Сигурна ли е Yoma Strategic Holdings дивидентата?
Yoma Strategic Holdings увеличава дивидентата си от 1 години.
През последните 10 години Yoma Strategic Holdings ги е увеличил със средно 0 % годишно намален.
На 5-годишна база падна разпределението с 0 %.
Анализаторите очакват за текущата финансова година ръст от -100,000%.
Yoma Strategic Holdings Aktienanalyse
Какво прави Yoma Strategic Holdings?
Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd is a leading developer and operator of real estate, trading, and infrastructure projects in Myanmar. The company was founded in 1952 and is headquartered in Singapore. Since the country's liberalization in 2011, Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd has recognized and successfully implemented many investment opportunities in Myanmar.
The business model of Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd focuses on creating long-term value for its shareholders through the development and management of real estate, trading, and infrastructure projects in Myanmar. The company works closely with the government, local businesses, and communities to make its projects more effective and ensure long-term profitability.
Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd specializes in various sectors, including real estate development, trading businesses, automobile distribution, F&B restaurants, hospitality, and construction and engineering. Through its various sectors, Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd is able to be broadly diversified and more resistant to market fluctuations.
Real estate development has always been one of the main sectors of Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd. Over the years, the company has acquired and developed more than 18 million square meters of land in Myanmar. One of the largest ongoing developments is the Landmark development project in Yangon, which encompasses a 10-hectare plot of land along the Yangon River. The development will be a comprehensive urban renewal project, including residential units, offices, retail spaces, hotels, recreational facilities, and parks. The Landmark project is one of the largest real estate projects in Myanmar and aims to create a new city center for Yangon.
The trading and hospitality sectors of Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd include a range of brands and companies. The company owns and operates the KFC franchise in Myanmar, as well as Paulaner Bräuhaus, Pundari, and the Japanese supermarket City Mart. These brands have successfully expanded their presence in Myanmar in recent years and are now nationwide.
Another important business area of Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd is automobile distribution. The company is the exclusive distributor of Mazda vehicles in Myanmar and recently opened a new Mazda distribution center. The company has also partnered with leading Chinese automobile brand Foton to distribute their commercial vehicles in Myanmar.
The construction and engineering division of Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd is also a significant area for the company. The company is the exclusive distributor of JCB construction equipment in Myanmar and provides construction and engineering services for major infrastructure projects.
In summary, Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd offers a wide range of products and services for various industries in Myanmar. The company has built a successful business model based on the development of long-term partnerships with local communities and businesses. In the future, Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd will continue to invest in Myanmar to benefit from the emerging opportunities in this growing market. Yoma Strategic Holdings е една от най-популярните компании на Eulerpool.com.Акционерните спестовни планове предлагат привлекателен начин за инвеститорите да изградят дългосрочно богатство. Едно от основните предимства е така нареченият ефект на средната цена при покупка: като редовно се инвестира фиксирана сума в акции или акционерни фондове, автоматично се купуват повече дялове, когато цените са ниски, и по-малко, когато са високи. Това може да доведе до по-изгодна средна цена на дял във времето. Освен това акционерните спестовни планове позволяват дори на малките инвеститори да получат достъп до скъпи акции, тъй като могат да участват с малки суми. Редовната инвестиция също насърчава дисциплиниран подход към инвестирането и помага да се избегнат емоционални решения, като импулсивно купуване или продаване. Допълнително инвеститорите се възползват от потенциалното увеличение на стойността на акциите, както и от дивидентните изплащания, които могат да бъдат реинвестирани, усилвайки компаундиращия ефект и така растежа на инвестирания капитал.