.
Фондът стартира на 7.09.2022 г.
Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF инвестира предимно в компании от Циклични потребителски стоки.
NAV на Direxion Daily AMZN Bear 1X Shares ETF възлиза на 10,46 млн. USD.
Инвестициите могат да бъдат извършвани чрез брокери или финансови институции, които предоставят достъп до търговия с ETF-и.
ETF-ът се търгува на борсата, подобно на акции.
Да, ETF може да бъде държан в обикновен депозит за ценни книжа.
ETF-ът е подходящ както за краткосрочни, така и за дългосрочни инвестиционни стратегии, в зависимост от целите на инвеститора.
ETF-ът се оценява всеки борсов ден.
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Към рисковете се отнасят пазарните колебания, рисковете от валутни курсове и риска от по-малки компании.
ETF-ът е задължен да докладва редовно и прозрачно за своите инвестиции.
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