Henderson Far East Income Ltd is a UK-based investment company that invests in various industries in Asia. The company focuses on fixed-income securities, stocks, and other assets in the Asia-Pacific region, including Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. Its goal is to provide investors with attractive and sustainable returns.
Henderson Far East Income offers a variety of investment products, including investment funds, ETFs, and bond funds. The company also provides individual investment strategies tailored to the needs of each client. It aims to achieve maximum returns for its investors through carefully selected portfolios and active management.
The company operates in various business areas, with its largest being the stock market. It focuses on investing in stocks of companies in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly established companies with strong fundamentals and promising growth companies.
Another important area is the bond market, where the company primarily invests in government, corporate, and public institution bonds issued in the Asia-Pacific region. This is seen as a way to enhance stability and diversification in its portfolios, and also offers protection against inflation.
Henderson Far East Income also has specialized funds that focus on specific sectors in the Asia-Pacific region, including emerging markets, newcomers, technology, and infrastructure. Another fund invests in dividend-paying companies.
The company adopts an active investment strategy, using both quantitative and qualitative methods to optimize its portfolios. Portfolios are regularly reviewed and adjusted in consultation with clients to align with current market movements.
Sustainability and governance are important considerations in Henderson Far East Income's selection of investment instruments. The company takes into account environmental, social, and governance factors to identify long-term investment opportunities while also assuming social and environmental responsibility.
Overall, Henderson Far East Income offers a wide range of investment products and solutions for investors looking to invest in the dynamic economies of Asia. With its active investment strategy and commitment to sustainability and governance, the company is well positioned to continue achieving attractive returns for its investors.